
Walk Me Down The Aisle

It was a beautiful autumn season at the wedding day of Danni's friends. She got up from her table to refill her glass of champagne, and as she walked past the head table, she saw Scott sitting there. They exchanged polite smiles, but didn't talk much. Danni had seen Scott before, but had never really talked to him. She knew he was an actor, but chose to keep quiet about it, because she wanted to get to know the real person behind the fame. Over the weeks, they started to enjoy each other's company, and seem to still seeing each other at weddings. Scott never knew that Danni was a writer in the movie industry, and Danni never told him. She enjoyed the anonymity of being able to observe him without him knowing who she really was. One day, while in their hiding place, Danni opened up to Scott about how she was feeling. She told him that she had developed feelings for him over the passed months and wanted to explore a relationship with him. Scott was hesitant at first, because of his past heartbreak, and wasn't sure if he was ready for another relationship. But with Danni's persistence and patience, they started seeing each other and fell in love. They had a whirlwind romance filled with laughter, passion, and adventure. Danni was happy, and she felt like she had finally found her soulmate. She loved him so much that she decided to write a book about their love story. It became a bestseller and the spotlight was on them. But then something happened that she never saw coming. Scott was disappointed about the book, and his father was filled with anger towards her. Scott felt like his privacy had been invaded, and he became distant from Danni. She tried to reach out to him, but he wouldn't respond. She felt like she had lost him forever. But doon reconciled but it was too late. Years went by, and they were both at a mutual friend's wedding again, with their own partners. They locked eyes from across the room and smiled with the idea of their past. They didn't exchange words, but they both knew that they were happy in their own lives. Danni looked over to her companion and felt thankful for everything she had. She still loved Scott, but she knew that they were just characters in each other's stories now. She realized that sometimes, life doesn't go as planned, and the person you thought was your happily ever after, wasn't meant to be. But she was grateful for the memories they shared, and for the love that had filled her heart for a time. As the night went on, Danni realized that sometimes, the best love stories don't have endings that make sense. And sometimes, the best love stories are the ones that you hold in your heart forever.

sethmikael06 · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter Eight

Boarding a bus to the city, I spent the entire day lost in contemplation, grappling with the consequences of my actions. It is challenging to convince myself that this experience is something to be content with or a dream come true. After all, engaging in a one-night stand with the man I have admired for so long, ever since I arrived at this country and took on this job, has left me feeling completely disoriented. I need to tell Don and Vanessa about what truly happened, despite it being an incredibly perplexing ordeal for me.

I dialed Vanessa's number, hoping to speak with her directly. Unfortunately, all I got was her voicemail. "Hi, this is Vanessa Reagan. If I can't answer your call, you can leave me a message after the beep." Her voicemail continued to ring, forcing me to articulate the truth about what had occurred.

"Hi, um, I apologize for not saying goodbye earlier. I had to leave unexpectedly, there is something at work that I have to go back to. There was something urgent that needed my engagement. I have a small request, though. If anyone asks about my whereabouts, please don't tell anyone until we can talk about it when you both return to California. Goodbye," I stuttered, still feeling worried.

Afterward, I sent a text message to the couple, hoping to convey my desire for them not to dwell on the events that I wanted to avoid discussing the next time we met. Upon reaching home, instead of feeling elated about the week of my supposed vacation leave, I found myself drowning in complaints. I couldn't help but feel paranoid, constantly waiting for my phone to ring or for someone to knock on my door.

A week later, as I returned to work, I had no positive news to share, not even with my boss. I noticed everyone's eyes fixed upon me, and despite being in the middle of work, my best friend approached me.

"Hey, bud? I noticed you seemed clumsy today. Are you okay?" David asked, gently stroking my shoulder.

"I'm fine, really," I assured him with a slight smile. "Are you sure? You look like you didn't get any rest during your vacation," David persisted.

"Ugh! Stop teasing me, David. I'm just deep in thought," I replied, my eyes focused on the laptop in front of me as I tried to construct a coherent story.

"Maybe we should grab some coffee together? My treat," he offered.

"I thought you'd never ask. Thanks a lot, David. You always know how to make me feel exceptional," I joked, fixing my hair.

"I have some money to spare, Danni. What do you take me for?" David said with a hint of playfulness in his voice. I agreed to have coffee with him because, I knew I needed someone to confide in. It's exhausting to keep everything bottled up inside, especially since that fateful night. It's not like me to obsess over every little detail, but my anxiety and straightforward nature have always made it difficult for me to hide my emotions.

David's words struck a chord within me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment for my actions. Realizing the validity of his point, I quickly explained, "That's exactly why I'm here, David. I'm committed to revising it, to take back control. You won't understand because your way of thinking is opinionated." Unyielding, David retorted, "So, I'm the narrow-minded one now? Maybe you should take a good look at yourself first." His remarks hung in the air, encouraging me to reflect and reevaluate the choices I had been making.

"I can't help but feel guilty about what I did to Scott," I confessed, my voice filled with regret. "No matter what I do, I can't take back my mistake. I know I should tell him the truth before things escalate and everyone finds out, but... We're having so much fun together. I don't want him to leave me."