
Visions of V

I like devil may cry a little too much and that is how this story gets started. (SI-oc)

Johnathan_Banks · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Confused as hell.

...Shibuya October 21st, 2018 11:00 am City Streets V's pov.....

I was strolling around the city watching both people and curses minding their own business. Nue was in tattoo form, even though I knew she didn't like it, if I ran into a sorcerer with her out in the open there was a high chance that they would recognize that she wasn't human. I couldn't risk that. 

I of course, was looking out for a specific person, but I knew the chances of finding them were close to none. I didn't care though, from my gacha experience I knew for certain that no matter the odds, if you tried hard enough eventually you would get what you were looking for. {That's kinda sad.}

'Nuh uh.'

Feeling Nue's disappointment in me through our contract, I decided to ignore her and instead decided to work on my plan b. Which now that I'm thinking about it kinda doesn't exist. Whatever, I'll find brainy eventually. 

Yawning, I stretched my arms and knew for a fact, this was going to be a long day. 

....Shibuya October 17th, 2018 12:07 am ???'s pov.....

This world... was truly different from my own. The stench of hate flowing throughout the streets was overbearing and I Hated it. As I am now, nothing could be done. But soon that would change. With the power I've gained, no one could stand in my way, not even the strongest sorcerer Gojo Satoru. 

The only reason I had retreated that night, was to gather information. Now I knew, no one in this world stood a chance against me. They had no resistance to it after all. So how could they ever hope to beat me. 

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I checked the current state of my group members using the app I had purchased with my points. 

[Remaining group members: 5]

Heh, another one had died, good riddance, if your weak just k1ll yours3lf and save the strong the trouble of dealing with your incompetence. Strength was all that mattered in this world. Dismissing the thoughts wasted on a useless bastard, I continued to observe the map. Observing the blinking red dots on the map, I noticed one that was relatively close to me. 

I guess I'll start with them then. 

...Shibuya October 21st, 2018 12:15 pm Gojo's pov...

"Hmm~....Hmm~...." I hummed merily as I walked the streets of Shibuya in search of the people who had escaped from me. Apparently the higher-ups saw them as a threat or something, personally I wasn't really worried. I am the strongest after all, those old fogies could keel over and die for all I( cared.

The people that appeared that night all had a distinct feeling to them, one that triggered my "sixth sense'' as they say. The point is, they couldn't escape my sight forever. So for now I was just goofing off, killing the random low ranked curses I spotted along the way. 

Oh? There's one of them right now. Spotting a pretty woman with amber colored eyes as well as long black hair that reached towards her waist staring directly at me with an smile on her face. Hmmm... having seen what I could do that night, she should have known I was too strong for her, but instead she seemed quite confident. Interesting~. It wouldn't be good to fight in this crowded area, so I guess I had to take this someplace else. 

"Hey there crazy lady! Why don't we take this someplace else, don't want these normies interfering with our little fight do ya?" I poke mockingly trying to provoke her. 

"Quite the opposite actually.... the more the merrier!" replied the girl in an insane tone as she rushed towards me with a fist raised. When would these people learn, they can't get past infin...


I was punched in the face quite hard, and was flung back into a building, knocking over quite a few people who were standing in my way. 

Interesting, seems this would be a little more exciting than I first thought. I stood up and did some stretches. I hadn't exactly expected any of them to be able to get past infinity, they were weak after all, but I guess I had to veto both of those judgements. The punch didn't do a whole lot of damage, nothing reversed cursed technique couldn't handle. 

"Well,you've got my attention now lady, don't disappoint me too much okay?" I spoke as I turned in her direction noticing a humanoid cyborg looking blue bunny glowing pink standing right next to her. 

"You've got it twisted, you're the on who'll have to try not to disappoint me, I've always hated you damn Japs... Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap!"

Getting into my fighting stance, I prepared to lay the smack down on this furry. Seriously? A bunny? She rushed towards me, her bunny boyfriend following her,



[Rachel Travenski: Inherited character [Funny Valentine] S-rank] 

...Shibuya October 21st, 2018 12:19 pm V's pov...


I heard a loud crash near by as the sound of an...supernatural fight occuring echoed throughout the streets. Sounds like these had been occurring for well over a minute looks like plan a had begun "Nue let's go check it out." Feeling Nue's affirmation through our contract, the inky black wings sprouted from my back as we took flight towards the sound. 

As we flew through the city skyline and approached our destination, the sounds of battle grew louder, and I could tell that the area around the fighters was getting destroyed at an alarming rate. When we reached our destination, I landed on one of the nearby buildings in order to observe what was happening. Taking a closer look at the battle, There were two fighters, one Gojo Satoru, and clearly one of my group members who he had said he had wiped out.

I had come to the conclusion that the woman fighting was one of my group members. How? It was simple, the goddamned Jojo stand that kept blipping in and out of existence during the fight. So this was the last one huh? As I observed the fight, I could already tell who was going to win. 

While the stand had the ability to bypass infinity, it was lacking in terms of both attack power and defensive capability. In simpler terms, when in competition with Gojo's reversed cursed technique, the lady was losing in an battle of endurance. 

Which led to one question that needed to be asked. Should Nue and I step in?

Two against one were better odds, and if we caught him off guard with "Tsukuyomi" there was a high chance the female stand user could take advantage of the opportunity and kill Gojo. For now though, I decided to continue observing the situation, to come to a more concrete decision. 

Observing the fight I watched as Gojo launched a blue infused punch at the woman, who's stand appeared in front of her, arms crossed in a defensive position, resulting in her arms rupturing in a bloody mess. I guess being punched while feeling an infinite force of attraction to the fist didn't exactly feel good. 

'Ouch' {That doesn't even look like it would hurt.} 

Nue is slightly sadistic? Who knew? 



Continuing to observe the fight, I noticed that the girl was starting to slow down when it came to reacting to Gojo's attacks, as well as launching her own. She was losing. Badly. I guess it was now or never. 

"Nue let's go."

Nue materialised next to me, and grabbed my right hand, flying us down to the battlefield. When as we got closer both of them stopped fighting and looked at us with guarded expressions. I landed gracefully, using the royal cane to support my movement as I started to walk towards them.

Removing the book of V from my inventory with a thought, I began to read a random passage from it.

"I curse my stars in bitter grief and woe, That made my love so high and me so low."

I felt the demonic energy inside of me skyrocket as both of them looked at me like I was crazy. It seems that the Book of V had served it's purpose, so I put it back in my inventory and approached the two, my gaze focused on the woman more so than Gojo. 

"At least, that's how it's written... allow me to introduce myself, you can call me V." I spoke, directed at the woman. 

"Now, you still have some fight left in your right?" I saw the woman nod in response to my question as I turned to face Gojo. 

"Alright, looks like we'll work together for the time being then...." looking at Gojo I saw his expression turn into a pout. 

"Aww... two... no two and a half against against one? How is that any fair?" Gojo crossed his arms mockingly as he said this acting as if he had already won.

{V kill this guy.} I felt Nue's anger erupt through our contract, to the point it spread to me as well. Apparently, she didn't like being called a "half". Though. I am pretty sure he was talking about me, which brought up more questions than answers. I was however also angry if that was the case. I wasn't just half, I was more than just "V" I was me. So channeling my inner Vergil, I responded with venom, Pointing my cane at him. 

"Silence, Schum." 

As I said that last word, Nue, in bird form appeared from the end of my cane, attempting to activate the 'Tsukuyomi'. 

"Well, well, well, looks like Mr. wet cardboard has some fight in him after all, guess I'll get a bit serious."

Before Nue could reach him Gojo pulled down his blindfold and an immense aura flooded the battle field. 

"No matter how much you struggle..... It's Futile." 

Gojo then disappeared from in front of Nue, appearing directly in front of me with a fist raised, giving me barely any time to infuse myself with demonic energy as a blue infused punch hit me directly in the gut sending me flying.


How would I describe being hit by that? Like being punched by a washing machine. Even though I had reinforced myself with a shit ton of Demonic energy the punch still made me want to throw up. Good thing I skipped breakfast. 

"*Cough* *Cough* Maybe this wasn't the best idea." 

Using the cane to help support my weight as I stood up from the ground and got a quick grasp of the situation. 

Not good was a very simple way to describe it, the woman was fighting Gojo doing little to nothing as he kept dodging her punches, retaliating with punches of his own, while Nue flew around them occasionally interrupting Gojo's dodging and swings when she saw the chance, most likely trying to give the stand user an opening. 

At this rate, someone was going to die, and it wasn't Gojo. If I had known the stand that the woman had, maybe I could have thought up a better plan to distract him long enough for us to escape, but currently I could only think of a few ways to salvage this situation. 

Sacrificing my group member and running away was option one, and while it was the easiest option, it wouldn't help our current position in anyway. No, if I strategized this right there was a chance we could win, without the help of Kenjaku or Sukuna. 

I just needed time. TIme I likely didn't have, so I only had one option. Strategize faster. While it sounds easy it would likely be hard to do in practice, but first I had something I needed to know. 

Walking steadily towards the fight I yelled a question at the stand user. {Nue materialize in your human form and distract him. 

"Oi! What's your stand ability?" 

Noticing that Nue had taken over the fight with Gojo for the moment, The woman recalled her stand and jumped towards me. How the hell did she jump that far? Landing next to me with her guard still up, she spoke with a southern accent. 

"My stand ability is fuckin useless in this situation, but I guess I'll tell ya." 

"Alright what can the blue bunny ice cream mascot do?" 

"Kick your ass, twink." the women replied looking annoyed. Owch, that didn't exactly do wonders for my self esteem. Why was almost everyone I had met so far in this world a total d-bag? 

"Alright listen up weirdo, my stand "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap"allows its user to pass into parallel worlds at will and pull people from them back into his world. Got it?" I couldn't see how that wouldn't be helpful in this situation. I then vocalised this thought in a slightly condescending tone, trying my best not to sound like an asshole.

"Have you perhaps thought of using this ability to dodge?" 

Her facial expression changed rapidly, first was rejection, then came acceptance, and then embarrassment and anger. 

"No, that's pussy shit." was her response. 

Well I couldn't exactly argue with that, I don't think pussy shit mattered in a real fight. 

"Then send this guy somewhere else." I spoke pointing towards Gojo.


"Oh shi...." I heard Nue's voice before both the stand user and I felt the pull of gravity as Gojo use lapse blue and pulled us back into the fight.

"You know what to do!" I yelled at the woman. asi I prepared to rejoin the fight. 

"Nue return." 

I felt Nue return to me as I decided to go all out. Still feeling the immense attraction, I reinforced my body using Nue and demonic energy to stop the attraction's hold over me. I then copied the hand sign that Gojo uses to open his domain as I spoke calmly. 

"Domain expansion...."

Gojo 'locked in' as he turned to my direction rushing towards me, worried about the people who would be caught in my domain most likely. As he rushed towards me, I waited until the very last moment in order to,..... grasp his arm.


Holding onto his arm, Nue quickly took the opportunity to embrace Gojo and drop him into 'Tsukuyomi'. Knowing that we didn't have much time until he escaped. I yelled at the woman.

"Do it now!" 

Appearing behind Gojo, the woman pulled an american flag out of her inventory, and threw it into the air above Gojo as it slowly fell down, I knew that the plan had worked. "Nue return." the american flag fell onto Gojo, the last thing that I saw of him were his bright blue eyes before the american flag enveloped him completely, causing his transportation to another world. 

[Scenario complete: time until scenario ejection 24:00:00] 

Well.... that worked? All that preparation for plan b, and I didn't even have to use it. 

"Good work guys, looks like the plan turned out great." 3 other people appeared, one of them speaking up as I sat down to catch my breath.

"Who the hell are you guys?" asked the stand user. Well, I knew who they were, we had met 4 days ago after all. But humoring her question, one of them replied.

"The people who saved your life, obviously." 

....End of chapter....