
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · Fantasy
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124 Chs

Episode 34- Well, Joking Around in These Battles Cannot be That Bad, Right?

Tenka stared at the two students who were talking to them. She had no idea why they were saying that they called them a 'Scaredy cat' when no one ever said those words at all.

She thought they had some hearing problems because they started hearing things no one had ever said. Tenka thought they were trying to find a way so they could be mad at a couple of students that were younger than them. That was really the only practical way to react to their behavior.

Deeply sighing, she looked at the two students in confusion.

"But we didn't say th—"

"There is no need for you to correct them." Shito interjected, "This could make the battle a little more interesting. Even though they can't beat us, making use of their anger to make them stronger would be for the best in the long run."

Hearing his words, Tenka didn't pursue the matter any further. In the first place, she didn't care about what any of them were saying, but she didn't want the two boys to go around openly spreading lies about them, after all, they are in a school where rumors and stuff would cause unnecessary drama.

Even so, she understands where he came from with his sudden statement. They are strong but they should still be able to have fun at the school events. Leading a boring normal life is something that they didn't want to do at all.

Tenka and Shito looked at each other and without saying a single word, mana started flowing around the area and swords started to form out of thin air. Via creation magic, they could create any kind of object they wanted to.

Nodding his head, he looked at the two boys that were standing before him and his facial expression was calm and empty. He rarely showed any sort of emotions, so even in a fight, he kept the same empty expressions. There were times when he would smile, but that was only around his family. To the other people he could care less about what they see, it wasn't like that he was going to keep meeting them.

"Well, let's get this battle started… we have been keeping the crowd waiting for too long, and standing around here talking is not going to do much."

"Just for the record, we aren't some generic side characters. We can use three of the four great elements."

The two students quickly jumped back, and both of their hands filled with flames, countless fireballs formed behind their backs. They continue to stare at Team Phoenix, swiping their hands down.

"Multi-Fire Balls."

All the fireballs that were around them started to move toward Team Phoenix at astronomical speeds.

The two boys' hands were still lit in flame, and they pointed their hands toward the fireballs they had just shot at them. The fireballs started to grow; each fireball was three times the size of a volleyball.

"...Hmph." Tenka sighed, annoyed. "There is no way you think this kind of spell would be able to harm us and if you did… then you have another thing coming."

After saying those words, A scabbard for her katana appeared on her waist, and she quickly sheath her sword. The scabbard was a beautiful sea blue color, and the blade of her sword was pearly white.

She took a deep breath, and not long after that the ground beneath her feet started to crack. A strong aura was coming from her body, an aura that could be seen by everyone in the arena, even ordinary people could see her aura. Of course, they could enjoy sword fighting in magic battles but, if mana didn't take the form of a spell ordinary people had no hope of seeing where it came from. Her aura was condensed of both Ki and Mana… also known as the unknown power. Then, everyone in the arena could see a sudden ray of light stretch across the heavens, and not long after the fireballs suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Every single fireball that was sent toward them was cut down so fast that even the top mages could barely see it. Speeds that pass light speed by tens of thousands of times.

"You know… you are really good with a sword. Who taught you how to wield one?"

Tenka quickly glanced at Shito and smiled, "My family taught me how to use a blade, but I had to go out and learn from experience. But this sword style is completely my own because I honed it to the utmost limits and changed it to fit me only. I've gone through hell to grow stronger."

Everyone in the arena was still left in shock after the attack that she just displayed, the speed was too fast for anyone to see her blade, and the only people who could see it were her daughters, Shito, and Sara, they were at speeds that were higher than hers, so that's why they could see her attack perfectly.

Seconds had passed and everyone was still trying to register what they had just seen, but a second later, they started clapping their hands and shouting.

"Wooooow! That was epic! Do something like that again!"

No one could see anything that she had done, but it was still a cool sight to see, her strike had physically split the heavens, but no one had seen that because they were too distracted to notice it.

…Well, it's a given that she is growing stronger without much training. She is just like me and our daughters, she has the energy from the void, but she doesn't know how to hornets it. me, my sister, and our daughters grow stronger every day without the need of training. And so does she.

Most of the higher-level beings grow stronger without training. The spirits and the demons also could have those types of abilities.

Glancing around the arena, Shito noticed that all the people in the crowd were looking at them silently. They were tuned in to the battle and couldn't keep their eyes off them; it was like someone who couldn't look away from their favorite television show.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to start attacking you, boys…" A flame appeared in his hands, and the flame formed a ball and started instantly floating in the air, "Don't worry. I will try my best not to hurt you two."

The arena started to heat up from the big ball of fire that was in the area. Almost everyone in the world learned elemental resistance spells, but Shito's flames reached a high enough to the point that simply possessing the resistance would not stop someone from being burned to death by his spell.

His words got a cross to the two boys, and they quickly moved around the arena, trying their best not to get hit by him. They were trying to be fast enough so he would not be able to stop him.

Tenka looked at the two boys that were flying in the air and smiled, "Wow, do you think you would be able to hit them?" she asked, jokily. Nothing that came out of her mouth was completely serious, she was just playing around them, there was no way that the two were outrunning them since she could clearly see them.

"...That's a question you didn't need to ask."

A small fireball shot out of his hand at a slow speed. His mana was still connected to the fireball, and he started pumping his mana into the fireball, significantly increasing the fireball in size. The ball of flames looked like a miniature sun, and the flames started to change color. From a bright orangish-red color, the ball of fire turned into a blue color.

To everyone in the arena. The ball of fire that he released was more potent than anything they had ever seen. None of the students had ever seen anyone use a blue fireball. Even though it's not the strongest flame in his position, he only used it because he liked the color of it.

With his hands still raised towards the heavens, Shito clenched his fist, and the flames started to shrink.


With those words, the ball of flames burst, creating a massive explosion. Usually in a fight, the explosion would kill a person but since he was holding back so he could delay the battle, none of the flames would harm his opponents. So, they would not be sent out of the arena, and they would drop to the drop with minor burns.

Once the flame burst, the two boys fell to the ground. They were still inside the arena, so they were necessarily eliminated from the battle. Thus, they had no reason to continue fighting them.

"Ughhhh! That shit hurt badly. I didn't think that would do too much damage, but even so, we will not give up."

The small burns that were on their body slowly started to fade away. All the injuries on their body started to heal, and they had enough mana to keep simultaneously healing their bodies whenever they got into any problems, which were the same for almost all mages since every mage had some sort of training before going to Lemore Academy.

Tenka looked at the two boys, and her eyes started shining brightly. "Well, I didn't expect you to want to keep going… but if that's what you want, we would be happy to oblige," she uttered softly. Her movements were instantaneous, and she was standing directly behind the two students. Not a single sound could be heard from her movements. It was like she was a ghost.