

World changes overnight, a mysterious status window appear before them. Unknown changes brought upon humanity, a unique character for everyone, unique abilities, unique path of growth. The protagonist , a homeless virgin orphan lost his last hope of living with him fired on his job as game designer in accuse of stealing the idea cuts his hand to commit suicide due to his weird liking and his past actions given him 3 possible paths to his future 1) Vampire [due to lust of blood] 2) Incubus [daily masturbation for past 5 years] 3) ??? [due to being able to what others cant see and see what you shouldn't see] But due to his unknown sleeping power that sleeping within him all the paths taken away leaving the *WANCUPIRE* Lead him on a journey to be the top(?) of the universe. . . . Countless Galaxy's and cosmoses' away beings that stands on the top the Supreme Rulers 'The GODS' watches everything as a start of new race for entertainment and requirements of potential subordinates missed to see the change made by the power hidden within the protagonist. . . . But a cheerful melodies voice hidden on the dark of chaos came "Oh, huhuhu finally something interesting is happening other than the stupid play by the so called 'GODS'" the she paused for a bit and looked further deep or the other side of chaos "Maybe he is the key to the survival of this reality" *Hello guys this is my first time writing a story other than writing on exams. Most of my story is based on my inspiration on the novel I read and some personal imaginations on what if it happens on reality. And also English is not my language so bare with writings and comment your thoughts on it*

beymad_1804 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

chapter0- Dusk that brought dawn

*On Peace city*

A beautiful dusk with a red sky warmly welcoming the chill night of December. The roads are packed with people returning to their houses from office and people got out of their house to spend their weekend. The sound of joy can be heard everywhere with the weekend and Christmas eve coming in a row. Suddenly a sound of an mild explosion can be heard every corner of the world, the whole world fell on silence for a moment.

A notification sound heard to every person on the Earth. They felt a sudden surge of unknown energy from deep underground simultaneously. Different kind of expression can be seen in the peoples face some felt pain in whole body made them losing their conscious and wake up with eyes devoid of life and emotions, some had a better time felt a slight momentary pain gone as soon as it came filled them with life. And so the Earth lost two third its of population leaving the remaining to fight the past companions, fellow humans and other inhuman monsters.

The peace city lost its peace....

*On top of a seven floor building*

Alex lying down on the floor with mouthful of blood and a cut on his wrist healing at a noticeable speed without knowing the changes happening within him and his surrounding.

*Fifteen minutes earlier*

Alex the hardworking young man holding a knife on his hand plans to cut his wrist, for a moment he stopped and looked at the adjacentseven floor building where all his plans for his future , career, love and friendship all shattered and made him hopeless in his life.

Thinking of his friend's betrayal he felt dejected the ones with whom he grew up from his orphanage to till now were not what they showed him, he now realize that they were always using him for their profit and now when he completed a project that could pretty much settle their future they thought he was not needed anymore backstabbed him by selling his project to his opposite company.

The company made him responsible and fired him, no one that worked in the office stood up for him even the office belle Lora whom he had a crush too not stand up, what can she do with both of her parents died last year only she was there to take care of her 6 year old sister. He talked with her afterward only to find she too warned to cut off all relations with if she want to keep this job by the GM who also pursing her.

Not wanting to bring her any trouble he prayed in his heart for her happy life and he too cut his wrist. The bright red blood came from his wrist but for some unknown reason his weird attraction to blood since his childhood was intensified he tried to taste his blood which gave him a slight bitter taste resembling his sadness...

He lost his conscious and died...



Humm, I should have died.... why do I still feel pain ....

Amidst of his thoughts he heard numerous screaming sounds, but a particular scream brought him back to conscious with a pair of bright red and purple eye glowing he jumped to the adjacent building where the scream came from....

Thus his unknown journey to a future full of mystery began...

My first ever novel chapter give me some comments and advices bye..........

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