
Walking on Destiny

Steam, transcendent, noble, shadow, perfect witch... Sir, would you like to have a supernatural medium given by the gods? This must be very crazy, Aha! I saw it, I saw the pore of fate, this is the arrival of a new era, or another beginning of the war between gods...! Madness is the style of this world, hunger is the daily routine of this world, praise, the hauncontrollable destiny

Chanjan · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Chapter 1 An Unfriendly World

St. John's Imperial Era Calendar, 203, it was a hot afternoon. The scorching sun in the sky was releasing its own temperature, roasting the poor people who worked for a few pieces of black bread and thick beetroot soup every day. Their bodies were left with patches of sunburn that could not be covered by their dark skin. No one would pity them. All they could do was pray silently in their hearts, asking the goddess of the night to make their black bread bigger today.

Poverty, hunger, and disease have brought countless wars. As the relationship with the Surant United Empire in the south becomes tense, the nobles and rich people who control food, metal and other resources have spotted the opportunity to prepare for the war. Make a good profit when the war is about to come.

This triggered a demonstration by workers to protest. Because of the rising prices of food and fuel, they could no longer afford to eat. The number of strikes gradually spread, but in the end this resistance was short-lived and lasted only a few days. All the initiators of the rebellion secretly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. The riot ended so briefly and quickly, and no one recalled it anymore.

In the western part of the St. John's Empire, near the coastline, there is a small town full of war scars. Workers on the dock are busy carrying the goods on the ship. Next to them stand supervisors wearing blue clothes, holding leather whips in their hands. Urging the workers not to be lazy, the increasingly impatient expressions on their faces forced the workers to carry the goods quietly, not daring to make any noise, for fear that a whip would be whipped at them in the next second. They did not wait until the goods were moved. Had a moment of rest.

A young man wearing clothes full of repair marks said with a tired face to Old John sitting next to him: "Hey, the price of food has increased again today. Do you think war will really come so soon?"

Lying on the side, the man with some wrinkles on his face closed his eyes and replied lazily: "I only care about whether there are more sawdust in today's bread, will it affect the taste? Oh, and my favorite red bread." vegetable soup".

"Haha, Old John really looks like you," the young man laughed.

"Old John, how is that little thing you picked up? I hope he won't go to see the goddess so quickly." The young man said disdainfully, as if he couldn't understand what Old John did. After all, it was too extravagant for their good intentions. .

Old John, who was lying with his eyes closed, glanced at the young man next to him: "Little George, if you still talk so much nonsense, if that greedy Polokin hears it, I think your dinner today will definitely be very small. , because he will think you are not hungry."

When he heard the name Borodin, little George, who had planned to continue chatting with Old John, instantly fell down, as if he thought of something terrible, and then cursed in a low voice: "Humph, one day that damn Borodin will Punished by the goddess".

Old John turned his head and raised the corners of his mouth slightly. He was not interested in the goddess that little George was talking about.

The red moon replaces the scorching sun during the day and hangs in the sky. Under the red moonlight, everything looks extra magical. This is the red moon that appears on the last day of each month and rules the country during the rest of the month. There is a blue moon in the night sky. According to legend, these are the eyes of the goddess of the night, which come to observe all believers and sinners. The belief of the goddess of the night often has its so-called evangelists who go to various countries to spread the faith. The goddess is free and equal. , the belief that after the death of the goddess you will enter the goddess' kingdom, this has become the belief of workers and wanderers, because they desire fairness and faith, but the nobles often cannot accept this kind of preaching, thinking that the goddess is stealing their wealth.


The waves of pain coming from his head and body gradually woke up Buffon, who was lying on the cold ground. Buffon slowly opened his eyes in a daze, and all he could see was the blood in the sky. The red moon made Buffon, who had just woken up, feel extremely surprised and unfamiliar.

"What, what is going on, what the hell is that red moon?" Buffon, who could only make a hoarse voice, seemed to have discovered his current situation.

Passers-by walked by as if they couldn't see the boy lying on the ground. They consciously distanced themselves some distance, and from time to time they showed contemptuous eyes. No one was willing to help Buffon who was lying on the ground.

Looking at the passers-by with various hair colors and Western looks walking past him, and the linen clothes they wore, Buffon, who was lying on the ground, wondered whether he had gone abroad. Even if he had gone abroad, How to explain that red moon?

Holding back the pain, Buffon moved his arms, trying to sit up and ask where he was. However, the slender arms without any muscles made Buffon feel very unfamiliar, and there was that obvious The much smaller palm made Buffon, who was already half-sitting on the ground, stunned. He took a look at his body. His clothes were very torn, with oil stains and traces of blood everywhere. His height seemed to have shrunk, and a feeling of extreme unfamiliarity with himself came from his heart, which made Buffon suddenly break out in cold sweat between his brows.

"Am I dreaming? Could it be that I have traveled through time?" For a person who often reads online novels, sometimes he fantasizes about going on an adventure in another world or becoming a cultivator of immortality, which is particularly strange. It was a sweet dream, but if this kind of thing really happened to me, I would still feel inexplicable fear, and it seemed that I had entered an unfriendly world. The thoughts that gradually settled made Buffon sit where he was.


"Those in front of you should get out of here. Do you even dare to stop Master Hull's carriage?"

A burst of shouting caused the pedestrians walking on the road to duck and retreat to both sides of the road, leaving plenty of space for the carriage. It was obvious that the owner of the carriage was a very difficult person to mess with.

The sound of the coachman's voice also made Buffon, who was very confused, look over. A beautifully carved carriage with various complex patterns was driving towards his direction. It was obvious that he was sitting on the road where the other party was about to walk. .

The groom who was driving in the car showed no intention of stopping or avoiding the pedestrians in front of him with a cold expression. His right hand had already grasped the whip that drove the horse, and he yelled at Buffon who was still sitting on the road: "Damn mouse! Do you want to die under Uncle Bill's whip?".


Buffon, who was still sitting on the ground, coughed slightly weakly. He looked at the approaching carriage and staggered to the side dragging his unfamiliar and thin body. He looked around and looked at the unfamiliar environment around him.

When the carriage slowly passed through the middle of the crowd, the coachman in the carriage did not forget to look at Buffon with disgust.

Buffon didn't pay attention to the groom's eyes. He turned around and slowly walked to a dark and damp wall on the side of the road. He half-sat down and took a deep breath. All he could smell was the stench emanating from the surroundings. The pain he felt confirmed that he was not dreaming.

I really arrived in a strange world. With somewhat confused eyes, I began to recall what happened to me. I recalled what happened before. My last memory was that I was walking on the road and saw an out-of-control car heading toward me. It was coming in his own direction, but he had no time to dodge and was knocked away. Then he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he saw the blood-red moon above his head.

Sighing and shaking his head, he thought with some sadness in his heart, "I was supposed to be reading the latest comics and anime in the rental house. Who would have thought that I didn't die after being hit by a car but ended up in this hellish place, and how hard I had worked so hard?" My savings will not be stolen. If I had known that I would have bought all the figures I wanted to buy before I died, alas, no one would remember me. I am an orphan, I have no friends, and no one will care about me. Sad to myself".


A crisp sound exploded in Buffon's mind. Many unfamiliar memories seemed to have been forced onto Buffon. A tingling sensation was instantly felt in his brain. The expression on his face was caused by the infusion of this huge memory. He became a little distorted by the pain, and the clothes on his back were soaked. After about a minute, Buffon's distorted expression gradually calmed down, and he breathed heavily.


Scenes of scenes appeared in Buffon's mind.

This is the original memory of this body.

A thin young man is only about 1.6 to 1.7 meters tall. There are places in this world with tall figures, but his height is simply too short. The young man has black hair and black pupils, although his face is dirty. It was stained and stained, but the boy's handsomeness could still be seen from his delicate facial features. He was holding something tightly in his clothes and running desperately on the street, as if it was such a precious treasure, but it gradually faded away. The slow speed showed that the boy's physical strength had reached its limit. Every step seemed like the last step. After all, he had not eaten food for a long time.

"Stop, you sewer rat, you dare to steal Lord Sharman's things."

Two tall men holding wooden sticks were chasing behind them. After all, the speed of the young man could not be compared with the two behind them. The two men gradually shortened the distance between them and the young man in front. One man was about to point the wooden stick in his hand at him. He threw it at the head of the boy in front of him.


The boy's steps gradually slowed down, and he didn't notice that there was a raised stone under his feet, and he fell heavily towards the ground.

"Hey, you can't run away now. You ran away before. Let's see where you run this time." The two men threatened viciously.

"Master Shaman said that there is no need to show mercy to the rats in the sewers." The wooden stick in the man's hand seemed to bring bursts of wind, and he hit the lying boy once and for all.

"You shouldn't steal from Lord Shaman, you're a rat who only deserves to be in the shadows," the two men cursed while beating the curled-up boy on the ground with wooden sticks in their hands.