

Original Title was 'VRMMORPG: DREAM ONLINE' ----- Roman was 19 years old when the game VRMMORPG: DREAMSCAPE went public. The game was an instant hit. With 500,000 new accounts by the end of the first week to nearly 20 million accounts by the end of the month. The game was so popular among parents because of how real it felt. It would even scan your body and make your character look just like you. That meant that kids who were out of shape would be out of shape in game. This motivated many kids to stay active and also made parents very happy. For the gamers though, it was the perfect game. A game that had everything. Quests! Dungeons! Monsters! Pvp! What really sold it though was the leveling system. The system allowed you to level up anything you wanted. You want to be an archer? Grab a bow and level up! You want to be an archer with a sword? Grab a sword and level up! You want to bake cookies and sell it to the rich? Grab the ingredients and level up! You want to be able to talk your way out of any situation? Start talking and level up! Over the course of a year, the game kept growing and growing. Eventually even government officials had to take part in the game. It stayed this way for a year. After one entire year, the game had gone offline. No one knew why or when it will be back. After one week, on that day, we all knew why it didn’t come back online. PATCH NOTES 1: THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE TUTORIAL. - Author’s Note: I took inspiration from other books on this site that are written in the same genre. I also took inspiration from the real mmorpgs that I have played. I plan to have this story be about 50/50. The time spent in the game and in real life will be about the same. Some arcs may only be in the game while others are only in real life. Please be patient with these arcs if they aren’t your favorite!

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs

A Happy Reunion

If it helps you to paint a better picture, the two are naked for basically the entirety of this chapter.


When I finally woke up, I felt a warm presences sleeping on top of me. I reached out and ended up with a nice handful of ass. I open my eyes and see Anna, sleeping soundly with a cute smile on her face. She even giggled when my hands squeezed her butt. It seems like she is still the same pervert.

I realized that my dick was still in her. With that thought, it ended up getting hard again. As it harden inside her, she left out a small moan. Her eyes slowly flickered and she looked up at me, pouting cutely. She said only one thing to me.



I couldn't help but thrust my hips upwards. I began my attack with small, quick thrust. Anna was now fully awake. She helplessly asked me,


"Of course, I can't stop myself now."

I then switched our positions, I laid her flat on her stomach and held both of her hands down from behind. I then adjusted myself and start thrusting again. The two of us ended up going for another three rounds.


After we finished, the two of us stayed in her bed, cuddling with each other. Out of curiosity, I wanted to ask her a lot of questions.

"Anna, why would-."

Before I could even ask my first question she stopped me and spoke first.

"At this rate, I can no longer hide it. You know how much you mean to me. I can't spend another moment away from you knowing that I haven't kissed you yet."

She shyly looks up at me and kisses me. I could feel my body shaking. I couldn't believe what I just heard! Those were the same words I said to Anna when I confessed to her. I was so nervous so I ended up kissing her instead of properly confessing. I could feel my eyes watering up. My final moments with Anna in the past came to my mind, I couldn't help but cry.

"I really am pathetic... there's no way. It isn't possible. There's no chance that it's actually you..."

I covered my face with my arms. If she really... I can't let her see me like this.


Anna POV

Roman suddenly started crying. I wasn't sure at first since he was covering his face but then I noticed the streaks of tears coming down his face. I immediately got up and held him. I remembered when he held me when I was dying in the other timeline... I wanted to return that favor.

The moment I held him, his body just went limp. He buried his face in my chest and began crying even harder. I carefully stroked his hair while he cried.

I wonder why he's crying so much? How much has he bottled up inside? I wonder how much time had passed for him since I died? Did he miss me as much as I missed him?

"I'm here Roman... I won't be leaving you anytime soon. I won't leave you like before."


Roman POV

After an unknown amount of time, I pushed Anna away and got up to clean my face up. When I returned, she was sitting on her bed, waiting for me.

"Sorry Anna. It seems like I had a lot bottled up."

I looked at her and all I saw were her loving eyes.

"Don't worry. Let's talk. I want to know what happened. It seems that you also have memories of what happened before."

I could only nod. I began telling her about everything that happened.

I told her about what happened when we attempted to save Clem. How Jared and Dante both died saving me. If only I was stronger back then. She seemed to have forgotten about how she died so I told her everything that I knew about that as well.

"I'm sorry... you lost four people that day..."

Anna tried to comfort me, I couldn't help but just give her a self-deprecating smile.

"I didn't lose four people that day... I lost five. My mom also went missing that day. I never heard from her again."

Anna held my hand as I continued to tell her about what happened. I recounted everything that happened between their deaths up until I found the Fountain of Time. All in all, my dad and I ended up wondering the apocalyptic world for an entire year.

(A/N: Most of these moments will appear in the 'Memory Vault' chapters. No reason to spend to much time detailing something you guys won't remember later on.)

After I finished, Anna gave me another hug.

"I'm sorry. I can't believe you went through all of that."

"It's okay. Everyone is here now." I paused for a moment, realizing that the Anna I knew is somehow alive and well in this world.

"How are you in this world? Can you tell me?"

Anna nodded and began to tell me how she ended up here.

Apparently, after she died, she heard a mysterious voice call out to her. The voice gave her the chance to return to me but it would take many years, centuries even. She didn't hesitate to agree. And so that's how she got here.

For her, it felt like 1,000 years. She was just floating through space, waiting for something to happen. She was nothing but a wondering soul, hoping to find home. It wasn't until last night that she felt something calling to her. Her ghostly body followed the feeling she had and she ended up meeting this version of herself.

From there, she talked with herself, convinced herself what was going to happen and then she merged with her. When both Anna's became one, she was excited. Apparently, I called her right as she finished her merging. So she took the chance to bring me here and we... reconnected. After she finished, she seemed to remember something.

"Ah! That's right, if you're here, does that mean that the others might be here as well? We both crossed over at about the same time. Maybe someone else crossed over when they died?"

'Hmmm. I honestly never thought about that.'

"I don't think so. Dante and Jared are still the same, they haven't done anything different. My family seems the same as well. Anyone else outside of our circle, I wouldn't know."

"Oh." She seemed disappointed. I could understand how she felt. Our group spent a month together before everyone died. We all grew closer in that time.

"It's okay Anna, even if they aren't the same, they still are our friends. Our family."

"Hm. You're right."

The two of us ended up cuddling together again. We ended up talking for another hour before I decided to leave. I really needed to get back on that game. Anna saw me out. As I was leaving, I remembered something.

"Anna! Since you know what will happen... can you help train my sister in the game as well? If I remember correctly, you played the game a bit in the past. Here, I actually had a plan for her, you can follow her and train along side her with this."

I had planned to help Clem level up as fast as possible and also help her receive the quest items that could bind to her. Since Anna was now here, she could help her and also receive those benefits since they weren't worth it for me.

I quickly write down the things she needed to do with Clem. Anna took a glance at it and nodded.

"Alright, I will follow this plan. I will message Clem and set up a day to play with her."

"Okay! Thanks Anna!"

I quickly give her a peck on the lips and leave. Now that Anna was here, I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from me.


A/N: I plan to keep building their relationship. They will have moments both in real life and in the game. In the game, Roman will move by himself for the moment. Eventually though, all the friends will play the game together and work together more.

Once again! If you wish to support me, the best way is to donate power stones! I don't plan to ever lock the story behind a pay wall so power stones will be the best way to show your support.

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