
Chapter 11: What?!

After what felt like seconds of exploring the past nature user, I finally come too, looking at the large roots and trees, as a few large pieces of earth fell from them.

'God, really went all out, I guess it's not as simple as reborn and no one knows you, no back story, no nothing, just random powerful person shows up and everyone like yeah makes sense, *sigh I wish' thinking to myself looking at my hands.

'Hold up....why the fuck are my hands larger?!' Not adult, but still larger then before.

Miako "it must have felt like only a few moments too you, sadly this part of the inheritance, is not so simple, passing through multiple lives, has its price to" as her figure was fading.

*dumdum my heart beat, as if it was goin to come out of my chest.

"How long?.." looking at her with a complicated look.

Miako "little one..." about to say.

"How long?!..grandmother!?" Looking as the veins at the side of my eyes bulged.

Miako "two years, I am sorry, but there was no other way, I must go now.....go back to her, we will meet again" as her figure faded, the katana I guess having served it's purpose, cracked and turned to dust, in my hands.

"Two years what?!, the fall, the fights I missed it all, but...but they shouldn't have joined the cadet training right ?" Looking in my inventory as my clothes would not fit my body anymore.

Pulling out a white shirt, black top long sleeve top that looked like that of a coat. The flat bottom over in the middle, black pants that had, a long coat like flaps on either side, of the pant leg. And a black over coat, with white gloves, the clan seal at the center of the gloves, and black boots.

(A.N look up Colonel mustang clothes and make it black there you go)

And a letter

'Quite fitting if I say so myself for this world, they will always fit, there is a few weapons, as well as some prints for weapons that can fit this world, how you go about using and makin them is up to you. Now that things are in motions, these are my last gifts too you, I hope you can understand, I knew this world was not easy, let's see how you change this world, it was a pain coming here and preparing a body, but I thought it would be better this way, try and live, even in this harsh world'

"Haha.....this fucking guy...thanks god...I won't get caught up so much in everything again, I want to live in this world, but for that I must Solve its problems, so be it" jumping up to a tree branch, looking at this large mess of a forest.

"I'm coming back Mikasa, I'm sorry for making you wait" moving forward.

[Meanwhile,camp a the edge of trost, wall rose]

Eren "Mikasa, armin my hands are freezing, ahhhh and starving!" Looking at his hands that were red.

Mikasa "stop complaining, eren the faster we get done the faster we can go eat" looking at eren with a sharpe look.

Armin "s...sh....she's right eren, those officers from the military corps, will do there rounds we can't risk a fight again" as he drags the fire wood, in the snow.

Eren " they treat us like garbage any way, the only reason we have to be here is they refuse to take us in to wall rose!" Tracking through the snow, falling a little.

Mikasa "it doesn't matter, we need to do this to survive here, I won't make armin sleep in the snow again, I told your mother I would protect you" pushing eren grabbing his, stack of fire wood, throwing it on her shoulder.

Armin "I know what you mean eren, but where would we go in trost? There is no place for us there, the people won't take care of three orphans you saw when we first came here, the disparity in classes is great, and being orphans of a fallen city, made us the lowest of the low" following Mikasa.

Eren "tch..." walking after them.

Officer "done already?, drop them there and go back to the housing". Dropping a coin in there hand.

Watching Mikasa, armin and eren walk up, while they walked up through the snow.

Eren "a single sliver coin?! Are you crazy we cut and dragged that wood here, through the snow, while you sat on your ass" looking At the officer with anger.

Armin "eren stop! It's fine!" Trying to grab eren.

Mikasa "...." looking at the pissy eren.

Officer "what did you say brat, it's a gift we pay you waste at all, you shouldn't even be allow that your fucking garbage " kicking eren into the snow.

Eren "you call yourself soliders!, treating your own pe.." while Mikasa covered his mouth.

Mikasa "enough, we understand let's go eren" picking him up.

Officer "whatever maybe, if you want to get out of this shit your in you can warm my...uhh?!" About to say something until, he saw them all look back with a crazed look in there eye, before he waved it off going back in the warm house.

Eren "ahhh if Rama was...." kicking the snow then stopping his words.

Armin "eren why would....." looking at eren with a complicated look.

Mikasa "it's fine.....He's not here anymore" lying to herself, putting the scarf to her face.

Eren "Mikasa...I'm sorr.." looking at her.

Mikasa "it's ok! Let's just go back to the cabin" walking into the snow.

Armin "I know we all are hurting about something, even now that wound is still fresh to her, just like yours, we said we would be together to protect each other, so we don't lose anyone else we care about, eren just...." looking at eren that had his face down, walking forward.

Eren "I didn't mean to say it armin, just like with my mother, I didn't think.....if he was here it would have kicked his ass just for looking at one us wrong....let's just go" walking after Mikasa.

[Meanwhile, with our mc]

"Where did they send the refugees of Wall Maria?, or those who wish to join the military?" Talking to a man.

Random man "the edge of trost, the camp for the people who were relocated from, shigashina" looking at me but not caring, there are bigger monsters.

"Thanks, so you interested?" Looking down at the small katana.

Clerk "yes, I'm sure some of the uppers that walk in here time to time would like it, besides I've never seen a sword like this" dropping my requested amount on the table.

"Good" picking the sack and weighing it in my hand.

Clerk "if you happen to 'find' any more, let me know" smiling as I walk out.

Rushing roof to roof, through the city while the snow fell, making it to the wall as it was getting dark, the snow would not help, too most people, passing through the gate, I walked towards the Direction of the camp.

'Wish I could remember it from the fucking manga, but whatever' shaking my head walking into the snow.

[back with mikasa]

Mikasa 'it's been two years, i know....h...he's gone but why won't the pain go away' gripping her heart.

Stopping for a moment as armin and eren walk pass.

Eren "Mikasa you ok?, what's wrong?" Looking back.

Mikasa "I'm ok, I just need to get myself together, let's keep going" looking down at the scarf.

*dumdum heart beating hard, touching her stomach.

Eren "ok, let's go......armin?....armin what's wrong?" Looking at armin, who has the wood he was carrying, for the fire at there cabin, fall too the ground.

Armin "....." not saying anything, as his lips moved, looking straight forward.

Eren "armin....what are you...." looking at the same place he was.

In the snow, if you listened you could hear the crunching of snow, if not you could see a figure walking forward, the over coat, flapping in the wind, as the figure got closer, the long black hair, that blew as the snow fell, the black hair making the snow look all the more visible, and two goldish dots that seemed to shine threw the snow, as the figure came not to far not to close it stopped. Black marks, black eyes with yellow pupils, two long strands of hair like bangs coming down. skin with a little tan. He had a grin on his face.

Eren "Mikasa..." looking back to see her frozen, her eyes shaking.

The world seemed to stop until a voice came, that couldn't be forgot in time.

Rama "it's been, a long time hasn't it" that's all it took.

Eren/Mikasa/armin "....." until armin took off, running threw the snow.

Smashing into Rama who remained unmoving.

Rama "you grew a little armin" looking down giving him a hug back, tears coming down his face.

Eren moved rushing as tears fell from his eyes, like he had seen a ghost.

Eren "......Rama!" Coming up to me and doing the same as armin.

Rama "still yelling I see, nice to see you again....eren" hugging the guy as he cried, they both stopped as I looked up to see Mikasa.

They knew there was a lot to be said here, as they move too the side, I walked forward, she took a step back.

Rama "Mikasa" Calling out her name.

Mikasa "....." the voice and name echoing in her mind, her eyes fixed on him, unmoving, for her the world melted away, no snow no wind nothing, not even feeling the cold, as a figure of the boy she knew flashed,then back to the one infront of her.

Rama "Mikasa, I'm back.....it took a long time but....I came back...like I said I would" voice carrying the weight of the world, as it smashed the ice that had protected her heart.

Then she took off, running with everything she had, what should have felt like a minute, felt like a life time to reach, running as all the pain, longing, loneliness, and joy to see that person again came out of her eyes, reaching out.

Rama "I said I would always come back for you....Mikasa" looking down at her as she buried her face in my chest, grabbing on as if her life, her very reason to live had been given back.

Rama "you don't need to hide them anymore, not the pain you felt that lasted a life time, not the loneliness, i will take it all". Caressing her cheek.

Mikasa "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" As the heart that had felt cold, that was only there to keep her alive, that had been locked away waiting, finally became whole again.

Eren and armin, heard the cry they have never heard before, something that came from somewhere deep in someones heart, the pain, the feeling that comes from wanting too see that person at any cost, that echoed through the night.

Rama "I will never leave you behind again I promise...Mikasa"

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