
Void Evolution System

5 years ago, Earth was subject to an event now known as the “World Awakening”. At that time, the world completely changed. Mana awakened in the world, gates began opening, and a holographic screen showed up in front of the eyes of every human that outlined their “status”. Each individual was given a talent to start with, ranging from simple abilities like enhanced eyesight to insane fantasy stuff like pyrokinesis. And within this myriad of abilities, Damien awakened a spatial affinity with the skill “short-distance teleportation”. At first, he was excited, thinking about intense battles and gaining great power, but the reality was quick to shoot him down. His ability only worked in the area 10 meters around himself, and his physical stats were insanely weak, leaving him tired after using his ability a couple of times. Disillusioned by his weakness, Damien lived a quiet life doing anything he could to meet ends meet, until one day, everything changed. Damien was betrayed and thrown into a gate, left to fend for himself in a labyrinth of beasts. Something snapped in him that day. He refused to stay weak and keep his head down any longer. When he emerged from the darkness, he found himself in a new world with no idea how to return to earth. However, he wasn’t the same kid he was when he first fell. ===== Discord: https://discord.gg/sEfafFXazb ===== Cover by Lia.Audelia

Crocs_is_Dead · Fantasy
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1797 Chs

Hide And Seek [5]

The three young geniuses were completely unaware of their ghostly pursuers. The staircase was eerie enough on its own. It didn't need their help to frighten them.

The darkness was lit by twin torches on the narrow walls. When the trio walked between them, they'd flicker with blue flames and reveal that there was far more staircase waiting for them than they ever expected.

It was a much longer descent than it needed to be.

Was it meant to destabilize their minds? If so, it definitely worked.

There was a haunting aura to each and every step. The further down they went, the more they felt like they were walking into the underworld.

The fact that they were together was a huge help. If any one of them had to do it alone, they might not have been able to.

Still, they took it step by step and eventually made it to level ground again.