
Vol. 2 Panos Revolution

This Vol. 2 of Panos Galactic War on web-novel Continue reading the Adventures of Xavier fighting to correct the things his household has done in the universe. [2 chapter per week] cover art [made with night cafe] owned by Ark Seikatsu

Ark_Seikatsu · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 Infiltration

While watching, the pirates carry capsules out of the dig site. "Is that why they raided Atlas? I need to hurry back and let the others know about this." rushing back as fast as he can Xavier quickly hurries back to Curpa's shop. back to the shop Serenata and Logan are having a conversation. "So, how is it being a royal in this day and age. I never been with one this long before even the elders who are holy figures only truly respect the noble families." Logan says. "Well, it's really not much different from being a commander of a large force. there is two ways to lead them out of respect for the people or for power. the elders are of the old generation their lust for power and authority is just built into them. If we survive this, I'm planning on finding a new planet for us to live on." Serenata replies back to Logan.

"Find a new planet? why leave Novis after all our ancestor did to journey here." Logan says back to Serenata questioning her responds. "Look around you Logan, the planet our ancestors came to is long gone, the physical structure of this planet is unstable like our atmosphere. pirates attack all the time even though this is the first time they attack on this scale. we have many sister Planets that we can settle on Xavier is from another groups of humans he can help us find a place." "What about the ship that you would use, we don't have any ship of that size to transport that many people." cutting their conversation short Xavier arrives back at the shop. "GUYS!! there is a problem the pirates are farming this planet, they were never here to steal from the inhabitants of Novis. they are taking some type of resources from underneath Atlas, have any of you seen something like that." Xavier tells everyone what he found out.

Shocked Logan and the other realize that all the the pirates are hired by someone much worse. "That's crazy Xavier so your telling me that these pirates are apart of some bigger organization that wanting to harvest Novis. Who could do something like that?" Nervous Xavier start to explain where he comes from and who he ran away from. "Alright, Logan knows a bit of my origins but I never really gave him the full truth. So my full name is Xavier Arkridge the son of the A.E.U faction, one of the most powerful forces in Epsilon. It seems that your planet has been targeted by them for whatever resource that they found. I crash landed here after I escaped from my father and his fleet."

"So, your saying that your father is the reason that our planet has been attacked repeatedly by pirates? And what is going to happen when they finish farming that material?"

Logan says back to Xavier in disbelief. "I don't know how long they've been here, but know that this planet is already near its limit. when did they first arrive here?" Xavier asks. everyone begins to ponder when the pirates first arrive. "It was sometime after our moon was destroyed, they showed up taking territory." Serenata tells Xavier. "My father is a very dedicated man he wouldn't such a resource waste away, even if that would mean to kill a whole species…..that's why I left." Xavier says with a serious look. "He sounds like a horrible person." One of the command workers replies saying. "Yeah he is the reason I have this mechanical arm, but we need to stop them from leaving Atlas. If they leave here they will mostly report back and they will send a bigger team to fully extract the resource."

Sometime after discussing, Xavier and the others begin planning to infiltrate the temple to sabotage the extraction process. Suddenly a loud explosion makes them rush outside. "What was that!?" Climbing onto the roof of the shop, Logan sees a smoke trail close by. "Everyone get your gear, let's go investigate this." serenata tells everyone heading towards the explosion. Soon the arrive at a scene that shocks the others but just confirms that Xavier wasn't lying. Hiding under the rubble of a destroyed house, "Hey!! Be careful we already lost 3 capsule, Caden will be furious if we destroy any more our due date almost here." A pirate shouts leading the transportation of the resource, leaving some dead pirates next to a broken capsule. "I can't believe this, you were telling the truth they are extracting a resource from our planet." Serenata whispers to Xavier.

After the pirates leave Xavier and the other get from under the rubble they approach the destroyed capsule to investigate what exactly the resource is. "What is this?" One of the command post worker says reaching down to touch the illuminating object. "STOP!! Don't touch it!" Logan shouts but to late suddenly a surge of light shoots through his arm as its decay slowly. The worker lets out a screeching scream as he bony fully decays falling over. Shocked everyone steps back gradually away from the hazardous material. "Why are they after such a dangerous thing." Logan says frantically. "How did you know that was going to happen?" Serenata ask. "I didn't, I just noticed the corpse of the dead pirate. It had the stuff on them too." "….nice catch." Xavier says. Rushing on they follow far behind the pirates.

Soon they see where the pirate are loading the material, loading onto a large ship. "That the ship they're using is the A.E.U Herald the same one the started the attack. We need to be careful we are deep in there territory right now." Xavier explains to everyone. "Look!!" Walking down from the staircase they see a pirate who looks to be the leader of the pirates. As he approaches the ship he stops placing a device on the ground, appearing a hologram of Xavier's father, the pirates kneel saluting to him. "Hello Sir." Caden the leader say to Mr. Arkridge Hello, Caden I was expecting you to be done already with the extraction process. That planet doesn't have much advancements to give u trouble, what is the problem?" Mr. Arkridge tells Caden.

"M…Mr.Arkridge, the inhabitants are proving to be vary easy to deal with but the men aren't quite as good. the flickering dust is harder to extract then expected we've lost 4 capsules." Mr. Arkridge expresses a strong anger towards Caden. "I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!!! That flickering dust is something I need for the unions current objective and we all of it, DO NOT LOSE ANY MORE." Mr. Arkridge tell Caden in a menacing tone. Watching from a far Xavier sees his father and gets physically mad but holds it in. "Xavier are you alright, What's wrong?" Logan says to him. "That's….that's my father, they must be reporting to him." "That doesn't sound good." Logan replies. "Yeah we need to figure out how to sabotage this operation they got going on." Xavier glances around the area. "I got an plan but I know Logan isn't going to like it."

Sometime after hurrying off they arrive at the base of the drill. "What are we doing here Xavier, the pirates will be back soon. What's the plan?" Serenata says to Xavier. "The drill is the plan if we sabotage the drill they won't be able to finish extracting from the planet it's will put a halt on their plan." Stepping up to the module Xavier is able to see how much more material the union needs. "They have extracted 60% of the planet's resources and the reading the drill is giving is showing sighs that Novis will soon experience gravitational anomalies, With the unstable atmosphere the core of the planet will deteriorate fast." Xavier tells them while looking through the system. "Gravitational anomalies? What does that mean!" Serenata shouts. "That means that in 82 hours everything and everyone will be sucked into space and the planet will soon go into a catastrophe state." Xavier replies.

Devastated by the new Xavier just dropped, "then we need to hurry this plan of yours up, if that's the case we need to find a way to evacuate my people." "I understand that serenata, but we need to handle this drill first to distract the pirate from loading the ship…come on we got to place the capsules by the legs of the drill them from a safe distance shot it triggering a explosion." Rushing they move a few capsules under the legs of the drill, moving away Logan takes aim firing hitting the capsule. Sudden a explosion goes off the ground begins to rumble, losing its balance the drill starts to collapse. Back over to the pirates at the ship, Caden feels the rumbling. "What was that?" Mr. Arkridge ask him. "I don't know sir; it's seemed to be coming from the dig site HURRY AND CHECK WHATS WRONG!"