
Vital Attack

A mysterious book founded, killing many civilizations countless times. It was a catastrophe yet no one knows the reason behind the death, Aston a teenage student who lost his beloved ones from the book and curious he decide to read the mystery behind it. Who would've thought the mystery behind the book was the beginning of Aston unleashing a terror hidden...

SpoiledZirff · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue - [Comes With A Price]

Endless Darkness.

The creatures of the night. Oddities.

They live in no light but a complete void, yet why, why can this mad anomaly still have such power.

A robust, tall and scale skin looking creature uproar the creature covered with hair on his face, nothing could be seen except the shining four sharp incisors tusks teeth.

"I am...starving."

The creature said, moving forward unsteady with the same kind as him, they all lick their stink saliva drooling from their mouths.

The sudden twenty creatures stopped their hairy heads raising to look at the cavern passageway wide open for them, they all gulped.

With one of them moving forward surprisingly the torches fixed intervals along the cavern lit brightly.

Unfortunately, even with the entire cave's effective source of illumination, the place was sheer covered with dust everywhere. With the quietness of the place, only the resonant feet could be heard inducing the creatures to have an immediate baleful sensation.

"Is he in deep slumber?"

One of them asked.

Again the gulped. This time around in absolute uncertainty, their head lift to the huge skull snake skeleton.

Its mouth was wide and clear exposing very long large fangs yet the most surprising thing was the snake tongue, which is still fresh in the mouth.

Unwonted indeed, from the skeleton, it could be known the snake was dead for a year already, but its tongue still stuck fresh.

"Who cares, either he's sleeping or in a deep slumber." One of them rebuked, "Let's just eat him!"

Further, into the skeleton's mouth, they spot a tall throne with a man sitting on it...

An ample power surfaced through the person sitting, his legs crossed and one of his hands on his cheek. The man's personal, a moderate relaxed feature with his eyes closed.

"Hurry, we need to eat, I'm ravenous just seeing our fresh meal!"

Rushing to him likewise, another one exclaims in excitement, devouring his being and soul.

"Let's tear this worthless trash into the real endless hell."

Enclosing the man, the creatures all open their mouths and aim for the person.

"Ha, I'm going to enjoy this mere puppet," Said inch by inch his mouth drooling with undeniable hunger to taste the person's head as his saliva stunk the person's hair.



The creature said in an unexpected panic, the man who was in a relaxed posture uttered a word when suddenly about to be devoured.

"Your mouth reeks."

As if not hearing his word, the creatures and his kind stumble back in total dismay.

"Damn, he's awake."

"Run—" He screamed running hysterically with his kind.


The man phrased again while gradually opening those eyes of his.

"You, stinky you."

Pointing at the one who suggested they run, "Where did you think of going?"

The being halted, his feet utterly stop on their own when the man questioned. The only thing he could see was a barren surrounding yet not understanding what is wrong. Promptly, he could feel his blood-curdling and a hand grasped badly to his heart.


The being let out in anguish, he falls to the ground-hugging his knee. His heartbeat, beat so fast in misery that he felt to plunge his heart out of him will resolve the pain, yet he couldn't do anything but sympathetically hug himself.

"A mere puppet was that what you said, you rock riot."

The rock riots shook heads in disapproval after witnessing what he did to one of them.

The man's eyes space each of them and with a grin framed on his face, he humped.

"Boring losers."

"Wasn't he supposed to be in a slumber sleep?" One of the rock riots mumbled, moving further excessive sweat dripping on him.

"You damn bastard."

Every one of the rock riots was shocked by what one of them uttered.

"So what if you're superior, or you weren't in your slumber."

"Your vital entity is solely impenetrable!"

"You can't harm us, even if you have only your vital aura." The rock riot mockingly blurted.

"Hmm," The man breathed, thinking for a second with his lips smug with satisfaction.

"Is that how they explain to you?"

"To think the sealed me...what a waste."

The man softly spoke sounding cheesy to the eardrum, the riot felt even more upset with the man's manner of speech he was originally looking down at them.

Gritted teeth in annoyance "You mere puppet, what are you taking yourself as Banish!"

Banish eyes brim redder, while the smug disappear totally "Banish" He repeated the name "Come to think of it you called me so disrespectful!"


Rock riot utter confusion and shock, Banish was now right in front of him their faces and breath exhale to each other.

Which was exclusively aghast, none of them knew when he stood and swiftly approach him. Fumble, the rock riot falls on his butt, trembling.

"How, how did you get here?" Rock riot said. Baffled.

Although they might be an existence with no eyes but hair, they could still sense the dangerous aura allotted through Banish being.

"Disturbing me from my peaceful dreams, calling my name with disrespect, what kind of sins have you all committed."

The space between them subsisted in quietness. As Banish leans over and stretches his hand.

"Pl-Please d-don't" He stuttered.

But too late, Banish clasps the riot hair causing discern of fear instead of pain.

"Seeing you so close, rock riots are hideous" Banish said "Ah well, killing you might come with a price."



Banish brutally clutched the riot hair and forcibly eliminated his head from the being's body. His blood sloped onto Banish's face, and as to Banish he smiled maniacally and delighted.


Blood is the only scenario to me that brings mental hunger. I love it, I love seeing blood.

The scarlet beauty, the scent and flesh clutch in my hands with pleasing cries descant lovely to my ears, had always been an inner pleasure to my entirety.

Banish slowly covered his face with his bloody hand, and joyfully enunciated with a fun expression.

"Ah, It always comes with a price."

"So who is next?"

He said, licking the bloodstained hand, exuding a strong killing desire. His eyes flicker staring at the beings who had already shivered in affliction. Accepting their deniable doom.