
Voiceover system from Konoha

Uchiha Sora suddenly became Erzhuzi’s younger brother, salted fish all day long, doing nothing, and Nara Shikamaru, known as the two salted fish ninjas of Konoha. No one knows that there is a voice-over system in his mind. As long as he hears the emotional ups and downs of the ninja in the voice-over, he can get emotional points. Just looking at the strange things in the exchange space, Sora suddenly felt that this was an illegitimate system. Posting only starting few chapters if you like this fanfic check it out on MTL and if you want to read in fully translated version contact me if your willing to support me

Manish_Raj_0322 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 26: go or stay

Naruto, who was protecting Dazna, moved his arms and came back to his senses.

"Hey, this guy can't let you deal with it by yourself, Sasuke, I have also improved these days, the multi-shadow avatar technique."

Wudao clones rushed towards Brother Gui.

[Naruto thought very well, just now he was frightened by Kakashi's suspended animation, and even forgot to think, just using this battle to cover up the embarrassing incident just now]

Sora laughed: "Naruto, you should thank me, if I hadn't kicked you, you would have been exposed. How could this kick be worth three bowls of Yile Ramen."

Naruto scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, "Okay, wait for this mission to end."

[Naruto didn't find out at all, Sora's words completely exposed what he was so scared that he couldn't move. Now everyone knows that he was scared before]

"Kong, you guy, you really don't have a good heart."

"Don't listen to the narrator's nonsense. You have been exposed before. I just processed your thoughts. If you want revenge, go to the narrator."

Brother Gui's eyes were red and he was extremely angry: "You guys haven't put me in your eyes yet, I'm going to kill you."

[Brother Gui is following the ninja who will not cut the north and south, but he was looked down upon by a few Konoha goblins. He felt very shameless and decided to drag a few goblins to die together]

"Idiot, once the ninja loses his calm, he is not far from death. Come on Naruto Sasuke, it's time for the two of you to show your strength, but you can't let Kakashi-sensei and the sloppy old man look down on him."

[Dazner glanced at him, was the sloppy old man talking about him, what an ignorant brat]

[Sora casts a glance at Dazner and pays for a mission C, but asks them to deal with ninjas who are obviously B-level, and there is another one who doesn't know the strength of Zabuzhan waiting for it]

[The little old man can really think of good things. If it wasn't to verify his own strength, Sora planned to beat the old man and return to Konoha]

"Little devil, you can't mess around. My back is sore and my legs hurt, and I often feel dizzy. My poor grandson is still waiting for me to go back."

[Dazner looked at the ghost brother lying on the ground, his legs trembled when he thought of the empty tricks before, if you give him a shot, he might as well die]

"Kang, you can't scare the employer, the mission hasn't stopped, Dazna is still under our protection."

Kakashi appeared on the field at an unknown time, and his body was clean, not even a bit of dust.

"Kakashi-sensei, it's cool in the woods, why are you willing to come out?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just observing your performance. The bandits before were just stronger ordinary people after all, but now it's Kiriyuki's rebellion, which is different from bandits."

[Sora understands what Kakashi means, the lower ninja from the small ninja village is no different from the commoners to the big ninja village, and the future bandit king is not a qualified ninja to Kakashi]

"Kakashi-sensei, how is my performance, I can still catch your eye."

Kakashi nodded and said, "That's right, it's a deadly move, it hits the key point directly, and there are no extra bells and whistles."

Sora quietly sent a narration in the system space:

[Kongshen knows that his strength is not enough, and he can only strengthen the crooked ways. It is also a good method to hit the key points, and it is also a fighting skill he tailor-made for himself]

[Kakashi nodded secretly, Sora is a child who can see himself clearly. Before the performance of the salted fish at the ninja school was probably more boring and the child's willfulness]

"Haha, Kakashi-sensei praising me like this will embarrass me."

[Kakashi saw through Sora's disguise at a glance, embarrassed, but his eyes were clearly proud, not shy]

"I didn't expect to be seen by the teacher. You two, why haven't you solved it yet? Kakashi-sensei can't help but take action."

Brother Ghost glanced at Sora, his pupils shrank, and it was Kakashi, unscathed.

"Kakashi, how dare you play tricks on us, **** it."

While Brother Oni was entangled by Naruto, Sasuke moved quietly and appeared behind Brother Oni in a blink of an eye.

Several shadow clones appeared next to Naruto and rushed over, together with the main body, punching and kicking.

[Brother Ghost is a little confused by Naruto's endless shadow clones. After all, he has stayed in a big ninja village like Kiriyin, so he has some knowledge and understands the meaning of shadow clones.]

The sharp iron hand swept across and smashed a clone into smoke. At this moment, Brother Ghost only felt a cold in a secret place.

Immediately after that, the burning pain shot straight into the mind, the sphincter muscle contracted rapidly, and a stream of blood splashed out.

Brother Gui covered his **** and fell to the ground, the severe pain made him unable to straighten up.

A kunai's tenacious thorn was on it, and blood dripped down the kunai.

Brother Gui's hand trembled while holding Kuwu, and he suddenly pulled it out.

A tragic howl sounded, a large pool of blood spurted out from behind, Brother Ghost rolled his eyes, and could be unconscious at any time.

Sasuke pinpointed the location of the wound and kicked it with a huge force. There was even a banging sound.

Brother Ghost jumped up from the ground, clutching his **** and completely fainted.

The body twitched unconsciously. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

[Sasuke and Sora are really brothers, the injuries caused are completely symmetrical, one in front and one behind, two vital points]

[Naruto only felt a chill in his butt, remembering that Kakashi-sensei wanted to use this trick to deal with him back then, but Sasuke changed his hands to Kunai, and Naruto couldn't help but be happy that he escaped.]

"Naruto and Sasuke did a good job, and Sakura did a good job, too. In the event of a ninja robbery, the safety of the employer is the most important thing. This mission has allowed me to see your growth.

However, I plan to stop the next mission and return directly to Konoha. "

Sora glanced at Dazna, and said, "Kakashi-sensei, is it because the ghost brother said that he will not be killed again?"

Naruto, who was about to speak, also looked over and said, "If you don't kill whoever you are, Kakashi-sensei would be afraid."

[Kakashi is not afraid of not slashing again, he is just worried about the four members of the team, after all, he is a famous ninja in the ninja world, the former seven people of ninja swords, the master of the beheading sword]

[It is rumored that he killed all the students who took the exam during the graduation exam. In a grade, he was the only one who graduated by himself. He was nicknamed the ghost, and was proficient in the assassination technique of the fog.]

[Sakura was taken aback. He was the only one who graduated from a class and killed all his classmates. How could there be such a person]

Sora said: "Mr. Kakashi, you should be able to deal with it, you should be able to deal with it. It's not bad for a betrayal to have a subordinate like a ghost brother by his side. It can't be too many."

[Sora's analysis is good, Zabuzhan really has only one subordinate by his side. After being wanted by Wuyin, he can only live a life of hiding in the East and Tibet, and now he has become the chief thug of Cardo]

Naruto shouted: "Kakashi-sensei, I finally came out, how can I return? I don't want to continue doing weeding tasks."