
Vlogging in One Piece

A Godling has been thrown by his father on the planet of seas. His memories have been altered, he lost his power, and he is now a mortal. But, with his unbreakable phone, with a sun as its battery, with unlimited data, can he survive in this world.

Anezaki_Touya_4708 · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

5 Misunderstanding

///General POV///

Aris, Arriving at the beach. The first thing he saw is Deuce holding a broken plank readying himself to hit Ace.

"Wait, What?"

He immediately rushed from the bushes to the beach wanting to stop Deuce at an attempt to hit Ace, without even knowing the true story or ask what was really happening.

He just rushed like a bull targeting a red flag.

Noticing the voice and the sound of the heavy footsteps, Deuce looks at Aris with an unsightly face.

Tears are running to his cheeks, and snots are scattered on his face.

Seeing Aris, Deuce's face lights up a bit, but it changed to stunned when he realized that Aris misunderstood what he was doing, because the guy is now rushing to him at full speed.

"Wait!---" He didn't finish what he is going to say, when Aris dived to him and tackle him. Pushing him to the air with him.

They both landed on Ace who's facing them backwards, pinning him at the bottom with Aris at the very top, and Deuce being burgered. They made a scene that looks like a p*rn, that is super disgusting.

Being pinned, Ace looks upward and there a palm size circular thing will be seen on his throat sliding towards his stomach.


"Haahh! Damn. I thought I'm going to die!" He mutter, now breathing clearly with no more signs of uncomfortableness on his face.

He's just choking, and Deuce just want to help by hitting him with a plank. I don't know if that's how it really work, but let's jut leave it to the doctor.

"Ace! Are you okay? What happened? Why Deuce wanted to hit you?" Aris ask in worry.

"Damn you. You didn't even ask earlier when you suddenly shot at me. And now you're ASKING?!!!" Deuce shouts in anger, now being burgered by the two.

"Get up, or I will fucking kill you!" He threatened, as he's face turned dark.

"Ok, ok."

'Scary!' Aris thought, as he immediately stand up.

"By the way, what's really happened?" Aris asks and looks at Ace, avoiding to make an eye contact with Deuce as the guy is so threatening right now.

"Oh! I choke up. haha!" Ace said smiling widely while brushing the back of his head.

"We found these small treasure box washed ashore and found a fruit inside it. We divide it, I ate the other half, fall asleep. Boom! I choke." Ace explained in a simple manner.

Aris after hearing this just nod.

"So you ate something new without me knowing. And here I am thinking about the safety of you two and thinking of sharing the both of you two the chicken." He murmur silently, feeling betrayed by these people. But Ace heard him.


"By the way, where are you earlier when the storm hit? We're worried about you! You know." Ace asks, changing the topic of their conversation.

"Is that so?! Well, I'm hiding in a cave. I'm wandering around when the storm hit's, but thankfully, I've managed to find a cave." Aris said, pouting while looking at the empty small chest that besides Ace.

'I wonder how it taste.' He thought.

Ace seeing him pouting can't help but compares him with luffy. 'This guy is literally thinking about the fruit. That thing didn't even taste great.' He thought as he shake his head.

"By the way, is everything alright? That storm is suddenly and it's also very strong!" Aris ask, returning to his normal self.

Hearing this, Ace face turned a bit gloomy. "Well, the boat has been destroyed by a falling tree, other than that everything is okay."

"Ahh! Then it's okay."

'Not like it can get out of us here anyway.' Aris thought.

"So help us! If this situation of ours continues we will all end up dead here, if we didn't escape this place." Ace said, assuming Aris to help them.

There's a moment of silence before a flicker of light illuminated the beach from Ace that is burning.

"Ace you're burning." Aris said nonchalantly, still thinking about the motor he needs.

"What?" Being said that you're burning, Ace is confused and doesn't understand what Aris said to him. It's just in a matter of seconds that Aris finally notices that being burned alive is unusual to a mortal, so he shouts in panic.

"Ace! Fuck! You're literally burning!!!" He shout, startling the sleeping Deuce making him look at them. Then he immediately notice that Ace is glowing.

"Fuck, Kami?" He asks, thinking that he's still dreaming.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!" Ace screams, running left and right, rolling in the ground trying to figure out how to put out the fire. Aris is just standing at one point, throwing a handful of sands to Ace trying to kill the fire, but it seems useless.

The scene in the beach is quite funny. Ace running around, Aris throwing sands, and Deuce still half asleep, wondering if this is a dream. These guys are like childrens, who don't know how to live with just themselves. Jokes aside, one of them is over fifteen thousand years old.

"Aaahhhhh!!!--- Wait. I'm not burning. Guys I'm not--" Ace didn't finish his words, when Deuce kicks him to the cliff. Deuce finally realizes that he's not dreaming, so he immediately throw Ace to the sea to stop his burning.

Deuce then turned around, and look at Aris with squinted eyes.

"It's not me. He just started burning." Aris explaines, avoiding to look at Deuce eyes.

"Wait, did he know how to swim?"

As if there's a glass breaking. The two men looked over at the clif and search for Ace that should be already swimming. But to no avail there's no trace of Ace that can be seen.

Without a word, Aris jumps down from the cliff, and dives down to the sea to save Ace.