

World changes overnight, a mysterious status window appear before them. Unknown changes brought upon humanity, a unique character for everyone, unique abilities, unique path of growth. The protagonist , a homeless virgin orphan lost his last hope of living with him fired on his job as game designer in accuse of stealing the idea cuts his hand to commit suicide due to his weird liking and his past actions given him 3 possible paths to his future 1) Vampire [due to lust of blood] 2) Incubus [daily masturbation for past 5 years] 3) ??? [due to being able to what others cant see and see what you shouldn't see] But due to his unknown sleeping power that sleeping within him all the paths taken away leaving the *WANCUPIRE* Lead him on a journey to be the top(?) of the universe. . . . Countless Galaxy's and cosmoses' away beings that stands on the top the Supreme Rulers 'The GODS' watches everything as a start of new race for entertainment and requirements of potential subordinates missed to see the change made by the power hidden within the protagonist. . . . But a cheerful melodies voice hidden on the dark of chaos came "Oh, huhuhu finally something interesting is happening other than the stupid play by the so called 'GODS'" the she paused for a bit and looked further deep or the other side of chaos "Maybe he is the key to the survival of this reality" *Hello guys this is my first time writing a story other than writing on exams. Most of my story is based on my inspiration on the novel I read and some personal imaginations on what if it happens on reality. And also English is not my language so bare with writings and comment your thoughts on it*

beymad_1804 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 1-I am dead.....again ?????

He ran towards the scream without even realising he jumped to the next building that is 10 feet distance and crashed the locked roof door barged towards 6th floor without realising the lifeless eyes following him.

When he reached the place he found Lora being running towards him followed by two zombies he took a solid second to accept the reality and found he himself led another zombie from 7th floor.

Taking Lora for his in him arms who was shocked by his appearance covered with blood and hid her behind him.

Despite being filled with fear he tried to come with a way to fend off those zombies, when the one that chased him arrived in front of him his eyes glowed red and his body acted on his own instinct and blocked the zombies attack and took the nearby flower vase and stroked on its head, with one down he was catching his breath as it being his first time killing something other than insects.

While he was at it he felt a wave to energy that strengthen his body. Astonished Alex not have any time to think further as the other two zombies got closer he fought them all his might but while he was distracted with one another got closer to Lora.

Hearing her shrill he was distracted a second and cornered by the zombie, he thought 'it will be better if I had any better blade I might succeed', as if his word come true a short blade of 18 inches appeared in his hand leaving astonishment he felt as if he became further strong and slashed the blade at the zombies he cleaved their head in a slash.

But he was late, that zombie bit herby the time he arrived to save her. His eyes lost its light and became lifeless and stormed to that zombies and killed them. With that rage burned within him he headed downstairs and killed all those zombies he came on the way.

When he came outside the building he saw many more zombies and large sized dogs, bugs and cats, but more importantly he saw a group of people wearing a similar uniform and saving other people seeing him one of such officer came to him to save him. He was reluctant to go but he was forced to go with them so he went with them but on their way to the safe house he was asked some questions he didn't understand. When they neared the safe house a large snake came from underground and attacked them before the reinforcement came they all were dead.

While lying on the ground at the last breath he thought that he was going to die...again....

But did he really die?...


<Dream sight ended>

<MISSION: Save Lora and survive>