
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Captain Tempest had just finished enjoying a meal with his captors when he received an urgent call from the bridge. He hurriedly made his way there, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As he entered the bridge, he saw the crew frantically working at their stations, trying to make sense of the readings on their instruments.

"What's going on?" he asked, his voice filled with urgency.

"We've detected an undocumented life form heading towards us," the first officer replied, her voice tense. "It's massive, and it's moving fast."

Commander Decken's brows furrowed in concern as he immediately took command of the situation. He swiftly analyzed the data on the screens and instructed his crew on the necessary defensive measures to take. Despite the tension in the air, he remained composed and steadfastly focused on protecting his crew and their mission.

Commander Decken spoke confidently and calmly, his voice cutting through the chaos on the bridge: "Men, listen carefully! We have encountered this creature before, but we were unable to document it or even name it. The last time we encountered this beast, we were able to ward it off by simply shooting at the water near it. Now I need you all to call our sister ship to ward that thing off."

Captain Tempest watched in awe as the Queen Anne's Revenge appeared on the horizon, its bizarre weaponry gleaming in the moonlight. He knew that this ship was a force to be reckoned with, and he felt a sense of fear, knowing that they had such powerful support.

The crew of the Flying Dutchman worked quickly, adjusting their course and staying clear of the Queen Anne's Revenge's line of fire. They watched in awe as the ship fired warning shots near the sea monster, creating a wall of sound that drove it away.

As the sea monster disappeared into the depths of the ocean, Captain Tempest felt a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that they had narrowly escaped a disaster.

As the sea monster disappeared into the depths of the ocean, Commander Decken remained silent, watching the creature disappear through his binoculars with a blank expression on his face. The crew of the Flying Dutchman looked at him nervously, unsure of what to say.

Captain Tempest took a deep breath before responding. "That was just a small but rare sea serpent," he said, his voice filled with a mix of awe and apprehension. "More of these kinds linger in these waters, which is why ships rarely venture into this part of the ocean."

Commander Decken listened carefully as Captain Tempest explained the nature of the creature they had just encountered. He nodded slowly, taking in the information with a sense of quiet contemplation.

"So, sea serpents exist in these waters," he said, his voice measured and calm. " It seems like every scientist's wet dream has come true out here."

Commander Decken turned to him with a visible fake smile and said, "For now, I think it's time for you to get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us, and we need someone like you to be at his best."

Captain Tempest hesitated for a moment, seeing that he was not good at lying. He then sighed and nodded in agreement. "Thank you, Commander," he said. "I appreciate your concern. I'll get some rest, but I'll be ready to face whatever challenges come our way."

With that, Captain Tempest headed to his quarters with the same two guards, leaving the rest of the crew to continue their work. Commander Decken watched him go, his expression Blank. He knew that they were facing a daunting challenge, but he was confident that they would be able to rise to the occasion and succeed in their mission.

As Captain Tempest entered the observation room, he was surprised to see that it was more comfortable than he had expected. The room was spacious and well-lit, with a large mirror on one wall. The bed was not luxurious, but it looked comfortable enough for a good night's sleep.

Captain Tempest lay down on the bed, feeling the softness of the mattress beneath him. He closed his eyes and thought, Why does Commander Decken, someone younger than him, have such authority? Captain Tempest couldn't help but wonder what qualities and experiences Commander Decken possessed that warranted such authority at a relatively young age. It intrigued him. As Captain Tempest pondered these thoughts, exhaustion began to overtake him. The warmth of the room and the gentle hum of the ship's engines lulled him into a state of tranquility. Gradually, his mind wandered away from unanswered questions, and he finally fell asleep, embracing the much-needed rest that awaited him.

Meanwhile, on the bridge, the crew of the Flying Dutchman monitored the ship's progress, watching the radar closely for any signs of danger. Suddenly, a blip appeared on the screen, indicating the presence of an object nearby.

Commander Decken leaned forward in his seat as he saw the radar and sonar pings on the screen. The blips were getting closer, and he knew that they needed to investigate.

He immediately ordered the crew to adjust the ship's course towards the blip. The crew members quickly sprang into action, preparing themselves for a potential encounter. As the ship steered closer, they eagerly anticipated getting into visual range to identify the mysterious object.

As they finally got into visual range, the crew's excitement was met with a shocking sight: a destroyed merchant ship that had been cut in half. The crew members gasped in disbelief as they took in the wreckage before them. Clearly, a catastrophic event had occurred, and they knew their investigation had just become much more serious.

Dr. Kyle quickly assessed the situation and began coordinating efforts to gather as much information as possible. He ordered the crew to document every detail of the wreckage, looking for any signs of what could have caused this destruction.

As the crew continued to survey the wreckage via an observation drone, they noticed something unusual. One of the bodies was not like the others. It appeared to be that of an elf and was still alive, though unconscious.

"Sir, I got heat signatures and movement at the wreckage. "It looks like one of them survived, sir. said one of the crewmen.

The ship's team of scientists crowded around the display screen, watching the scene with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

As they zoomed in on the survivor, they saw that she was indeed a woman with long, pointed ears. Her blonde hair stood out against the charred debris surrounding her, and they wondered how she had managed to survive such devastation.

"An elf?" murmured one of the scientists, their skepticism turning into astonishment.

The first scientist rolled her eyes. Oh, please, don't start with that nonsense. We're scientists, not anime enthusiasts. Let's stick to actual scientific explanations here."

Commander Decken listened to the scientists' conversation with a mixture of amusement and frustration. He knew that they were a group of intelligent and curious individuals, but their skepticism sometimes blinded them to the possibilities of the unknown.

As they continued to watch the scene, the sonar technician suddenly noticed something moving on his screen. It was the sea serpent they had encountered earlier, and it appeared to be wounded.

"It looks like our sea serpent friend is back, the sonar technician said, pointing to the screen.

Commander Decken's eyes narrowed as he watched the creature. He knew that it was a dangerous predator, and if it was responsible for the destruction of the merchant ship, they needed to take action.

Prepare for evasive maneuvers! " Commander Decken simply said so, his voice filled with determination. The crew swiftly executed his orders, maneuvering the ship to gain distance from the wounded sea serpent. At the same time, the ship's gunners locked onto their target and prepared to shoot, ready to defend themselves and ensure the safety of their vessel.

Decken's curiosity was piqued as he observed the wounded sea serpent with a perplexed expression. The sight of the injured creature sparked questions in his mind, leaving him wondering why it was wounded and what caused its condition. However, his curiosity was quickly overshadowed by the sheer magnitude of the serpent's size. It towered above the ship, casting a shadow that seemed to swallow everything in its path. The crew members watched in awe as the once-mythical, deafening creature revealed itself, its immense body gliding through the water with a grace unimaginable for its size. The sea serpent begins to roar, its deafening cries echoing across the ocean. The crew members were now filled with fear, except for Commander Decken, who maintained an expressionless stare. His eyes remained fixed on the serpent, unblinking and unaffected by the chaos unfolding around him. While his crewmates panicked and scrambled for safety, Commander Decken's calm demeanor never wavered. It was as if he had locked away all emotions. They could feel the vibrations of its powerful voice reverberating through their bodies.

As the serpent was just about to rise and lay waste to their ship, its deafening shriek was stopped by their sister ship's Mk 45 Mod 4 naval gun rounds, which are designed to explode on impact, ripping the serpent apart. The air was filled with the stench of burnt flesh as the creature's blood sprayed across their ship, coating the deck in a gruesome display. The crew, though still shaken by the encounter,

Commander Decken looked over the crew, his expression serious. "Our job is not done yet," he said firmly. "We still have a survivor to rescue. We cannot let our guard down until we have successfully retrieved the survivor. Stay focused and remain vigilant." The crew nodded in agreement, their determination renewed as they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

On the good deck, Lieutenant McRegor's hazmat team hurried to their Inflatable boat (an NSW RIB, to be exact), which is designed to be fast, maneuverable, and capable of operating in a variety of sea conditions and can be used for a variety of missions, including infiltration and exfiltration of personnel, maritime interdiction operations, and reconnaissance.

Their boat finally slid into the water with a gentle splash, and the crew members quickly secured their gear and took their positions. The Lieutenant's voice crackled over the radio, issuing final instructions before they set off towards their destination, determined to complete their mission successfully. The crew members could feel the wind whipping through their hair and the spray of the ocean on their faces. They knew that they were racing against time and that the fate of the elf survivor hung in the balance.

The sonar technician's eyes widened as he listened to the multiple pings, this time smaller, coming from the depths of the ocean. They were not expecting it to have offspring, and they were likely searching for their wounded parent.

"Commander," he said, his voice urgent. "We have multiple pings coming from the water. It's probably the sea serpent's offspring."

Lieutenant McReger's radio crackled as he listened: "We need to warn you that you may be facing multiple adversaries, which we think are Its offspring, and that they need to be prepared for anything."

Oh, great," The Lieutenant replied sarcastically. "Because dealing with one giant mythical creature wasn't enough, now we have to worry about a whole family reunion in the middle of our rescue mission! "

"Well, it looks like my retirement plans just got a lot more interesting," one of his men chuckled.

Well, boys, it's time to dust off the old harpoon! "Their lieutenant exclaimed with a determined grin.

As the rescue team approached the wreckage, they could see the sea serpent's offspring circling the debris, ready to feast on the dead. The crew members knew that they had to act quickly if they were going to save the elf survivor and prevent the sea serpents from attacking them.

"It looks like we've got some unwanted guests," Lieutenant McRegor said grimly. "Time to show these sea serpents who's boss."

His men nodded in agreement, their faces set in a determined expression. They quickly loaded their weapons, preparing to fend off the sea serpents and protect the rescue team.

The sea serpents turned their attention toward the rescue team, hissing and snarling in anger as they approached the unconscious elf survivor trapped in the wreckage.

When they noticed the sea serpents drawing closer to the survivor, their trusty gun roared to life, unleashing a barrage of rounds from its burning barrels on the sea serpents.

"Eat lead, you slimy sea snakes!" The bullets pierced through the scales of the sea serpents, causing them to writhe in pain and retreat.

Lieutenant McGregor couldn't help but chuckle at his crew's enthusiasm, even in the face of danger.

"Keep it up, boys," he said, a smile playing on his lips. "We've got a job to do, and we're not going to let a few sea serpents stand in our way."

Despite the sea serpents' best efforts, the rescue team managed to successfully retrieve the elf survivor and bring her back to the Flying Dutchman's infirmary. She was still unconscious, wearing a light green cloak with embossed ornate silver patterns woven into the silk fabric, clutching a small leather bag tightly in her hand. The rescue team carefully examined the bag, whose soft brown leather was smooth to the touch. It was small but had a distinct air of importance about it, as if it held something precious within.

As the rescue team laid the elf survivor gently on the bed in the infirmary, one of the crew members caught a glimpse of something glinting in the light. It was the elf's staff, propped up against the wall, adorned with delicate runes and other intricate embroidery.

The crew member brushed aside the staff for now, focusing on monitoring the elf survivor's vital signs and evaluating her injuries, The crew member observed that the elf's breathing was weak and her eyelids were dropping, both of which indicated exhaustion. They understood the elf had pushed herself to her breaking point, possibly experiencing days without rest.

Despite her unconscious state and evident exhaustion, the elf's beauty remained undeniable in the soft glow of the room. The delicate features of her face were highlighted by the gentle flicker of candlelight, casting a serene aura upon her weary form. while the Doctors tend her injuries Dr. Kyle was looking trough a glass panel, analyzing the elf and writing down his observations in a detailed report. he then gave a sigh, " Things are getting interesting," he muttered to himself. "I never thought I would witness something like this in my career" although not a Doctor himself, Dr. Kyle had always been obsessed with fictional stories, particularly those involving fantastical creatures like elves. the upcoming day, which promised to be exciting.

As he lay in bed, Dr. Kyle couldn't help but think about the elf survivor and the potential secrets that she held. He wondered if she knew more about magic than anyone else on the ship, and if she could reveal the mysteries of this world that had always fascinated him.