
Handsome man

The black car drove into a big Mansion ,the assistant quickly got down and opened the door ,the lady casually stepped out,her eyes roamed around her environment before she catwalked into the building .

The door automatically opened and she entered .An old housekeeper positioned her self by the door step ready to welcome her.

She bowed her head slightly seeing the lady enter,She was a bit surprised to see her home actually .

"Welcome back home Miss"The old house keeper greeted politely ,the lady nodded but no transparent emotions on her face as she scrutinized the house.

The Mansion spelt of luxurious wealth.The whole place was designed with gold .

The Lady sighed inwardly ,'Haa still the same no change'

The Lady climbed up the golden stairs leading to the second floor only four set of rooms were there ,The lady strolled down the hallway and stopped at the last door .

She took a deep breath then pushed it open revealing a dark room,the lady switched on the light and the room lighted up .

The room was quite large ,the interior design was expensive as well ,but was still cozy and homely unlike the rest of the Mansion which was cold and lonely like no one reside in them.

The lady kicked off her heels and slumped down on the bed quite exhausted .Few second later,her eyes slowly closed and she slipped off to sleep.

The assistant still stood by door ,not daring to move an inch.


"She is ....back"The musculine man asked again ,his expression was shaken ,not the regular stern look.

The slim man nodded"Yes boss"

The musculine then waved him off and the man disappeared again Into the darkness as if he never existed .

The musculine built man swirled the wineglass in his hand as he was lost in thought quite confused on how he would meet her.


"Home ...sweet home"Derek pushed open the door to his house and entered .

The house was a two bedroom apartment , properly furnished with low key furnitures ,a picture frame hanged on the wall and a few art frames from famous artists.

He dropped his bag on the soft couch,then made his way to the kitchen connected to the small dining section and sitting room.

The kitchen was well furnished with completes furnitures as well.

He hummed a song as he opened the refrigerator ,the fridge was stocked with necessary foodstuffs .He picked a fruit juice then poured it into a glass cup .,he downed it quickly and he felt satisfied .

He left the kitchen and went into his bedroom.

The bed was situated in the middle of the room,a nighttable beside it.

A full length mirror in one corner of the room and a dresser beside the built in wardrobe .A bathroom in another corner of the room.

Derek took off his shirt , revealing a sexy toned abs and torso .He pulled off his trousers leaving only his underwear on .

He walked into his bathroom ,stood in front of his mirror then slowly remove his nosemask .

Lol and behold ,an handsome face came into existence ,his green eyes shone like bright diamond ,his nose was sharp and his lips being thin was sexy to hell. His chin was strong and his jaw was perfectly sculptured .His face was to die for as it felt quite rare to come across such beauty.

He took a deep breath then entered inside the shower cubicle ,he turned on the shower and the warm water poured down his hair down to his body,the water flow down his body making him look extremely sexy .No woman will see him in this form and not feel turned on.

Unfortunately he never knows the effects he has on girls.