
Void Walker: Traveller of 3000 Worlds

Arthur Vin finds himself bewildered in the enigmatic world of Stellaris, where people wield powers akin to those from his favorite anime. "The Outbreak" or so people called it, was the time when the world faces a relentless invasion of intergalactic monsters known as Cryos, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Amidst chaos, Marshals emerge, wielding Traits fueled by mana, offering a glimmer of hope. Despite valiant efforts, the war persists, dividing the world into the Forbidden Zone and the Sanctuary. Arthur, a transmigrator with mysterious abilities, navigates this treacherous landscape, questioning his role in this new reality.

Vinho · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Traits? I also have one (3)

"Wait what's this?"...

Arthur was startled by the sudden appearance of what seems to be an interface, like the one you usually see in games.

<Infinite Void System>

Name: Arthur

Race: Human

Title: Chosen by the Void

Attributes: Void

Potential: Unknown

Fusion: 0.1%

"I knew it! so this is my system huh? the question is how powerful is it?"

Arthur grinned while being curious and looking at the interface in front of him, he already knew that only he can see this interface and others can't.

There was a prompt in the interface that suddenly popped up and arthur who was contemplating about the use of the system noticed it.

> I'll leave it to the host imagination.

> But i can roughly give you an idea that once the Fusion becomes 100% travelling to other worlds would no longer be an imagination but only reality.

"Damnnn! Are you being fr right now?"

Arthur gasped at the thought that, maybe one day he can return to his home world.

Once he's strong enough to break the shackles of this world.

"How does this Fusion thing increase, how can i make it go up?"

Arthur asked the system.

> Host only needs to devour enough cryos into the void, but no one knows how many cryos it will take perhaps a million or trillion? I can't give the host the exact estimate as it's not dependent on the quantity but rather the quality of cryos.

"Got it, but i have one last question system"

Arthur understood what the system implied, even after hearing that it might take a million or more cryos he wasn't discouraged at all. But rather was more spirited as he likes to take challenges head on. Because only after going through those challenges can he truly become strong.

> Sure host, i can only answer it if it's within my database.

"What's the connection between those ugly cryos and the system? Why does the system need to devour cryos to complete the fusion process?"

> Since host is curious, I'll satisfy that curiosity of yours. Think of it this way, cryos are sentient beings that are born from chaos in space, and their nucleus contains energy that are weaved from space.

> The system depends on the void which also means space. For the host to use the power of the void, it needs to have a charger and a source that's why cryos are a great supplement to the system.

"Ohhh i get it now, so you mean the potential of the system is limitless? If you think of it this way space is infinite, there's no end nor a beginning to it as the space expands infinitely."

"The chaos that are born from the expansion of space is also infinite. But does that also mean cryos are infinite?"

> Host thinks too much.

> Everything has it's creator, everything comes from a source.

> The universe also has it's rule to follow. There cannot be too much beings born from chaos within it otherwise the universe might explode from being too saturated with chaos.

> That's why it transferred those cryos from space to other worlds for living things to exterminate them.

> The universe also can't act on his own to deal with cryos since it might face the wrath of the creator and all the living beings within the universe.

> The creator hopes to follow things the way they are meant to be. Order is a must, that's why all living beings in the universe must follow the order. As for the lives of people in the universe they're just an ant in the eyes of the creator.

Arthur was puzzled by the attitude of the creator. However he seems to have thought of something, imagining himself beating the creator black and blue but he quickly put it in the back of his mind. If the system knew what he was thinking, the system would probably call him crazy.

"System, how do i use my trait?"

Arthur got back to the main point. He was too weak now to worry about the things that concerns the universe.

> Host can use the power of the void by imbueing it into items or what you marshals call Mana Weapons. Because ordinary items can't handle the power of the void.

"I see, but isn't that too expensive?"

Arthur exclaimed as their family wasn't really well off in terms of financial power.

> Host has no other choice, you are too weak now to handle the power of the void with just your body. It's not totally impossible to handle the power of the void with your human body but it needs to have a rank of atleast elite marshal.

The Ranking of Marshals are categorized into 6 ranks.

Novice, Junior, Elite, Grand Marshal, and Supreme Marshal.

There are also 3 sub-stages between each ranks that composes of Lower, Middle, Upper.

In the present day, there is only 3 Supreme Marshals that are currently known to exist in Stellaris. They are the 3 pillars of humanity, The Protectors!