

Sakura has lived a life of war time, Her mother is the Surpreme Diety and she is a princess. She was born from the goddess race the race of angels with holy powers, The person she loves named Akuma Is of a different race, he is apart of the Demon race and his father is the Demon King. Because of there backgrounds they are not allowed to be together. Shortly after a war starts called the Holly war, This is Saura's past life, She was killed along with Akuma and was reincarnated and given another chance. This Novel is contained of two stories fitting together to be one, Her past life, And the ending to her previous life. Sakura in her previous life, (Sorry means current.) stops the holy war and ends up with the one she loves. She had to make a very difficult desion. She has to kill her own mother. There is no place for A God on Earth. She she needs to be sent back to Purgatory. Akuma and Sakura take the thrones where they can be happy, Can Sakura finally let go of her past life where she and Akuma were killed because they failed to defeat the two Gods?

korebrielleluvt · Fantasy
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8 Chs

3,000 years into the future

Present day, Goddess Race

Today is my 14th birthday and I am already sulking in my room. I want to get out of the house but because of the things going on Mother won't let me. She and the Demon king are the two most powerful angels and demons alive. I manage to sneak out when she gets a whole stack of paperwork from the demon king. I am smart enough to cover up with a jacket and scarf. When I make it outside I am so happy. I can breathe in the fresh air. I then hear a noise behind me. I was terrified to see the demon's king eldest son Akuma behind me. He got his powers at 10 and they have only grown since. " Daughter of the Supreme Deity. I wonder what she can do." With that he threw a ball of blue fire at me. I panicked and yelled out. " Wait, no I don't have my powers yet" He stopped the ball mid air. " But they are growing." He smirked and with that the ball of fire came at me again. I was ready this time. I put all my energy into stopping it and it vanished. " Interesting, oh how interesting your powers will be." With that he opened his wings and flew off. I walked back to the Cintarbutar. That's where I live because well yeah. I'm the Supreme Deity's daughter. When I made it, my mother was already waiting. She looked like she was going to blow 10 yards with lighting. " Do you have anything to say to me, Sakura?" I just stood at my feet.Me and my mother were never close. We always argued and she would always win. Imena the Supreme Deity could do whatever she wanted. Right? " It won't happen again mother." " Yeah you bet it won't happen when I add another year to your powers. " Yeah, try doing that, Queen." Akuma was behind me. My mother looked suppressed. " Help me dear lord, the son of the demon king is in my presence." With that she used one finger and shot out a long strip of lighting at him but with one hand he blocked it. She did it again and it ended up hitting me. I yelled back in pain and fell on the floor. I clutched my head into my chest and tried to fight against the large sting in my heart. " Well that better teach you some manners." Within seconds my mother the Supreme Deity was on the ground with black and blue smoke circling around her. " Still wanna add on another year". Mother was fuming. But I didn't say anything. " Let me ask again. Do you still wanna add on another year?" My mother snapped her fingers and yelped back in more pain. I was guessing she tried to send another attack on Akuma. Well that wasn't going to work. This time she snapped her hand and all my pain went away and I had wings and a halo. " You may now have your powers, Sakura." I was stunned but before I could process I was in the Demon realm and in front of me was Akuma. His blue hair dripped down his face. " You got your power so show me what you got." " He took a tiny blue knife and cut a tiny slint on his neck and it started bleeding purple. He then collapsed on the floor clearly not breathing. I was terrified. Why did he trust me to save him? I put my hands in front of him but nothing worked. I waved to them , said prayers and time was running out. Tears started to fall from my eyes and when I was about to give up a large spot of white light flung from my hands and he was okay again. He saw tears from my eyes and wiped them with his hands. " I knew you would do fine, Sakura." With that I was back at the Cintarbutar. The next day a ceremony was held to tell everyone I was now a full part of the Goddess race. With all eyez on me I walked down the steps. I was put into a room and had to pick an earth to test my IQ. It was beautiful and pink but within seconds everything turned blue and dark. I looked around and saw him. Akuma.