
VRMMORPG: Void Cultivator with level Up System.

. [Warning, it’s pretty messed up with tons of grammatical errors •_• yk newbie writer mistake, you may not like it •-• What will you do if you are to find out that the game you played, you can actually level up in reality? Alan was once a hardcore gamer who left the gaming scene, but the new MMORPG World Online have drawn his attention and now that he’s coupled with a Legacy Class how far can Alan really go? Read to find out!

Usfal_Aizen · Games
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92 Chs

Sword Of the waves | Beginning the quest!

"Is he also coming with us?" Silent arrow asked.

"Of course he is" Aizen smiles as he push Little Red forward.

"Ehem, its time for some last minute briefing" jwhbsrinvfriygrf cleared his throat to drag their attention.

"We don't know where we are going to spawn or in which situation" jwhbsrinvfriygrf stopped here as he glanced at the other players, "but the worst part is that we might be separated and so our main priority when we spawn is learn about the situation and find each other, but I pray that doesn't happened, it's just that..."

"Indeed, we should prepare for the worse" Mask chimes in from the side.

"Alright then and one more thing, we probably might not be the only party participating in this"

"We all need to be extra careful especially you Vincent, the Black Death guild are sure to be participating"

Vincent nodded his head.

"Lastly, we have some gifts for you Aizen" Mask and jwhbsrinvfriygrf said simultaneously.

Mask brought out something from his inventory and gave it to jwhbsrinvfriygrf.

"I told him your sword might be broken and then we agreed to look for a sword, so that you can fight with something you are way more familiar with"

Jwhbsrinvfriygrf threw the sword towards which Aizen grabbed.


The sword is a katana type, the click sound produced earlier was due to Aizen pushing it forward a bit with his finger and exposing some part of the blade.

The blade is covered in blue color and had some water waves like patterns on it, just been near it, you can feel some faint wave like sounds.

"This is too good, I can't accept it" Even though Aizen loves the gift, this is something very valuable.

"Nah, keep it" Jwhbsrinvfriygrf said.

"Yeah, it isn't appropriate to return gifts" Mask added.

"Nicely said" jwhbsrinvfriygrf smiles in approval.

"Alright, then I will have to happily accept this great gift" Aizen said as he grinned.

"I have to compensate you with something else too, I will try to think of something that will satisfy you"

"You don't have to" Mask said.

"Just use the sword properly and contributes toward the success of this quest is enough for us"

Aizen nodded his head and decided to ask the question on his mind.

"Where'd you find it?"

"No time right now, I will tell you when we are down with this"

After that the resources are distributed.

Everyone got 10 mid grade health replenishing pills and 5 high grade health replenishing pills.

2 poison repel pills.

2 clear mind pills for increase in concentration and clearing the mind and women few other resources.

They all slowly walk towards the entrance of this new world they are about to visit.

Aizen equipped the newly acquired sword as a felling of happiness appeared in his mind.

>> Sword Of The waves successfully equipped <<

Aizen breath in slowly as he walk towards it, he's the last player to walk in.


One by one they all vanished, Aizen could field a weird pull around him and his vision started to black out.

"Hah..." Aizen exhaled as he slowly opened his eyes.

The new surrounding is dazzling, with all unique type of trees growing.

Aizen look around for a bit and had this one thought, 'we have arrived and we are at the forest and I might probably be alone'

He grinned as he stood up and he is just about walk to another area when he noticed something or rather someone.


'Oh the unknown figure even knows my name, probably a meme we of our team' Aizen could tell two things from this encounter, the voice is a female and she is also a member of the team.

'Hold up, isn't that Layla's voice' Aizen thought.

"Layla?" Aizen asked.

"Yes, it seems my duo is you" She replies.

"That seems to be the case, so if it is duo style, then the rest might have already met each other" Aizen said his thought.

"Yes but that means that one will be on his own"

"Damn, that will be bad. Let's hope the lone teammate will be able to survive and reunite with the others"

"So what'd we do now?" Aizen asked.

"Whatever you say"

"Sigh... Alright let's pick a direction start walking"

"Oh okay but which direction?"

'Ahh, this lady won't even took the Initiative to make the decisions, with my bad luck let's just hope we will picks good and favorable direction'

Aizen pondered a bit and he always felt uneasy when he's about to give the directions.

"Please just randomly choose a direction"

They wait in silence as Layla thought about the direction they should choose.

She stood up, seeing that Aizen also stood up and asked, " have you decided?"

"Yes since this seems to be morning and the position where the sun is rising is always the east, that will give us some basic sense of direction. Let's go south then"

"South it is!" Aizen nodded his head as he quickly look towards the south.

Thank you for been here with me till this time, I can’t thank you enough for reading! You are the best and I won’t disappoint you with this new arc

Usfal_Aizencreators' thoughts