
Wake Your Dreams

The female lead, a seventeen-year-old high-school student residing in Kyoto Prefecture, held a secret. Beneath her seemingly ordinary facade, she harbored a passion for crafting adult stories, a thrill she ardently kept hidden. Like any other typical teenager who will soon graduate, she is confused about what to do in future. Known to be an aloof and arrogant girl in school, a persona she had cultivated as a defense mechanism against the judgemental gazes of her peers. Loneliness gnawed at her, leaving her with an undeniable sense of worry. Coinciding with her cousin brother’s return to Kyoto after a lengthy nine-year absence, her life took an unexpected turn. Unlike her, he was vibrant and outgoing nature, a captivating foil to her own reserved facade. And what seems to be worrying is that she seems to see her cousin brother not as a "cousin brother". As the threads of their lives intertwined, an internal struggle grew within her, for she could not deny the attraction that bloomed in her heart. ~She feared that she was falling head over heels for the person in front of her. He is someone she should not love.~ The path ahead remained uncertain , an unfolding story waiting to be written.

MoonlitNightRoxana · Teen
Not enough ratings
48 Chs

Meet our son, Akito. (Epilogue)


Meet our son, Akito.


In the reception room of a VIP hospital room,

The doctor emerged from behind the emergency doors and announced," Congratulations! Dr. Watanabe has given birth to a healthy baby boy. The mother and the baby are both safe."

"Oh my…! I am a grandma now! I have a grandson." Aunty Fanny almost jumped up as she excitedly yelped.

"Quite down…" Tomo Watanabe tried to quite down the ecstatic Fanny Natsumi.

"Zehan, go ahead." He remarked.


The VIP hospital room was partitioned into two areas: a reception room reserved for visitors and a separate hospital room designated for patients. Zehan traversed the corridor connecting these two rooms with a measured pace, every foot fall conjuring up memories of the child's conception, growth, and eventual emergence into the world.

His mind traversed through the whole nine months duration of Kiyoko's pregnancy, and how much laughter had filled their minds in the whole process.

Kiyoko had expressed concerns over her appearance while pregnant. But in reality, every passing moment only served to enhance her radiance in his eyes.

Approaching the threshold of the emergency room, Zehan took a moment to collect his mind before quietly crossing the threshold. Even though the doctor had informed that both mother and child were in good health, but a tinge of trepidation gnawed inside him nonetheless.


A frail voice, drifted through the door of the hospital room, jolting him out of his outward calm demeanor.

As his gaze flicked towards the voice, he beheld Kiyoko lying on the bed.


Her lips curved upwards in a quiet smile, her voice barely a whisper as she called out to him. But even in her faintness, her smile was radiant.

Zehan stepped forward and pulled Kiyoko in a fierce embrace. Kiyoko's frail arms trembled as she wrapped them around him.

They remained in each other's embrace for a long time until finally; the nurse approached them, cradling the small bundle in her arms. They pulled away, but their eyes remained locked, conveying a silent understanding.

Kiyoko cradled the little baby in her arms.

Her voice quivering as she whispered, "Mr. Watanabe…"

Her face radiated with joy. With a smile she said, "Meet our son, Akito."

The baby was wriggling contentedly in his sleep.

Zehan gazed with amazement at his son's tiny figure.

"Akito…" Zehan said and smiled.

He ran his fingers through the tiny hairs on the baby's head, marveling at their silkiness and the way they seemed to glow in the dim light of the room.

"He is so cute, right?" Kiyoko asked.

"Yeah…!" Zehan said. "He got your cuteness, Mrs. Watanabe."

"Really…? How can you notice that on such a new born baby?" Kiyoko chuckled.

"Well! Both of your eyes are similar." Zehan said. He caressed the little hands of his son.

Their son got similar curved eyes with long eyelashes just like Kiyoko.

"Try holding him. Akito, want to go to daddy's lap? Yes…"

Zehan carefully held baby Akito in his arms. He had got training from the parental care centre for a week.

"He is so soft…" Zehan mumbled.

Kiyoko smiled at the father and son pair in front of her.


Eight months later.

Kiyoko was on a call with her brother, Kazuke Watanabe.

Kazuke Watanabe was currently studying in a university of Germany.

"Don't eat junk food every day. Cook something for yourself." She said.

"Yes…Take care!" Kiyoko said before she hung up the call.

She heard a sound from the front door.

Kiyoko stood in front of the door with her hands crossed in front her chest.

"Why are you so late? Did you see the time?"

Zehan hanged his overcoat on the hanger stand without answering Kiyoko's question. They had a short argument in the morning; the effect of tension is still there between them.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Kiyoko asked.

"Yeah I have…" Zehan answered.

"And here I am waiting for you to have the meal together." Kiyoko stormed inside the kitchen.

Zehan could hear the loud clatter and clinking of the utensils from the kitchen. He could very well understand the frustration Kiyoko was having from her actions.

"On a second thought…I am quite hungry now." Zehan said and sat down at the kitchen table.

After dinner, Kiyoko walked inside the bedroom.

She saw Zehan half lying on the bed, hovering over the baby and playing with him.

Zehan lifted baby Akito in his arm and cradled him. The innocent baby made a lot of sounds and smiled.

Zehan cuddled his plump son, and wished he'd be able to cradle the child for the rest of his life.

"Akito is so soft just like his mother…"

Kiyoko who was arranging the clothes glared at Zehan. She was still a bit angry with him. "What are you implying?"

"Umm…Akito's mommy is looking cute. Right…?" Zehan said to the baby in his arms.

The plump baby looked towards his mother and cooed.

"Naah…Akito's mommy is much softer." Zehan let out a slight grin.

"Huh…?" Kiyoko gasped at Zehan's shamelessness. She could very well which softness Zehan was implying.

"Shut up and go take a bath. Clean that perverted mouth of yours." Kiyoko yelped.

"Why is Akito's mommy angry? Did I say something wrong?"

"You are sleeping in the living room today." Kiyoko bellowed.


It was half past twelve. Zehan sat up on the couch.

He silently walked inside the bedroom.

A smile appeared on his face when he saw the lovely woman huddling close to their child, both were fast asleep.

Her night dress, a delicate confection of colored fabric, fluttered in the gentle breeze which blew from the open window. Her hair cascaded down her neck in loose waves, lending her an air of delicate grace.

Zehan looked at them with wonder.

He didn't care what his child looked like whom; what mattered was that the child was safe and happy.

In truth, he had always harbored a secret desire for a child who resembled Kiyoko. It was greed that all men feel who love their wife.

Zehan gently lay down beside Kiyoko on the bed.

He held her in his arms, watching her sleeping into a peaceful slumber, his heart overflowed with love; he felt an entirely different kind of longing.

Yes, he was still crazy about her. And he knew that no matter what the future held, she would always be the one and only woman for him.

There was only one Kiyoko, for she was irreplaceable. And, let him be the only man in the world to have a woman like her. Forever…

Zehan leaned in closer towards the sleeping figure and placed a kiss on her forehead, then on her cheek, and her parted lips, savoring the sweetness of her skin. He ran his fingers through her hair, and her lips curved up into a sweet smile.

His Kiyoko….whose smile was the brightest and most beautiful thing in his world.

"Didn't I tell you to sleep outside on the couch? What are you doing here?" Kiyoko mumbled.


Following a velvety voice that called her name, Kiyoko turned her head. When her eyes caught his, her smile became even more radiant.

"Should we go on a short trip to Kyoto during the springtime…?" Zehan said.

"Yes…Let's do that! The old sakura tree by the lake would be in a full bloom. I can't wait to see it!" Kiyoko answered.




Thank You!

Arigato gozaimasu!

There will be a few side stories!