
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantasy
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14 Chs


As the hazmat guys led him inside the ship, the pirate captain couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. Meanwhile, Commander Decken got word of some strange energy and radiation readings detected by one of their UAVs. He immediately ordered his crew to investigate and gather more data on the unusual occurrence. As they sailed closer, the readings became even stronger, confirming that there was indeed something significant happening in that area.

"Sir, he has arrived." The captain turned to see his lieutenant, McRegor, standing at attention. "Report," he commanded.

The lieutenant saluted and replied, "We have successfully brought the pirate captain aboard, sir. He is currently in custody and awaiting further testing for any biohazards he may have brought on board. We are taking all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the crew and prevent any potential contamination."

Meanwhile, the captain was sent to the ship's laboratory for investigation and decontamination. The captain arrived in an odd white chamber filled with odd instruments and substances. Uncertain as to what these were or what they could do.

Dr. Sarah finally began examining him, starting with the pupillary light reflex. She shone a light into his eyes and observed his pupils contracting and dilating in response. The pirate captain looked around the white chamber with confusion and apprehension. He bristled as Dr. Sarah approached him, shining a bright light in his eyes. She spoke softly, but her sharp gaze made him uneasy.

"What are you doing?" he growled, trying to back away from her probing fingers.

The crew watched anxiously from outside the lab as Dr. Sarah worked on the captive captain.

She ignored his question and continued her examination, jotting down notes on her clipboard while the captain squirmed in discomfort. The pirate captain felt embarrassed and vulnerable as he was put under intense scrutiny by Dr. Sarah.

"Hey hey! "Calm down!" , one of the hazmat guys called out. He could see that the pirate captain was getting agitated and wanted to diffuse the tension. Dr. Sarah looked up from her clipboard, her expression stern, as she addressed the hazmat guy. She then looks back at the pirate captain and says, "The results seemed normal; despite your appearance, you seemed to be in good health. However, we are still going to have to cuff your hands for safety reasons. "

"I'm sorry, we don't want any pirate magic messing with our equipment. The hazmat guy steps forward with a pair of handcuffs in his gloved hands and gestures for the pirate captain to comply. With a deep sigh, the captain reluctantly extends his hands out in front of him as he is cuffed and brought to the bridge. Walking through the insides of the ship made of steel, the hazmat guy led the pirate captain towards the bridge. The sound of their footsteps echoed loudly against the metal walls as they made their way through the narrow corridors. Dr. Sarah followed closely behind, her eyes scanning the pirate captain's movements. As they reached the bridge, the pirate was struck by the number of crew members working in such a compact area, as well as the level of coordination and communication necessary to keep the ship functioning properly. He was also amazed by contemporary ships' alien navigational devices.

In the middle of the ship stood Commander Decken , a young, cold person showing no emotions. He glanced up at the arrival of the pirate captain but otherwise remained stoic and expressionless. The hazmat guy explained the situation to Commander Decken, who simply nodded in response. The pirate captain couldn't help but feel intimidated by the commander's lack of emotion and wondered what kind of person could lead such a disciplined crew.

Commander Decken extends his hand and introduces himself to the pirate captain, breaking the tense silence.

"Welcome aboard," he said firmly. "I am Commander Decken. The commander turned to the pirate captain and asked, "Do you know these waters well? We could use a guide."

The pirate captain grinned at the thought of leading this prestigious vessel. "I know these waters like the back of my hand," he said confidently. "I can guide you safely to your destination."

Commander Decken nodded in approval. "Excellent, we could use your expertise," he said, and he motioned for the pirate to follow him to the navigation room. The hazmat guy looked relieved that they had finally found someone who could help them navigate through dangerous waters. The pirate captain, impressed by the commander's authoritative presence, shook his hand and introduced himself as well.

"My name is Samuel Stormborn, also known as Captain Tempest. So you're in authority of this ship, and I must admit I'm amazed and tense with how quickly you seized my ship without any deaths." He smirked. However, even though he was impressed with Decken, Samuel Stormborn couldn't shake off the fact that the commander was younger than him and still seemed disturbed.

"were just doing our job," replied the captain with a slight nod. "But I must say, your crew put up quite a fight. It's the first time my men have encountered such skilled opponents." The commander's attempt to ease the tension between them was evident in his tone.

Samuel chuckled and replied, "We're not ones to go down without a fight. But I suppose that's what makes us pirates."

As they worked together to navigate the treacherous waters, both the pirate captain and the commander knew they were using each other for their own gain. However, despite their underlying motives, they remained professional and worked well together. Samuel Stormborn was grateful for the opportunity to showcase his skills, while Commander Decken was pleased to have found someone who could guide them safely through unfamiliar waters. finally reaching their destenation.

"That island looks deserted," said one of the scientists on board the ship as Commander Decken and his crew continued to close in on the mysterious land mass. The commander looked out towards the island and couldn't see any signs of life or activity. However, with the strange energy and radiation readings, they knew there was more to this island than meets the eye. As they came closer, everyone on board could feel a sense of unease wash over them, wondering what kind of secrets and dangers lay ahead.

But the pirate knew the place. Captain Stormborn had been to this island before. There are rumors about it containing an ancient relic that is valuable to kingdoms that would love to get their hands on it. Little of what they found there years ago was just ancient ruins, even though he sensed a strong amount of mana eminating from the island, even going as far as searching every inch of the island but failing like the others before him.

"Sir," one sonar technician said while looking at Commander Decken.

"What is it?" Commander Decken asked, turning to face the crewman.

"You have to see this" , the crewman replied, pointing to his screen The captain peered over the crewman's shoulder and found it disturbing. "No wonder other kingdoms wanted it so badly; the island itself is the relic. This changes everything," the captain said, turning pale and realizing what he was told to find years ago was just right in front of him.

The sonar screen was showing massive limbs connected to the island, and the other appeared to be a tail; it was not connected to any part of the land mass under the ocean. The crewman looked at the captain with concern and asked,

"What now, sir?" Commader Decken, unhinged by the situation, turned to the crewman, calmly saying, "We need to report this to headquarters immediately. We cannot take any chances with this relic. Prepare a detailed report with all the information we have gathered so far." He now turns to Captain Tempest, who is also shocked by what he saw.

"Captain Tempest, from what the rumors say, does this island possess destructive powers on a massive scale, and are there more of these things lying around?" Commander Decken asked.

"Yes, there are more of these things in all shapes and sizes, but most of the things were either destroyed or ran out of mana, which is why these relics have been around for so long, possibly even longer than our recorded history." Captain Tempest spoke with awe and fear in his voice. The crew could feel the tension building as they realized the immense power that rested beneath the ocean's surface. The thought of what could happen if this power fell into the wrong hands sent shivers down their spines.

"You're saying that this thing has been inactive since it was discovered?" Commander Deken asked

Captain Tempest merely nodded, still in shock. He couldn't believe what he had just seen. The knowledge he acquired from these unusual folks was startling; they had discovered a massive secret in such a short period of time. He knew not to cross these individuals. From his vantage point, his captors were clearly extremely clever and capable of discovering secrets that even he was ignorant of. Despite being kept captive, he couldn't deny his admiration for their capabilities. He realized it would be a mistake to underestimate them.

"Good, well, send a team to that island," said the young commander, breaking the silence. "We need to gather any information about it. And make sure to send our best operatives. We can't afford any mistakes."

"Take me as well!" Captain Tempest said, "You might need a guide, as I told you I'd been on that island years ago!"

The question was raised, "Is it a good idea to take him?" However, Captain Tempest insisted that he should accompany them, as he had been on the island before and could act as their guide. Despite his admiration for his captors' capabilities

"Good, we will need that kind of expertise, Captain," said Commander Decken. "You can now rest and wait for further instructions while we proceed with the mission." Captain Tempest nodded in agreement and stepped back, feeling a sense of relief that he could finally take a break from the strenuous task of leading the team. He watched as Commander Decken and his crew returned to their respective stations, ready to carry out their assigned tasks with precision and efficiency.

Moments later, he was back at the ship's laboratory with the people who were guarding him during his capture, now wearing their standard uniform. As Captain Tempest looked around at the soldiers guarding him, he couldn't help but compare them to the well-disciplined soldiers he had observed in his past experiences. Their stance and attention to detail were astounding, and he couldn't dispute that they were a formidable force. He wondered if these warriors would be as effective as the others he'd seen, but he knew Commander Decken wouldn't have picked them if they weren't up to the task. Dr. Sarah and her crew met Captain Tempest.

"Ah, welcome, Captain," she responded, smiling. Captain Tempest was taken aback when she saw Dr. Sarah without her hazmat suit, revealing her beautiful blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He couldn't help but be captivated by her mesmerizing glance, which seemed to pierce his heart. Captain Tempest was curiously reassured by the sight of her eyes, despite his current circumstances.

"What is it?" he asked , trying to hide his fascination with her appearance. Sarah replied calmly, "I have completed the tests on your other friend here." She pointed at his demi-human crew tied down in stasis with restraints.

"And the results?" he asked, his attention now fully on his crewman in restraints. Sarah's face became solemn as she gave him a clipboard containing the test results. He simply stated, "I can't read it; this is a completely different language; I'm familiar with some of the letters, but I don't recognize the majority of them." Sarah completely forgot they were from a different world and was embarrassed as she began to convey the results to him in a way he would understand.

"He is perfectly healthy and in good condition," she stated. Captain Tempest breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for the good news about his crewman. He couldn't help but feel impressed with Dr. Sarah's professionalism and competence, even as he tried to ignore the attraction he felt towards her. As they continued their conversation.

Moments later, the demihuman slowly wakes up and groggily looks around the room, confused and disoriented. He is being held in a bright cell, wearing different clothes. Sarah and the other scientists are observing him from behind a two-way mirror.

"Ah, you're finally awake," said his captain, sitting next to him.

"Captain?" the demihuman muttered, still trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"What is it?" asked the captain.

"Where am I?" he asked, looking around confused.

The captain let out a sigh and explained that he had made a deal with Commander Decken to spare his crew in exchange for his cooperation.

"I see, and what about the others?" he asked

"They got lucky, the captain replied. Commander Decken freed them, and our ship was barely able to sail. His men freed one of our crew; hopefully he will free the others and do the necessary repairs enough for them to get back to the mainland."

Suddenly, Dr. Sarah enters the room, gesturing for Captain Tempest to come outside the room. The captain sighed as he stood.

"Wait for me here, Claude," he instructed Demi-Human before following Dr. Sarah out of the room. Demi-Human watched him go, feeling uneasy about being left alone in an unfamiliar place. He decided to follow the captain's orders as he nodded and waited patiently for his return.

"We're done with the preparations. The helicopter is ready to take us to the island," said Dr. Sarah as they walked through the narrow hallways of the ship while being escorted by the same two people that were part of the hazmat team.

"Helicopter? I thought we would be using the boat from before?" The captain asked in confusion. not knowing what a helicopter is.

"We're bringing more people to that island , Captain. The boat can only carry less equipment and move slower, so it's not ideal for this situation.

"And what's a helicopter?"

"That," said Dr. Sarah, as they finally reached the flight deck.

Captain Tempest looked up and noticed the massive machine. While unusual people wore bizarre clothing on the flight deck, he could tell their clotting was not made of leather since it was brightly colored and plainly apparent. Some of them were wearing head protection and what seemed to be heavy boots while preparing the aircraft. (What he saw was a Eurocopter AS332 Super Puma.)

"Hey! "Be careful with my equipment!" Dr. Kyle shouted at the workers who were loading the excavation tools onto the helicopter.

"Oh, sorry, Dr. Kyle. We'll be sure to treat your precious excavation tools with the utmost care," one of the workers replied sarcastically as they rolled their eyes.

Captain Tempest can't help but smile at the pair's conversation. "These people never fail to surprise me," Captain Tempest thought to himself as he got inside the helicopter's interior. The seats were comfortable, but the noise was overwhelming. Dr. Kyle handed the headset to Captain Tempest to drown out the loud noise of the helicopter. As he put it on, Captain Tempest was amused by this otherworldly transport as it began to take off. The helicopter's powerful rotors whirred loudly as it lifted off the ground, and Captain Tempest felt a rush of excitement as they soared higher into the sky. Despite the noise, he couldn't help but feel a sense of concern as he saw the two ships below through the helicopter's large windows.

Several minutes later, they finally reached their destination as their helicopter circled the island for potential landing sites. as they landed The pilot did his best to minimize their impact on the environment by avoiding trampling vegetation and landing in a pre-designated landing zone (talk about eco-friendliness!). The team then disembarked and began their mission

"Ah, I'm surprised to see seagulls wandering around this place." Dr. Kyle remarked as he stepped out of the helicopter. Dr. Kyle had a keen eye for spotting potential dig sites, and his skills were crucial for the success of their mission. With all the necessary components in his huge backpack.

Dr. Kyle then pulls out a case from his huge bag containing a LiDAR drone, which he quickly assembles.

Captain Tempest notices that he does not know what he is doing as he assembles the drone. "Dr. Kyle?" the curious pirate asked.

"What is it?" Dr. Kyle replied.

Captain Tempest eyed the drone and said, "I couldn't help but notice that you seem to be assembling something."

"Ah, yes," Dr. Kyle replied, "this is a drone that will help us map out this part of the area . With its LiDAR technology, this drone will act as a cartographer, taking detailed measurements of the landscape and creating accurate maps for us to use." We are lazy people, and it will save us a lot of time."

The drone then let out a soft beep as it hovered above the trees , ready to begin its mission.

The team gathered around Dr. Kyle as they looked at the control screen to survey the area. They watched as the drone zoomed off into the distance, gathering information about the landscape below. As the drone continued its journey, it stumbled upon a set of ruins that seemed like an abandoned medieval outpost. The team's interest was piqued.

"there! That set of ruins over there looks promising, Dr. Kyle pointed out as he led the team toward the ancient structures. As they approached the site, they could see that it was heavily overgrown with vines and vegetation. determined to uncover its secrets The team carefully began clearing the area and taking notes on the different types of vegetation and structures they encountered, hoping to learn more about the civilization that once inhabited this island. As they worked tirelessly in the hot sun, they noticed that the ground beneath them felt different.

Curious, Dr. Kyle instructed one of his team members to hit the ground with a pickaxe. The sound that echoed back was a deep thud, unlike any they had heard before. They finally uncovered the island's original surface—a layer of rock that had been covered by years of sediment and soil. Dr. Kyle expected this to happen. They tried to chip away at it with their pickaxes, but to no avail. Eventually, their pickaxes broke under the strain of trying to break through the rock.

"sigh Should we use the drill?" One of his teams asked.

Dr. Kyle considered the question for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Yes, let's try the drill," he said.

However, when they attempted to use the drill, it did not work. The team tried everything they could think of to fix it, but nothing seemed to be working. Frustration began to set in as Dr. Kyle realized that they needed an alternative solution.

Dr. Kyle looked around at his team members, thinking of what they could do next to break through the tough rock. Suddenly, one member suggested using explosives, but Dr. Kyle quickly shut down the idea. "Explosives will be a bad idea," he warned. They needed to think of a safer and more effective approach to solving their problem.

"Alright team, since the drill is not working, we need to gather data manually," Dr. Kyle announced. "Let's focus on documenting our findings for now. We can come up with a new plan later." The team nodded in agreement and began taking notes and photos of the ruins.

As Dr. Kyle's team took notes and photos of the ruins, they began to piece together the architecture of the once-great fortress. From what they could see, the buildings were made of sturdy stone that had stood the test of time. Intricate carvings adorned the walls and columns, depicting scenes from a long-forgotten era. Immediately after taking pictures of the ruins, the team made notes of their observations and speculated on the possible purpose of each structure. Despite the ruins being centuries old, the structures were still in perfect condition. The team marveled at the durability of the stone and the craftsmanship of the carvings. As they moved from one building to another, they noticed that each one was built with a clear purpose in mind. It was evident that this was not just any ordinary fortress but a clearly built giant command station, possibly used to oversee and control vast territories, as they had previously seen what lay beneath the island.

"Uh, sir, it looks like we found what seems to be a door leading inside the structure," one of the members of his team called out. As they approached the door, they noticed intricate carvings etched into the stone, crowded with roots and vines, depicting what seemed to be a defeated serpent.

"Manny has tried to enter it. For centuries, mages, adventurers, and treasure hunters tried to enter this ancient fortress, hoping to uncover its secrets and claim its riches. But none had ever succeeded, as the fortress was said to be protected by magic and clever yet simple carved runes that repelled all intruders. Manny, however, was determined to uncover the truth behind the defeated serpent and was willing to risk everything to finally breach the fortress's walls." "This includes me", Captain Tempest said with a sigh.

Dr. Kyle touched the door as he was admiring it, and the door suddenly rumbled and swung open. His men quickly raised their rifles as the huge door opened , revealing a dark and ominous hallway leading into the heart of the fortress. Momentarily after the door swung open, the runes etched into the walls started to glow and light the hallway, casting an eerie orange light on the dusty hallways of the fortress.

"sir?" His men called out

Captain Tempest looked at Dr. Kyle. Now pale, "you people have Terran blood coursing through your veins!?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Dr. Kyle asked, confused.

The captain was still in shock as he finally began to piece together the truth. This explains why these people were not affected by his spell or their lack of magical presence; it's because these are the same people who once allied with the ancients. "So the rumors of the kingdom of Nul's prophecy were true." As the realization hit him, Captain Tempest started to lose it. He began to mutter under his breath , his mind racing with the implications of what he had just learned.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Dr. Kyle asked, noticing the captain's distress. Captain Tempest shook his head and took a deep breath before replying, "Your people were once valuable allies of the ancients because of their immunity against curses and spells that helped the ancients push the demon lord's army thousands of years ago and were once known as the Terran alliance. However, after the war, factions from your realm started to fight each other, leading to their downfall and eventual retreat back to the ancestral gate.

"Wait, so you mean a thousand years ago, humans from my world, or what you call a realm, set foot in this world and fought some kind of battle between demonic forces and made an alliance with the people who once built this thing?" Dr. Kyle asked, his gaze shifting to the massive door. How come the humans from my world may have been instrumental in turning the tide of that war and forging an alliance with those from another world? How the hell is this not mentioned in any historical records or textbooks?" he muttered to himself.?

"This does not make any sense." He furrowed his brow, deep in thought. Perhaps there was a cover-up, or maybe the records were lost or destroyed over time.

As Dr. Kyle was lost in his thoughts, one of his men cleared his throat and reminded him of their current situation. They were standing in front of the massive door, which they believed held the key to unlocking the truth about their world's involvement in the war and the alliance with another world. Dr. Kyle took a deep breath, refocused his mind, and motioned for his team to move forward.

Captain Tempest led the way, and the air was thick with the fragrance of old magic as they approached the chamber. Kyle felt a sense of thrill and anticipation, knowing they were the first people to visit the chamber in ages. As they entered, the team could feel the weight of history dragging down on them.

Entering the huge hall, Dr. Kyle's team was met with the sight of corded dust covering everything. This place seems to be a meeting place (their version of the United Nations), where representatives from different factions would come together to discuss issues and make decisions. The team moved towards the center of the hall, where a massive circular table lay covered in dust. Dr. Kyle could feel his heart racing as he realized the significance of their discovery.

Then suddenly a deep voice emitted from the halls: "A visitor?"

Dr. Kyle immediately signaled for his team to take defensive positions, with some going prone and others standing. The sound seems to be eminating in the ancient chamber. The team stayed alert, ready to defend themselves if necessary.

The voice spoke again: "It seems that I have been sleeping for too long. Who are you, and what brings you to this place?"

Dr. Kyle was taken aback by the voice but quickly composed himself and replied, "We are a team of archaeologists here to study and learn about this ancient hall. We mean no harm."

The voice responded, "Curious indeed. It has been many years since humans from Terra have visited this place.

"What happened here?" Dr. Kyle asked with great interest.

The voice spoke with a solemn tone,

Of a vessel once powerful, now alone.

"I was once its leader; in glory I fell,

In a duel with a demon underling from hell.

The mages tried to heal, but failed in their task,

Yet my consciousness remains, a vessel to bask.

Together with the Terrans, the war we won,

But now that peace reigns, my purpose is done.

My existence now, is merely to observe,

As humans from Terra, in arrogance they curve.

Thinking themselves invincible, forgetting those who fought,

Forgetting the sacrifices, and the battles they sought.

It is a shame to see how quickly they forget,

As Belarius punished them, stripping them of their net.

Their knowledge lost, their minds in disarray,

As they fight each other, their kingdom in decay.

Whispers from Belarius, seeds of doubt and distrust,

Causing disputes and conflicts, turning them to dust.

Chaos and destruction, reign over the once powerful land,

As they retreat back to the ancestral rift, under Belarius' command."

The system lords, with voices bold,

Grew tired of the chaos, the stories told

Of Belarius' influence, on human minds,

And their kind's past arrogance, left behind.

They saw the destruction, the pain and strife,

Caused by Belarius' manipulation of life.

The punishment, they deemed unjust,

Their faith in him, tarnished with rust.

So the system lords, as one decided

To close the rift, where Belarius resided.

An apology for their kind's past wrongs,

A way to right the balance, and move along.

For they knew the harm, that could be wrought,

By Belarius' whispers, and his powerful thought.

The system lords, with courage and might,

Closed the rift, to prevent further plight.

Some may call it cowardice, or fear,

But the system lords remained steadfast, and clear.

Their action, a symbol of hope and peace,

Their legacy, forever, to increase.

May the Terrans learn, from the system lords' plight,

And see the truth, in a new light.

None had heard from the Terrans in ages,

Since the rift was closed, and history's pages

Turned to a new chapter, of peace and calm,

The time moved on, with a new balm.

But you, a curious Terran traveler,

Arrived on our world, like a star gazer.

With wonder in your eyes, and a thirst for truth,

You stepped forth, from your world, so uncouth.

And now, you stand before me, a being of light,

A human, with a heart, so pure and bright.

You ask me, "What brings you to our world?"

Dr. Kyle was recording the speech the whole time, capturing every word of the story about the mentioned god and his punishment of the Terrans (humans from earth). The tension in the room was palpable as he and his men listened to the tale of chaos and destruction caused by these gods' influence on past human leaders.

Dr. Kyle answers: I apologize for any harm caused by my kind in the past. The opening of what you call a "rift" was not our doing; somehow it just happened. We don't know who or what caused it. As for my reason for being here, my superiors sent me as an inquisitive explorer to learn about your world and bridge the gap between our cultures. I come in peace, hoping for knowledge about the world and whether or not it poses a threat to my people.

The voice spoke with caution.

And warned the traveler of a possible distortion.

"For though our world may seem wondrous and new,

There are secrets here, that may not be for you.

Be cautious, dear Terran traveler, in your quest,

For there are forces here, that may put you to the test.

The wonders of our world, may be too much to bear,

And the mysteries of our worlds are too difficult to compare.

Your curiosity is admirable, but do not forget,

That knowledge can come with a heavy debt.

The secrets of this world, come with great power.

And if not handled carefully, can cause great scour.

But fear not, dear traveler, for our world is open,

And our knowledge, to you, can be spoken.

Just remember, to tread with caution and care.

Then, suddenly, the island started to shake Captain Tempest looked around in confusion as the ground beneath their feet rumbled and quaked. Dr. Kyle's eyes widened in shock as he realized the warning he had just been given may have been more serious than he initially thought. "What's happening? Dr. Kyle saw his hand held radio beeping and quickly grabbed it to trying to answer the urgent call from The Flying Dutchman. Commander Decken's soft voice came through the radio: " Dr. Kyle, we need you and your team to get out of there immediately. Our sonar has detected that the island's limbs have started to move. It's not safe to stay there any longer.

Dr. Kyle quickly looked at the dimly lit hall and asked, "What's going on? What are you planning?

The hall's expression turned grave as the voice replied,

"Dear Terran traveler, I ask of thee,

To grant me refuge, from the kingdoms, that seek to be free.

For though my power, may be great and strong,

My will, to use it, has been gone for too long.

The kingdoms of my world, seek to control,

The power that I possess, with all their soul.

But I do not wish, to be their pawn.

For my purpose, has been lost and gone.

So I ask of thee, dear Terran traveler,

To grant me refuge, from the kingdoms' fervor.

Let me be, in your world, free,

And my power, I shall use, with great decree."

Dr. Kyle saw the opportunity in his words and knew that this sentient relic could be a valuable ally. "The rift is far southwest,but be wary; we have this thing called politics, he said with a wry smile.

"Thank you, my friend," the relic said.

"For your words, you have given us, a new thread.

I shall be wary, of the politics, you speak,

And with your help, our future shall not leak."

The relic's surprised reaction was evident upon mention of politics. Dr. Kyle could see a flicker in the hall, but he was reassured by the relic's words. They seemed to understand the concept and promised to be wary of it as they worked together to find the rift. Dr. Kyle couldn't help but feel relieved that the relic was on their side, despite its initial hesitation towards politics.

He was willing to take the risk and bring the relic to earth, It was a small step towards a larger goal, but Dr. Kyle was confident that they were on the right path. He quickly relayed the message to his team to pack up and prepare for extraction, making sure to keep a close eye on their surroundings. As they made their way out of the dimly lit hall, Dr. Kyle couldn't shake off the feeling that they were being watched.