
Void Walker: Traveller of 3000 Worlds

Arthur Vin finds himself bewildered in the enigmatic world of Stellaris, where people wield powers akin to those from his favorite anime. "The Outbreak" or so people called it, was the time when the world faces a relentless invasion of intergalactic monsters known as Cryos, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction. Amidst chaos, Marshals emerge, wielding Traits fueled by mana, offering a glimmer of hope. Despite valiant efforts, the war persists, dividing the world into the Forbidden Zone and the Sanctuary. Arthur, a transmigrator with mysterious abilities, navigates this treacherous landscape, questioning his role in this new reality.

Vinho · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Traits? I also have one! (2)

Looking at the Trait Identifier in front of him, the inspector was puzzled as to why the device is behaving like this.

"Is this thing broken? No it can't be."



[ Grade - R%=%?%? ]

[ Trait - Unidentified ]

Class: Error!?!??


Arthur who was waiting for the results to be announced, looked at the inspector who seems to have seen a ghost.

"Umm inspector, is everything all right?"

The inspector looked back at arthur, and turned to look at the device again. He repeated this action many times.

This behavior confused Arthur a lot, wondering why this inspector is behaving like that.

"Young man, the device seems to be broken.. Tsk this thing can't just be commonly replace and this city is in a very remote area too."

"I apologize for the inconvenience as i would need to go to a large city to get this thing replaced but i assure you I'll return as soon i can and you can come back after a few days to find me Inspector Charles."

Arthur who was feeling frustrated, also relaxed a little. After all even if he's dissatisfied what can he even do? Strength speaks more than words can.

"Then i have to trouble you inspector"

Arthur walked back down towards the crowd below and explained the situation. Many were angry, some even complained that they waited for a long time to queue here and now they can't awaken their traits cause some device is broken? Are you freaking kidding me..

Seeing the dissatisfied crowd below, the inspector could only apologize to those students.

"Unfortunately the ceremony will have to be delayed for a few days, because of some technical difficulties. I apologize for the inconvenience"

Said by the inspector with an apologetic tone. The inspector then looked at arthur in the crowd and recalled the scene earlier.

"Rainbow Grade? I must be getting old..

There's no way it exist."

The inspector murmured to himself while shaking his head.

[The crowd dispersed as they heard about the issue.]

"Noticing the strange situation earlier, and looking at the expression of the inspector there must be something wrong."

Arthur was going home as he contemplates about the matter.

"Then is it related to me being a transmigrator?"

Arthur thought about it for a long time, then

weigh the odds of it happening.

"If it's really like that, i hope it's a super op trait"

Arthur clasped his hands while looking at the sky, hoping that god will take pity on him.

"Mom, i'm home."

Said by arthur as he finally arrived home.

"Son you're back already?"

"Tell mom the results."

Mary was really excited to hear her son's result, hoping that it would be good news for their family.

"Yes, this is my supposedly mom now, their previous son was hiking on a mountain and got into an accident and lost his life."

"My soul was wandering aimlessly in a dark black space when a light suddenly shone and attracted my soul."

"The first thing i know is my soul is on this body, as memories came pouring straight to my mind"

Arthur thought to himself when he saw Mary waiting for him at the door. He then recounted what happened earlier to his mom.

Mary was taken by suprise, since no Trait Identifier had malfunction throughout the creation of it, making it a highly accurate device.

"Strange.. that shouldn't be possible"

Mary's face was full of confusion as she muttered to herself.

"Don't worry mom, the inspector said the ceremony will continue after a few days."

As he comforted his mother to not worry too much. Besides it's not like i'm gonna be powerless forever, i only need to wait for a few days.

"Okay okay, i won't worry too much. You're my son of course no matter the grade of your trait mom will be proud of you."

Mary smiled as he look fondly at Arthur, not knowing that he wasn't really her son.

Arthur returned to his room, after talking to his mom. What's bizarre is there seems to be something that's calling to him in his head.

Then a few strange words suddenly came to his mind.

> Infinite Void System <

System Starting...