
Chapter 2


"Haven't your uncles taught you that it's rude to ignore a person when they speak to you?" I state.

Irena looked at me with pure disgust. Not a single trace of fear in sight.

Why isn't she talking?

Is she fucking deaf?

Does her brain even function normally?

My hand around her neck tightened, waiting for her to scream. Pleading me to not suffocate her to death.

I wanted to hear her voice.

"Answer me." I snapped, my hand tightening more around her sweet small neck, her eyes sparkling with the wetness of her tears, slowly caressing down her soft chocolate skin. Her breathing is shallow as she gasps for air, trying to budge free from my grasp.

I watched her carefully while I take away her ability to breathe. I could see the terror in her eyes, her plump lips parted in desperate need for air. Her eyes wide as she stared into me.

Pleading for a puff of breath.

Her hands found their way onto my face as she tried to push me away with all her strength which did no justice. Just as I was about to lose hope in her she catches me by surprise when her nails claw into my flesh raking across my skin leaving an open wounded trail.

My face burned with pain as my grip loosened around her neck and she pushed me away. Coughing violently while her shoulders fell in relief from the taste of air filling her lungs. Softly tapping the wound on my face, my gaze shifts down to my hand analyzing the red liquid stained on my fingers.

My jaw tightened. A sickening desire of heat coursed through my veins.

My mind was invaded with dark wild thoughts.

I wanted to rip her off with all the innocence she could provide. Ruin her, destroy her, turn her into my little sinner.

The thought sent blood rushing straight to my lower abdomen. I felt my cock pulsing with need to be tamed inside my pants.

Her hurting me.

Her innocence radiating from her.

Her breathtaking features.

Ignited my body with a burning rage of fire.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a handkerchief as I wiped away the blood.

Irena's chest heaves up and down as she stares at me with her haunted gaze. Her doe amber eyes gawking at me. Like I'm some type of monster. Some type of evil...

I tilt my head to the side as I watch her observe me. Her gaze lowered and stopped when she noticed the bulge pressing into my pants.

She quickly looks away, her cheeks turned scarlet.

I tucked the handkerchief back into my pocket then proceeded my way to the door. I shot her one quick glance.

My eyes analyze every inch of her natural curves. My hands twitched on my side, I had the itching urge to touch every inch of her body but I managed to restrain myself.

Without another word I left the girl alone in one of her uncle's studies.

As soon as I shut the door behind me Greg came rushing over to me, his expression closed up but his eyes were full of worry.

"The girl does not speak. Why doesn't she speak?" I said demanding for an answer.

Greg's eyes raked my face as he took in the cut that stretched across my flesh. "She did that?" he inquired worriedly.

I stared at him, not saying a single word.

Why would he ask such a dumb obvious question.

Obviously his disobedient niece did this to me. I swear Greg is a fucking idiot sometimes. I still can't believe that this fuckface is related to Jan.

"Why doesn't the girl talk? Is she a taciturn person?"

I need answers. I wanted answers.

I can't be married to a woman who can not speak for herself. It's basically being married to a child in an adult body.

"She's rarely like this, trust me Saint. Irena is a very talkative woman. You probably frighten the girl." He remarks as folds his arms.

I silently stared at the bastard, observing him closely.

The atmosphere shifted in the air. Dark tension sparked between us. I was so close to bashing his thick head until one of my trustworthy men, Prince approached us.

"Sir," he said, staring back and forth between Greg and me. "What is it?"

"They are ready to speak about Irena Nowak," Prince informed me. I gave him a dismissive nod and he glanced at Greg one last time before walking away. I took a step closer to Greg.

"The only reason I'm doing this is because of your dead brother. If it wasn't for him I would have killed you by now. You are an unorganized two-faced coward. You are nothing Greg, just because I haven't touched you doesn't mean you have my respect and trust. Understood." I proclaimed. Greg glared at him as if he was trying to fight for dominance which failed.

"Understood..." I trailed off slowly. "Yes sir."

I took a step back and adjusted my tie before I walked away without saying another word. When I entered the office I found all the men seated ready for discussion not a minute later Greg walked in. I take a seat besides Prince and Zoltan, my most trusted men.

"Let's discuss the matters about Miss. Nowak." Anatol announces.