
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 27: Bloodline limit

Dazna suddenly burst into tears: "My son has already died in Cardo's hands, so my lovely eight-year-old grandson will also die in his hands.

The country of waves is over. If the bridge construction fails, all the citizens will no longer be able to live and have to wait to die.

Let my daughter live her life in remorse for Konoha. "

Xiao Ying pouted, "It's so fake, I didn't even shed a single tear."

As if hearing Sakura's words, Dazner squeezed out two tears.

[Dazna is indeed a little desperate. He is the hope of the country of wave. Once he is killed by Cardo, the entire country of wave will be controlled by Cardo and become a tool for him to make money]:

Sora pondered for a while, and said, "Mr. Kakashi, why don't you help him? No matter how small the country of wave is, it is an independent country. Protecting Mr. Dazna is equivalent to gaining the friendship of the country of wave. Money is more strategic."

Kakashi pondered a little and said, "I will write a letter to the third generation to explain the situation. Once the third generation stops, I can only return to improve the progress of the task, and now I can move on."

"That's great, I, Naruto Uzumaki, will definitely show off my skills this time. I can't just let Sasuke and Sora take the limelight."

Kakashi said, "Mr. Dazner, tell us about Cardo's situation in detail."

Dazner nodded. Although his voice was calm, several people could feel the hardships involved.

A super rich man, he is surrounded by not only elite ninjas such as those who do not kill again, but also many underworld and wandering warriors. It seems that there are a lot of people who want to prevent Kado from getting in the way.

Kakashi wrote all the general information into a letter, summoned the communication eagle, and took it away.

Until the next day, the messenger eagle returned, bringing information to let them move on, and the Asma team would come to support them.

"I haven't seen Teacher Asma for two days. I didn't thank him for the dinner before."

[If Asma knew Sora's thoughts, he probably wouldn't accept this kind of quest even if killed. The last thing he wants to see is Sora Uchiha]

Kakashi was a little surprised and said, "How could you have an intersection with Asma?"

"I met him during a break before, and we had a meal together. I didn't expect Teacher Asma to be so stingy, but I still think he is a good person."

[Kakashi automatically ignored Sora's words, he knew Sora was a human being, and Asma did a good job]

"Kakashi-sensei, why do you still help outsiders."

"Really, it was said by the narrator, but I never said such a thing."

Sakura suddenly interjected: "Kakashi-sensei, should we move on or wait for Asma-sensei."

[Sakura's heart is more inclined to wait. There are many people and great power. He was a little bit intimidated by the narrator's introduction to Zaibuzhan]

[Sakura only thinks that she will kill everyone who graduated together, and Kakashi-sensei looks like she has a kidney deficiency, obviously it can't be done]

[Kakashi's strength is not something that a newly graduated ninja like Sakura can figure out. He became a Jōnin at the age of thirteen, and the entire ninja world is rare.]

[No slashing is worse than Kakashi after all]

[Sakura regrets a lot in her heart. She said that he has a kidney deficiency, so Kakashi-sensei must have a grudge.]

Kong said with a low smile: "Who knows this kind of thing, Kakashi-sensei reads some strange books all day, maybe he has developed some bad habit."

[Sakura is a little curious, I don't know what Sora said]

"This kind of thing can only be understood and cannot be described in words. Kakashi-sensei must know that as for you little brats, you are not yet of age."

Sora had an unfathomable look on his face.

Xiao Ying's face was full of disdain: "It's like how old you are. You're not a little kid, you're also Sasuke's younger brother."

[Sasuke casts a glance at Sora, he really didn't see his younger brother's appearance from Sora's body, he's like an uncle all day, he really deserves a beating]

[Sasuke's idea has been approved by everyone, including Dazna, Sora has been betrayed and separated without knowing it]

"Haha, this must be narrated, it has nothing to do with you." Sora said.

[Kang made up his mind, when there is a chance, he will let everyone taste the taste of his newly developed enhanced version of the smoke bomb, guaranteeing to make them want to die]

[Kakashi is a little surprised, he has seen the power of smoke bombs, but he didn't expect to improve it]

A group of six people unknowingly came to the river, ready to take a boat to the country of waves.

At this time, outside Konoha Village, the Asma team just walked out of the village.

Ino looked around and asked curiously, "Mr. Asma, it's mysterious, what is the mission this time."

"Go to the Land of Waves and support Kakashi. I heard that the enemy this time is Kirikin who betrays the ninjas and will not slash. Lord Hokage is worried about the safety of the rest of the team."

[In two days, Asma has forgotten about Uchiha's empty meal]

[Shukamaru took a peek, and Asma's normally normal face suddenly darkened]

[The task has been taken over, it's too late to go back on it, so I can only bite the bullet]

"Remember, when you see Uchiha Sora, don't mention any topics related to eating. Sora is too sinister, and he will follow his words if you don't pay attention."

[Asma wants to see if Sora can still have a meal with his preparations in advance]

Shikamaru shook his head~www.mtlnovel.com~ and said: "Asma-sensei, how can this kind of thing be prevented, the most important thing now is how to deal with it, and we need to discuss with Kakashi-sensei after meeting. ."

[Asma nodded secretly, fortunately there is a high-IQ ninja of the Nara clan like Shikamaru, otherwise he might have suffered a lot]

On the sea, a small boat moved slowly, and a faint mist filled the air, as if a mysterious veil had been given to the sea.

"Except for Kado's subordinates, they are a group of rabble, and there is no difficulty. If Kakashi is entangled in it, if you don't cut it, we can solve Kado, and the mission of the country of waves can be easily completed."

Sora glanced at the four of them and made a simple battle plan.

[Sora doesn't seem to take his subordinates who will not be killed again in his eyes, he will pay the price for underestimating his opponent]

Sora showed a smile and said: It seems that the subordinates who don't cut it are not simple characters. "

Although the narrator was not under Kong's control, he did not reveal his secrets. He didn't think the narrator would not know the secret of his time-travel.

[Of course, he is a ninja with the limit of ice escape and blood, and his strength is not weak]

[Kakashi frowned secretly. If he doesn't cut it, it will make him uncomfortable. He also has to add a ninja who is bound by blood. This mission is a bit troublesome.]

Naruto, like a curious baby, said, "Teacher, what is a blood-based boundary?"

Kakashi pondered a little: "The spells that appear after the combination of the two types of chakra's nature changes, such as wind and water to form an ice escape, wind and fire to form a scorching escape, the usual blood succession limit is stronger than a single escape technique.

Another is the mutation of human organs. Konoha's Hyuga's white eyes and Uchiha's writing round eyes are all organ mutations, and they are also a kind of blood-based boundaries. "