
Vital Attack

A mysterious book founded, killing many civilizations countless times. It was a catastrophe yet no one knows the reason behind the death, Aston a teenage student who lost his beloved ones from the book and curious he decide to read the mystery behind it. Who would've thought the mystery behind the book was the beginning of Aston unleashing a terror hidden...

SpoiledZirff · Fantasy
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Pale Cockroack

Cursed was always a taboo although, to me, it's always been my greatest mystery yet.


In the heated sun, the bell rang.

In a classroom of Middle Tech high school, on the first floor, the teacher walked into the first-year class.

The teacher stood on the podium, putting his tome textbooks. He knit his eyebrows in vivid annoyance.

"Attention you brat!"

Teacher Jay draw the attention of the students to him, he couldn't help but feel irritated with the teenager's manners. Teachers, always have to move on time from one class to another to deliver their lessons after the bell rang during this temperature season of the month.

But for the students, they don't even feel sympathy, only peacefully misbehave, play, and chit-chat around when the teacher walked out of the classroom without a care in the world.

"You're all detecting today!"

Teacher Jay announced staring at the classroom faces looking all surprised at him, they couldn't help but reviled him.

[What a devil this Potato man is]

The students mock teacher Jay's chubby body internally in great displeased.

"Don't make me hear any word again, else you all be punished. "

Quite, the several students all put their intuition to the teacher, picking up their pens and books.

"By making 'u' the subject formula 0.05/0.05 × u = 5.025/0.05 is equal to —"

The teacher stalemate and coughed, he pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose for the third time around after getting to this class. Teacher Jay's brow frowned deeper, by the time his about to be done with the class when his gaze notices a boy.

Although the students are now scribbling on their notes with difficulties to reach the end of the detection. This boy was simply different, sitting upright while his right hand on his cheek, he gave a gentle and well temperamental ambience, no difference from the obedient dearest student.

Teacher Jay snapped the chalk in his hand, the boy might seem so but deep down, teacher Jay knows this boy was treating him as the breeze.

"Aston Young."

Teacher Jay voiced scared and shrank the entire teenagers to the core at the same time, and the once quiet atmosphere suddenly stiff because of the roar.

The person teacher Jay named didn't even halt he was stillness in his position, neither the teacher nor the students could see the boy's expression since his head slightly tilted making his straight black hair cover half his face.

He scoffed and picked up the pen he set threw it unto the boy's head, and yelled out

"You stupid boy, wake up."

Caressing where he got hit, Aston yawned looking up at teacher Jay for a second, then lazily stood up.

Teacher Jay put out of temper, "Why are you sleeping in my class?"

Aston, stare straight at his teacher with a calm expression, and consciously rebuke "Wrong sir!"


Not only teacher Jay but Aston's mates too were completely dazed, teacher Jay wasn't wrong after all they all recognized Aston often had an accustomed route to falling asleep in the physics class.

Nevertheless, without punished and today that he is asked for his act up, without conscious declaring himself innocent.

Teacher Jay sighed, "Then what I was saying?"

"U = 100.5 m/s."

Speechless with rage, the teacher's hand hit furiously at the podium.

"That's absurd, how could you know the answer in a sleeping state?"

Aston lowered his head in a form of diffitent youth, to him, what might sound absurd as usual was normal to him though, no matter how far he is asleep he could listen to his surrounding, thought Aston.

Teacher Jay continued with his tantrum, "Even if you know the answer by studying ahead of the class, that doesn't mean you shouldn't listen to me."

"Boys like you who usually don't listen to the teacher end up as losers jealous of those successful."

"Got it!"

Aston nodded in response. His lips opened curiously, he asked "If I might end up as a loser, then what about those with anger issue?" He hesitated and proceed, "They shouldn't be successful with mental illness disorder."

The class began to laugh, they seemed to have known instinctively that Aston was about to cause trouble.

"Aston Young, you think you're smart right!" Finally, teacher Jay exploded "You won't leave school until you solve all the problems today!"

By the time Aston excited about solving the questions, the bell rings.

Aston paused with the chalk in his hand and peeked at the stern face of teacher Jay, who without looking back for a second picked up his books and walk out of the class.

It happened to be the last class. Most students packed up and left, with little giggles and whispers. Aston also grabs his backpack and followed behind them.

"Pale cockroach!" A few girls rushed to his side, all sincerely smiling "Do you love annoying teachers this much? This is the fifth week you're always on it."

"I was being honest though, teacher Jay has a temper that needed to check."

He responded to them, turning around to his mate he was startled "What's this?"

"It's for your hard work pale cockroach" The girls were all handing him a beverage with a cute grin. Aston didn't know what to say but blankly stare, he was already upset with the name the girls were teasing him with.

What do they mean by the name pale cockroach, was it his fault he's like this?

He internally reckoned to himself and sighed, the teasing name has followed him for a while now, yet he was still not used to it.

"I don't want it" Aston simply refused.

"What?" The entire girls' dazed, confused

"Haha, what with your nonsense pale cockroach, how could you possibly refuse the pretty girls' kindness!"

Unexpectedly, a boy voiced out, Aston abruptly looked up. Aston, one dark gray eye, seriously stared at the boy's phoenix's pleasant ones. His breath was inexplicably difficult, as his pale complexion becomes even more insipid.

The boy pulls Aston and put his hand on his shoulder, the boy whispered coldly "Collect those drinks you one eye fool."

Aston shivered to hear this warning, his trembling hands zipped open, "Put it in."

Brimming with beautiful smiles, the girls all put their drinks and walked away, waving happily to Aston.

The boy glanced at Aston's complexion sternly, and drag him by the collar.

"Come with me, you one pad pale cockroach."

At the gate entrance.

"Let go of me, Steve!" Aston protests in his choked voice.

Steve continued to stride forward, not giving a care, "Nam Jin."

Steve hurriedly called out to a boy, who was standing waiting for him, as if recognising the voice the boy turned to Steve.

"Did you get him?" Nam Jin's rasped voice questioned.

"Yeah" Steve playfully sounds, he pulled Aston from behind him and pushed him to Nam Jin's front.

"Pale cockroach!"

Timid. Aston swallowed, slowly, his downcast gaze sight up to Nam Jin. Aston stiff the moment his eyes collide with Nam Jin's own, resulting in an even worse position than Steve.

Nam Jin is quite tall for an ordinary sixteen-year high school student, high and board, he is eminent with a dangerous aura, especially when staring at his piercing brown eyes.

'He is different from this fluffy pink head!'

Aston remarked. The moment Nam Jin left hand touch his shoulder, he squeezed it firmly, engendering Aston to feel sharp pain.

"Ash, I might forgive you this time if you compensate me for your mistake."

"And if you dare refuse to pay, I will crush you so hard that I will end up killing you."

Nam Jin brutally warned.