
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 28 Elements

Krens called the other party several times in succession, but Hayden still didn't respond, which made him a little anxious. Although Hayden did intend to use himself to accomplish some of his goals, the other party seemed to treat him well. , thinking of this, Kerens stretched out his arms to try to shake Hayden's body to wake him up.

Before Krens's arm touched Hayden, his closed eyes suddenly opened. Krens was so frightened that he took a step back. He thought that his employer would just hang up all of a sudden. It was dropped. Hayden's blue eyes were looking at Krens in front of him quietly. His calm eyes seemed to see through what he had just thought. Krens, who felt a little uncomfortable under Hayden's gaze, was embarrassed towards Hayden. He smiled, and then thought to himself, "The idea I just had was too dangerous. If the other party really has the ability to see through my own psychology, I'd better stop complaining about this stingy employer in the future."

Looking at Clence, who was about to try to wake him up just now, Hayden smiled at him with a hint of warmth on his pale face, as if he had guessed what Clence was saying in his heart, and said: "Don't try to escape. Debt, and even if I really die one day, it will be the same." After finishing speaking, Hayden looked at Krens with an expression with only gold coins in his eyes.

"Oh my god, I actually guessed it." Krens exclaimed in his heart, then quickly diverted his attention to stop himself from thinking about it any more. Then he changed the topic and nodded: "Mr. Hayden, I seem to have succeeded. ", while speaking, Kerens condensed the elements in the air into his hands. He did this with the inspiration given to him by the elemental heart in his mind, even though he had never really learned how to condense elements. method.

Dots of red light appeared out of thin air in the air, and then floated towards Krensi's palm. A ball of red, flame-like elements condensed little by little in Krensi's small palm, and the fiery element gradually spread over him. A ball of flame formed in his hand, and even the surrounding air was distorted by its heat, but his palm did not feel any heat. He only felt that the flame could be controlled as freely as his own body.

It's just that this group of barely condensed flames doesn't seem to be as big as he expected, only the size of an egg, but its power can still be seen in the scorching heat.

Quietly watching Krensi demonstrate the little condensation method he had learned, Hayden praised with satisfaction: "Yes, the first condensation can be successful, and what you condensate is the element of fire. It is the one with the most powerful attack power, which shows that your affinity with the fire element is very high."

"So what other elements does Mr. Hayden have?" Krens asked curiously after hearing the concept of the fire element he proposed.

"Earth, fire, water, wind, these four", Hayden replied slowly.

Krens nodded to indicate that he had remembered. Looking at the pale Mr. Hayden, he couldn't help but asked with concern: "Mr. Hayden, you seem to be injured?"

Hayden shook his head to indicate that he was fine, and did not explain to Kerens that he used power to penetrate into his body to try to help him complete the second, most difficult step of taming. However, what made him very confused was that Kerens actually did it without outside intervention. He had already completed the taming on his own. He had known that every elementalist would have to use external force to tame the elemental heart. There would be no exceptions, but this exception appeared in Kerens today.

Hayden then changed the topic to the good luck hat on Clence's head and said casually to him: "You should be very clear about the effect of this unlucky hat, right?"

Krensi nodded slightly to indicate that he understood, but at this moment, he was sweating in his heart as he thought, he still doesn't know if today's so-called guidance was successful because of the luck of the good-luck hat. , if it is really its luck that helps it escape from danger, then it is scary to think about what kind of misfortune it will usher in.

An unexpected change happened. Before Krens could respond, the good luck hat on his head suddenly made a harsh and hungry sound, and slowly moved away from Krens's head and floated towards Hayden. It passed, but it didn't try to use the Kerens under the brim of the hat as food. Its intuition told it that the human in front of it was the guy who pinched itself last time. If this hat could talk, it would definitely say at this moment : "This human prevented me from enjoying his time, and I want revenge."

"This hat doesn't seem very smart. Fortunately, I can't really use it." Hayden had this idea in his mind with a calm face, but this time he did not reach out and pinch the brim of the hat like last time, because As soon as the good luck hat floated towards Hayden, Krensi swooped up and pressed the greedy hat with his own body. Then he raised his head and smiled apologetically at Mr. Hayden. .

Hayden, who had a smile on his face, looked at Clence and Hat, who seemed to be playing monkey tricks, with a faint smile. He didn't know which one of them was the monkey. The good-luck hat was struggling desperately under Clence's body. Although its size was only the size of a normal hat, its strength was far beyond what Krens could hold down with his body weight. The good-luck hat floated up with Krens in the small room. He kept spinning around in circles trying to get rid of the Krens on him.

"Damn it, Mr. Hayden, I'm afraid of heights." Krens called for help in a very unsatisfactory manner. Hayden, who originally planned to continue watching the show, took action. He gently raised his arm, and then made a move from the water. The huge condensed palms grabbed Cluns and the Good Luck Top Hat, and then tightly grabbed Cluns and the Good Luck Top Hat, which were spinning in circles, and then their movements came to an abrupt halt.

Snap! A sound.

Krensi and the good-luck hat fell from the air, but he fell face-to-face with the ground. Perhaps the good-luck hat suddenly imposed a small bad luck on him. Krens's legs were bulging. That point hit the spot hard, and the expression on his face instantly took on a strange meaning. Fortunately, the height was very low, otherwise Krens could really consider being the first father-in-law in this world.

The only one who felt the pain was Clence, who was made of flesh. As for the hat, it naturally didn't feel the pain. It was trying to slowly float out from under Clence's body.

Hayden smiled and said to Krens who was lying on the ground: "Krence, as an employee, you actually know how to let your employer see such a wonderful performance. Almost, I am really worried that you may waste time with a beautiful lady in the future. A chance for us to spend the evening together."

Speaking of this, Hayden took a rather strange look at the lower body of Krens. The look in his eyes made Krens legs tighten and his heart went crazy. He had the urge to take off his pants immediately to see if they were The mood is still intact.

"I decided to give you something to thank you for such a wonderful performance," Hayden said, looking at Krens.

"what"? Kerens endured the pain between his legs and stood up slowly, holding on to the sofa beside him.

Click click click….

At this moment, the good-luck hat quickly floated to Hayden's head, but just like last time, the brim of the hat was still tightly held and could no longer move forward even half an inch. Then Hayden calmly picked up the hat from behind. He took out a gem that exuded green light from his pocket. After the green gem appeared, many unreal plants appeared out of thin air in Hayden's room, lingering in the middle of the gem, and then with this With the light of a gem, the leaves of those plants were waving slowly, as if greeting this green gem.