

Sakura has lived a life of war time, Her mother is the Surpreme Diety and she is a princess. She was born from the goddess race the race of angels with holy powers, The person she loves named Akuma Is of a different race, he is apart of the Demon race and his father is the Demon King. Because of there backgrounds they are not allowed to be together. Shortly after a war starts called the Holly war, This is Saura's past life, She was killed along with Akuma and was reincarnated and given another chance. This Novel is contained of two stories fitting together to be one, Her past life, And the ending to her previous life. Sakura in her previous life, (Sorry means current.) stops the holy war and ends up with the one she loves. She had to make a very difficult desion. She has to kill her own mother. There is no place for A God on Earth. She she needs to be sent back to Purgatory. Akuma and Sakura take the thrones where they can be happy, Can Sakura finally let go of her past life where she and Akuma were killed because they failed to defeat the two Gods?

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The End of The Holy War

( Akuma's Pov)

" Sakura, what do you mean?" She just smiled at me. " I accept your apology. Now goodbye." " After all this time. After all my hopes and dreams. Now in the middle of the Holy War. You decide to leave me?" "Huh?" " What do you mean, " Huh", I asked. " Are you really going to leave?" "Yes, I decided there's nothing left of me to do in this world." " WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!! THERE'S A HOLE FREAKING HOLY WAR" She shook her head. " It's over?" I asked. She nodded. She showed me a picture of a land that looked so beautiful it was almost unbelievable. The plants and animals were happy, the birds chirped and the people got a long and lived happy lives. "That's where we were? There's no way." " It's been 10 minutes" " EXACTLY" I almost shouted. This beautiful part of the galaxy you brought us to is call Tempusloa. ( Tem-Pas-Lo-A) Its based of af the Latin word for time. Tempus. On earth a year there is a second here. Time is passing by extremely fast. We wouldn't be able to recognize Earth. Do you know how long it's been? Too long to count. Everyones happy. There is no need for me to go back." So that is how it is huh."

(Back to main POV)

I didn't want to hurt him but what I said is true. There is no need for me or him. But he can go back. Even though he apologized it may take me quite a while to actually forgive him. What he did was unreasonable for my quick forgiveness. Even though what I said was true I lied. I actually do want to go back. I want to meet all the people we saved and see the land in person. I want to have fun and maybe make some human friends and a boyfriend before I go home. In reality I just want to enjoy myself. In human years I would only be 19 right now. In Thean Time which is Greek for my race I am 190,000,000 years old. 19 for short. Heh. I start to leave. " Where will you even go?" I hear from a voice behind me. " Home." I smile. "You shouldn't lie to me. I can tell." He then grabs me by the waist and says' You're not going anywhere until you hear me out. I'm sorry." My face flushes a bright red. " I , I said i for- forgive you alright! Now let me go!" His grip gets tighter. I finally turn around to look him in the eye. He puts me on his lap. I blush. " Tell me." "Tell u what!? I already told you. It's okay. I forgave you." " Sakura," He says in a low voice. " Why won't you forgive me? Please tell me the truth." I start blabbering," I was hurt! I was hurt by you. All I wanted was to help! You really, really hurt me. What made you do that to me?" "I,I" "See you don't even know. Do you?" He's Silent. " A gift is a nice thing, But the Earth was not to be destroyed. I accept your apology, but you must know that I can say I forgive you, but it's not that easy, it takes time, I'm not a human, but it still does. The war is over, so maybe I can be happy, maybe we can be happy. I smile. I take his hand and we enter the Earth. To Live out the rest of our lives. We have lived for lots of years, but now that we have been on earth so long, we are finally ready to rest.