
Delivery 'Man'

The musculine man put down this wineglass then picked his car keys ,he finally made a decision.


A knock came on the apartment door ,the instant he stepped out of the shower ,he tied a white towel around his narrow waist ,the water was still in his body ,Derek used another towel to wipe out the water as he made his way out of his bedroom to the sitting room .

He opened the door and a delivery man was there ,his face properly covered by a red baseball cap.

The delivery Man was shocked seeing the half naked man....sexy one to be precise.He quickly lowered his head , feeling a nosebleed coming up.

Derek arched a brow seeing the delivery Man "How may I help you ... please"He asked , hanging the towel around his neck now.,his hair was still very much damp.

"Pizza delivery,You ordered..sir"The delivery Man quickly said , trying 'his' best to maintain professionalism.Gosh ,can this man be less tempting .

Derek grunted then hit his head , totally forgotten he ordered a pizza.

"Ooh,thanks"Derek said and collected the Pizza "Huh,I will be right back"He said ,and quickly went back inside his room to get money.

The delivery 'Man' raised 'his' head immediately the door closed ,'his' eyes gleamed with something unknown .

The door opened again and 'he' quickly lowered his head .

"Okay. ...Here you go"Derek said handing the Delivery man ,a few dollars .The delivery Man quickly collected it , turned back and walked away hurriedly .

Derek humped seeing the delivery Man walking away so fast like that and shrugged before shutting the door close again.

Derek placed the Pizza on the dinning room ,then walked back inside this bedroom to get dressed.

$$$$$$$ OUTSIDE $$$$$$$$

The delivery 'Man' stood in the darkest corner ,he removed the baseball cap ,and a black long hair was set loose ,the hair bounced on her back.

A beautiful feminine face was revealed.

A small smile creeped on her lips ,as her sharp eyes stared at the apartment door .

"Am back Derek Albrecht,Back to claim you"The girl whispered before chuckling then disappeared into the darkest night .

★★★★<©∆©< ★★★★

A red flashy Ferrari pulled up Into the Mansion ,a shiny shoe stepped out of the car and a tall frame body followed after .His eyes scanned his environment and a soft breath left his lips , It's has been quite long since he has been here .

He walked towards the door ,quite anxious but was perfectly hidden in his stern looks .

"Welcome back Master "The house keeper greeted even more surprised to see the Man .

"Good Evening Sir"The Assistant greeted as well with due respect to the man.

The Man nodded then looked at the Housekeeper,The house keeper quickly lowered her head feeling his gaze on her.

"Prepare Hot Coffee for me ,...the usual"The Man said before going up the stairs hurriedly.

The house Keeper quickly hurried to tend to his request .