
Chapter 3


It's been three hours since I was left alone in Anatol's study.

For those whole three hours, I thought about Saint. I could still feel his hands on me which made my stomach twist in disgust.

He hasn't done anything bad to me yet. Apart from crushing my windpipe.

Is he going to be better than Vicktor? Or worse? That simple thought put me on edge.

For the longest time I yearned for the taste of freedom. I want to run away and leave this life behind. Start a new one far far away from here. Get a new identity, live in a small house and have a decent job or if I'm lucky I can turn my dream into reality and become a local pianist.

That's my one wish. The life I'm willing to live. I will sacrifice anything in a heartbeat just to turn my dream into a reality. Without the fear of running or worrying each day that it may be my last.

I don't want to live in fear yet here I am, locked in a room with dangerous men just across the hall signing my freedom away to the devil.

I rose from the couch and slowly made my way to the book shelves stacked with old classical literature. Uncle Anatol has a burning passion for reading. He doesn't mention why he loves it but all I know is that it brings him peace.

My fingers graced along the books as I read each title to myself. I came to a stop when something caught my eye. A thick book as the spine is decorated with delicate patterns of gold and silver of tulips.


Before I went deeper into my thoughts the door opened and I immediately turned my head.

Uncle Anatol walked in, shutting the door behind him. I stood there quietly as my eyes followed his every move.

"You've embarrassed us today Irena." he asserted as he strolled his way to his mini bar.

Anatol poured himself some brandy and gulped it down in one go. He refills his glass with the burnt orange liquid. Turning to face him I met his cold stare.

Heavenly father, if you're hearing me right now please protect me. I silently prayed to myself as I watched him approach me with slow steps.

I take a few steps back and my back hits the shelf.

Anatol paused in his tracks when he was a few feet away from me. His eyes never leave mine as he takes a sip of his drink while his left hand is tucked in his pocket.

"You know Greg should be the one having this talk with you. Not me." he snarled, bitterness dancing in his tone. I swallow hard.

"Now, mind telling me why you decided to act unmannered today. Like a fucking toddler."


I never have the loss of words but Anatol always found a way to set me on edge. He rarely shows his emotions which frightens me. He might seem calm but I could see the anger burning in his eyes. "Hmm, Irena I'm waiting."

I dart my tongue out and nervously lick my lips. I could hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears.

"Answer me Irena!" he screams as he angrily throws the glass. The sound of glass shattering ringed in my ears.

I turn my head to the side, cowardly hiding myself.

I gasped when snatched my face and forced me to face him. I kept my eyes shut and lips in a tight thin line. My fist is clenched as my neck hairs rise from fear.

"Thanks to you, Saint extended the contract. Now we are stuck with you for two fucking months. Two months of teaching a grown woman some manners!" He barked.

My lower lips quivered, the disgusting feel emerging from the depths of my stomach. "I swear to God if it wasn't for Saint protection I would have-"

Anatol inhales sharply. He lets go of my face and storms out of his study.

"Take the girl to her goddam room!" I hear him yell to one of the guards standing in the hall. Seconds later two different guards walk in and grab me by the arm. I tried to pry myself free from the man's painful grasp but he was too strong for me. After being dragged across the house when I finally reach my room the guards push me inside and close the door.

I hear a lock followed by footsteps fading.

Tears shimmer in my eyes as I stood in my dark room. I lean against the door allowing the harsh tears to spill out of my eyes.

All my emotions channeled into anger. The emotion I'm feeling is overwhelming to the point I couldn't stop myself from screaming as it shattered the stillness of silence.

At this very moment I have realized that there is no way out.

I am trapped.