
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Vol. 2 Panos Revolution Chapter 1

Panos Season 2 Revolution

CHAPTER 12 Season 1 Recap

In the control room of the Canaan settlement, having destroyed the landing docks, Xavier prevents his father's fleet from returning. Shocked to discover that Xavier is alive, Mr. Arkridge tries to cover his lies as his crew and his other son Tristan discovers that he is not what he seems. Exclaiming Mr. Arkridge still says that Xavier is dead and that the one they are speaking to is a black market scum. Xavier lets out a sarcastic laugh then says that he has taken control of the settlement systems.

Season 2 Chapter 1 Act of Aggression

"You all will be made believers soon; I am in complete control of the settlement that you. "Father" wished to keep me from. I have traveled for a long time with the Black-Market Faction, wanting to come home but also wanting to see you. And NO, not for a happy family reunion but to make you endure much of what I had to endure…" In the fleet, Tristan confronts his father in front of the crew. " Father, I am not stupid. How could I not know how my twin brother acts and thinks. From how it seems, what happened that day isn't how u said it was." While Tristan shouts, Xavier watches from the screen as Tristan approaches Mr. Arkridge. "Son, how can you be blind? That person isn't your brother. I watched as he died before falling from that cliff." Tristan starts to look more confused, "I thought you said he died from the fall from the cliff.

Mr. Arkridge stops, and you can see the anger rise in him. "What am I going to do? Things aren't going as planned. This boy!! How dare he challenge me." Suddenly, he pulls a knife from his leg sheath, walking to Tristan with a crazy look in his eyes. "Mr. Arkridge, sir, what are you doing!!" members of the control room shout. "BE QUIET!!!.... Tristan your loyalty lays with me and the settlement down there. Now, either choose your family and your home or this fake on the screen." Giving Tristan Ultimatum to choose between his brother his family or his home. Suddenly shouting through the video transmission, Xavier says. "FATHER! What are you doing? Are you really willing to lose your son because of your pride." Responding with a firm tone Mr. Arkridge yells, "DO NOT CALL ME FATHER!!" Tristan begins to step away frantically while staring at his father.

Stepping towards Tristan, Mr. Arkridge knocks Tristan out with the hilt of his dagger, shocking the control room workers. "S…Sir, we are getting messages from the rest of our fleet. They are getting low on the remaining resources." Starting to Pace around Mr. Arkridge sighs angrily. "Look here, is it possible to send a distress signal to someone on inside of the settlement. Someone who can seal off the rest of the settlement from the control room." Mr. Arkridge asks the control room worker. "It may be possible sir but…" "THEN DONOT IT NOW!!" The CW starts to send out signals trying to reach someone in the settlement. "You are really forcing my hand. I hope you can be proud of what is going to happen next BOY!" Mr. Arkridge says. Xavier is confused about what he meant and thinks to himself. "He shouldn't be able to contact anyone here inside the settlement, the jammer I placed is still working!? Is there another place where he can access the settlement systems."

Xavier goes and checks his jamming device off screen from Mr. Arkridge. Seeing that the jamming device is still working, Xavier wonders what his father's plan is. As time passes, the workers shout. "We got a response! They are shutting down that area as we speak." In the settlement, Xavier hears an alarm sound off as the sound of a door slams shut outside the control room. Letting out a loud laugh Mr. Arkridge then says, "Now it's time to rid myself of you…focus fire at the control room, make sure not to hit anything else if you do it will kill the others in the halls of the outer sector of the settlement." In the settlement in the Eagles Keep Mrs. Arkridge hears the alarm going off rushing to Xaviers room. "Xavier baby, we have to leave for a safer location." Opening the door, she sees that the room is empty.

Back to Xavier in the control room, Xavier tries to get out of the room but can't. "Dammit, how did he get through the jamming signal?" Xavier says to himself. Going back in front of the screen, Xavier tells Mr. Arkridge "You think this will be the end, but.... I will kill you." "FIRE!!" Mr. Arkridge shouts!! The main fleet charges one of their cannons, then fires at the control room Xavier's in. Hitting the control room, the blast sends Xavier flying into the wall, then sucked out into space. Looking from the main fleet, Mr. Arkridge gazes excitingly while seeing Xavier freezing along with debris from the control room of the settlement. Suddenly, a violet, red energy starts pulsating from Xavier. The energy begins to cover Xavier as he starts to be pulled into Vara's orbit.

Shocked by the sight they witnessed; the fleet was unable to respond. "How is that possible? No man has ever been able to survive in the vacuum of space without a protective suit. What is that energy... It looks similar to the energy radiated from the fragmented soil" Mr. Arkridge says to himself. Falling through Vara 590's atmosphere, Xavier crashes somewhere on the planet. "All fleet make re-entry into Vara now. I need everyone to work overtime and find that Black-market scum," Mr. Arkridge says to the other ships in his fleet. the workers in the room stare at him for a second before continuing on. Making entry into Vara the fleet lands at A.E.U Headquarters. Leaving the main ship Mr. Arkridge has soldiers carrying Tristan in cuffs. Approaching him is Commander Clark, Mr. Arkridge acknowledges him. "Commander Clark. " Sir, what's going on? I heard you were supposed to be landing at the settlement. What was that thing that crashed here?" Commander Clark says to Mr. Arkridge.

"We ran into a problem with a black-market agent. They destroyed the landing dock of the settlement, and the target crashed onto the planet. I want him back alive, send the soldiers." The A.E.U soldiers make their way to where Xavier crashed. Over to Xavier in the bottom of a giant crater. He wakes up from the pain, coughing and spitting up blood. "What!?" Looking at his body, then notices he is on Vara-590. Pulsing from Xavier, the red violet energy gets more and more unstable. "I crashed in a woodland area; I've got to find somewhere to hide." Stumbling to his feet, Xavier limps through the woods, burning the ground as he makes his way through. 40 minutes later, Xavier hears voices say, "Look at this. The ground is burning, he must have gone this way. COME ON!!" While grunting from pain, Xavier thinks to himself, "This energy is not going away, it's giving my location away." Moments later, a blaster is shot at Xavier's back. The blast doesn't pierce his skin but knocks him onto the ground.

"Urgh, Dammit." Looking at his shoulder, Xavier feels a burned spot on the back of his shoulder. "How did that not blow a hole into me?" Unable to muster any strength, the soldiers quickly surround Xavier. "Stop, stay down!!", "Go and restrain him, Mr. Arkridge wants him alive." A solider approaches Xavier with cuffs. Then suddenly, Xavier releases a shockwave of radiated energy, evaporating the soldiers near him. Breathing heavily, Xavier gets onto his feet once more. Back to Mr. Arkridge in the A.E.U headquarters, "What is happening, why is it taking so long!?" Mr. Arkridge ask over their coms. "Sir, he is releasing some kind of energy. We can't get close, or It will vaporize us." Shouting, Mr. Arkridge tells them, "Just kill him and bring me his corpse!" "Yes, sir, order received." The soldiers continue to chase after Xavier. Blaster fire whizzes pass Xavier. As he runs the energy finally begins to disperse. Finding a small, abandoned burrow on the ground by a bush, he crawls into it to hide from the soldiers.

The ground rumbles as the A.E.U soldiers run over top of the burrow. Some time passes, and Xavier is readying himself before exiting the burrow. "I need to find a ship and leave this planet. I can't stay here long, but Tristan is still with father...." Xavier comes to a tough decision, having to go back to the A.E.U headquarters to steal a ship. "Tristan will be okay. I can't be captured; sorry brother I hope you find out the truth as I did." Xavier slowly makes his way to the landing pads to get a ship. As it starts to get dark, Xavier is able to see the outline of the headquarters lighting up.