
Visions of a new era

In the 21st century, our world is marked by complex challenges and remarkable technological progress. Scientific advancements have revolutionized fields like medicine, energy, and transportation, while global issues such as climate change, inequality, and political instability continue to test our resilience. However, everything changed when an enigmatic portal materialized above the North Atlantic, unveiling a realm referred to as "The Special Region." This unprecedented discovery ignited the curiosity of nations worldwide, capturing the United Nations' keen interest. With fresh motivations, the UN embarked on a bold mission: to dispatch an exploratory team into this uncharted territory. Their objective? To unravel the mysteries of the Special Region and comprehend its potential repercussions on our world. This revelation stirred a potent mix of enthusiasm and apprehension, as humanity grappled with the profound implications of this newfound frontier and its implications for our shared future. As the crew delves deeper into the fantastical world, they encounter a wide array of creatures, from majestic dragons to mischievous goblins, and interact with humans, elves, and dwarves who call the special region home. Despite their lack of magic, the humans from Earth adapt to the new environment and establish relationships with the locals, learning about their customs and traditions while respecting their way of life.

sallysally69 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Who are these pirates?" asked one of Lieutenants' men while collecting blood samples from the tied down pirates on the deck.

The lieutenant sighed and said, "They're just a bunch of small-time crooks trying to make a quick buck. But they picked the wrong ship to mess with this time." He looked out at the vast ocean, remembering the battle that had just taken place. "We'll need to stay vigilant though; there are always more out there looking for trouble." He watched as his men carefully extracted the blood, knowing that they needed to check for any possible diseases or infections before bringing them onboard their own ship. As the blood samples were being taken, Dr. Sarah's urgent call came through, requesting the presence of the pirate captain. The lieutenant quickly relayed the message, and they all waited anxiously for his response. It was a strange request, but they knew better than to question Dr. Sarah's orders.

"Maybe we can finally convince them that pineapple does belong on pizza." The lieutenant cracked a smile at his own humorous thought as they continued to assess the captured pirates. One of his men chuckled and asked, "What's the deal with pineapple on pizza anyway?" The lieutenant replied with a grin, "Oh, it's just a cheesy joke. But hey, maybe if we offer it to these guys as a peace offering, they'll spill some information." Everyone laughed at the lieutenant's pizza joke, momentarily forgetting the serious situation they were in.

The pirates, who were watching the conversation from a distance, were puzzled by the mention of pineapple on pizza, not knowing what it was or even meant. but decided to keep a close eye on the lieutenant and his crew.

One of the men in Hazmat suits looked down at one of the pirates with cat like ears (the one that was punched in the face by McRegor). "My god, are those real?" He whispered to his colleague, referring to the pirate's unusual physical feature. The other man shrugged and replied, "No wonder why Dr. Sarah wants to study them; they're fascinating beings". The pirate with the cat-like ears overheard the conversation and pretended to ignore it.

"Yeah, cat rears are cute , but have you seen those maids wearing cat ears? asked another hazmat guy, changing the topic. The rest of the team looked at him, confused. What are you talking about? One of them asked Oh, you know, those anime maids with cat ears and tails. They're all over the internet, he explained. The pirates continued to observe from a distance, wondering what kind of strange conversation they had stumbled upon.

He had grown tired of people staring and making comments about his appearance, but he couldn't deny that he was proud of his unique trait.

"Hey, we were supposed to be keeping an eye on them! "This is not an anime convention!" shouted one of the men wearing a Hazmant

"Hah, oh, the furries are going nuts if they hear this one, joked the hazmat guy, earning a few chuckles from the rest of the team. The pirates, still watching from afar, exchanged confused glances. Were they speaking some kind of secret code? They couldn't quite figure out what anime is or what maids with cat ears had to do with anything. But one thing was for sure—these hazmat guys weren't your average bunch.

One of the Hazmat guys looked down at the pirate with cat-like rears and asked, "Hello, Uhh. Do you understand me?"

"What do you expect me to say? Meow?" The pirate replied

Suddenly, a brief silence fell over the group. The hazmat guy looked at the pirate with cat-like ears. The confusion among the pirates only grew as they watched the hazmat guys, confused to hear the pirate's reply in perfect English. They were shocked that they all spoke the same language.

"Hoah, hey, hey, hey! "You speak English!?" asked the hazmat guy, who laughed in disbelief.

In the special region, English is the common language, which surprised the hazmat guy in the conversation. Even the pirate with cat-like ears replied in perfect English, causing confusion and shock among the group. It seemed that speaking English was essential for communication in this region.

The hazmat guy couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all. Here he was, dressed head to toe in a protective suit, talking to a group of pirates who looked like they belonged in a fantasy novel. He couldn't wait to tell his colleagues about the unexpected language barrier they had encountered on their mission.

As the group continued to converse, they suddenly heard a voice and saw Dr. Sarah arriving by boat. Her sudden arrival surprised everyone, causing a momentary pause in their conversation.

"Hey guys, I hate to interrupt your fantastical chat, but I'm going to need y'all to give me some of those sweet, sweet blood samples," said Dr. Sarah with a grin on her face. (Well, they can't really see her face since she's wearing a hazmat suit, but they can hear the amusement in her voice.) The hazmat guy couldn't believe how nonchalantly she asked for blood samples in such a humorous way.

But as soon as the pirates heard her voice, they were in awe. Her voice was like a siren's call, a maiden to pirates wonder. Her voice was like a siren's call, a maiden to pirates' wonder. Even inside her hazmat suit, Dr. Sarah's voice carried a captivating beauty that left the pirates enchanted. The hazmat guy couldn't help but notice the awe in their eyes.

Dr. Sarah's appearance was met with both relief and excitement, as they had been waiting for her blood samples for research. "Hey everyone, sorry to keep you waiting," she said as she boarded the pirate ship.

"I've got the blood samples you've been craving for research," said Lieutenant McRegor while giving Sarah a pat on the back.

She added it with a smirk. The hazmat guys couldn't help but laugh at the irony of their situation—here they were, in this strange land, communicating in English and eagerly awaiting blood samples from a pirate crew. It was certainly a unique experience for all involved.

"Hey lady, what are you going to do with our blood?" asked another pirate.

Dr. Sarah's smile widened as she looked at the pirate, her hazmat suit adding a mysterious allure to her already captivating beauty. "Oh, don't you worry about that," she replied with a devious glint in her eye. "I'm sure I'll find some creative uses for it." The pirates exchanged nervous glances, unsure if they should be excited or terrified by her answer.

The pirate was watching from a distance, still processing what happened during their capture. It all happened so quickly—the hazmat team stormed onto the ship and took control before anyone could react. Now they were all being held captive, waiting to be prodded and poked by the strange needle like equipment. But one thing they knew for sure: his spell wasn't going to work on these hazmat guys.

Dr. Sarah finally approached their captain, and the atmosphere shifted suddenly. The captain felt a sense of unease as Dr. Sarah approached. She finally stood in front of him, standing close enough that he could see a glimpse of her face inside the hazmat suit. He couldn't read her expression through the thick material, but he could sense that she was studying him closely. Her eyes were a piercing blue.

sensing no magic in her. He couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off about her and her team. The lack of magic made him feel uncanny, as if they were not of this world.

She suddenly grabbed a knife from her belt, and the captain tensed up, thinking that she was going to cut his throat. She, on the other hand, used the knife to cut the rope that was tied to him.

"Is it really a good idea to free him? I mean, he just electrocuted us with his hand as if he were Emperor Palpatine himself, and now we're just letting him go? This is why I never wanted to be a part of the hazmat cleanup crew. Too much danger, not enough common sense." The hazmat guy warned her about the captain's dangerous abilities, but she seemed determined to help him anyway. As she cut the rope and freed him.

The captain was in shock and confused as Dr. Sarah cut the rope that bound him. He couldn't understand why she would do this after approaching him with such an unsettling presence.

"We need your help," she said firmly, her voice commanding attention. The captain hesitated for a moment before nodding in agreement, realizing that Dr. Sarah was not someone to be taken lightly.

"What do you need help with?" the captain asked, trying to hide his unease.

"Come with us" , Dr. Sarah replied, gesturing towards the door.

"We are not from this world," Dr. Sarah continued, "and we have reason to believe, and we need someone to help us navigate through them safely."

The captain's curiosity was piqued, but he couldn't shake the feeling that this was all a prank or some kind of elaborate joke. Dr. Sarah's desperation, on the other hand, made him pause.

"We also overheard from one of your crew members that you were once a skilled navigator." When the captain's previous profession was mentioned, his heart skipped a beat. Yes, he used to be a navigator. He still utilizes his abilities for piracy and smuggling now, and he wasn't sure whether he could aid these strangers.

He weighed the risks of revealing his past and decided to keep it to himself for now. Instead, he nodded and changed the subject, hoping they wouldn't press him further.

"Very well," he answered calmly. "I will help you, but I will have to learn more about you and your intentions before I commit further." The captain was determined to play it cautiously, knowing that these strangers might be violent if crossed. He would be on high alert until he had a clearer grasp of their motivations.

"That's fine," said Dr. Sarah. "We don't want to make any quick decisions just yet. We only came here for one purpose.

"To find out more about your world, study it, see how it works, and gather as much information as possible." Dr. Sarah said with a smile. "We are also here to learn more information about you and the people of this world and hopefully establish a mutually beneficial relationship." She paused for a moment before proceeding, "And in order to do that, we need to understand you and other people's culture, beliefs, and values. So please, don't hesitate to share with us anything you think we should know."

The captain was shocked at Dr. Sarah's response. He had expected them to be more hostile and defensive, but instead they seemed genuinely interested in learning about their world. He cautiously agreed to share information with them, still on high alert for any signs of aggression.

However, the captain was still skeptical. He wanted proof that they were truly from another world before sharing any sensitive information.

"I appreciate your interest in our world, but," he said, raising his finger.

"Before we can proceed any further, I need some proof that you are indeed from another world. Can you provide any evidence to support your claim?"

"Was your major capture of your ship and crew not enough for you to believe us? Dr. Sarah's tone suddenly shifted, her eyes narrowing as she leaned forward.

The hazmat team stood by, watching the interaction between the captain and Dr. Sarah with keen interest. One team member whispered to another, "Looks like the captain needs a bit more convincing." Another smirked and said, "Maybe we should get our revenge for electrocuting us with his pirate magic thing and show him what it tasted like being tased in the nuts. The hazmat team continued laughing.

The captain looked at Dr. Sarah with a raised eyebrow, considering her words carefully. "How did you even get here?" he asked, ignoring the antics of the hazmat team. "I need to understand how you people from another world have arrived in our world."

Dr. Sarah took a deep breath and began to explain the details of their journey, hoping that it would be enough to convince the skeptical captain.

We are from a world where we live in a complex and multifaceted world with both scientific and technological advancements and global challenges. until we found some sort of portal that led to this world, which we believe to be a parallel universe. The discovery of the rift has led to renewed interest in its potential implications, leading us to explore and interact with different kingdoms and even nations in this world. We have already made some important discoveries and established diplomatic relations with a few leaders. However, we are still learning about the political dynamics of this world and hoping to navigate any challenges that arise in our interactions.

We understand that our story may sound unbelievable, but we assure you that we are not here to cause harm or disrupt your way of life. We simply wish to learn more about this world and find a way back to our own.

"You mean the ancestral rift?" asked the captain.

"What ancestral rift?" Dr. Sarah was shocked at the sudden mention of the ancestral rift. She had never heard of it before and wondered if it was related to the portal that brought them to this world. She quickly composed herself and asked the captain to explain more about it, hoping to gain some insight.

"I only heard rumors about it," the captain began. "But from what I understand, the ancestral rift is a magical gateway that connects our world to other realms. It's said that those who possess the knowledge to open it must have the ancient bloodline passed down from the first mages who created it many millennia ago. It's also said that it was the ancestral rift that later introduced us to monsters like goblins and demi-humans, like one of my crew in the past. The rift was opened hundreds of millennia ago by the ancients, who have long since disappeared, leaving behind only legends and myths.

"And what are the ancients?" asked Dr. Sarah, intrigued by the mention of these mysterious beings.

"The ancients are thought to be an ancient human civilization that existed before our time; some believe they had a deep understanding of how magic worked and created many magical relics and artifacts that have been lost to time, the captain answered.

"Did somebody talk about ancient relics?" Another person dressed in hazmat gear entered the room. "Sorry for interrupting, but I couldn't resist. As an archaeologist, ancient relics are of great interest to me. I mean, who wouldn't want to uncover the secrets of the past?"

"Ah, I almost forgot. This is Dr. Kyle, one of our lead archaeologist," said Dr. Sarah

Dr. Kyle then began inspecting the ship's interior and taking pictures of the artifacts. "From what I can see, this ship dates back to the 15th century and is crafted from sturdy oak timbers reinforced with iron braces. As an archaeologist, I marveled at the incarnate carvings adorning the ship's prow and stern. There were carvings of vines and some sort of mythical creatures, possibly sea monsters."

"But back to the matter at hand: it seems that you have stolen this magnificent vessel," asked Dr. Kyle.

"Well, I guess he just couldn't resist the allure of such a fine ship," the captain replied with a grin.

"But I must say, he's got some guts to steal something like this. "So where did you steal it from?" Dr. Kyle asked, trying to gather more information about the ship's origins.

The captain chuckled. "It's a funny story, really. I was out on a joy ride in my own little sailboat when I stumbled upon this beauty just sitting there with no one guarding it. So, I figured, why not take it for a spin? And here we are!"

Dr. Kyle shook his head in disbelief but couldn't help but smile at the audacity of the captain's actions.

"Sir, we're ready to leave," one of Lieutenant's men then interrupted.

"Good also; bring aboard one of the captain's men," Dr. Sarah said

"Which one?" asked one of Lieutenant's men.

"the one with cat ears" The lieutenant's men exchanged confused glances but quickly followed Dr. Sarah's orders.

As the demi human was brought aboard, Dr. Sarah administered a sedative to put him to sleep. The captain looked on in shock as his crew member was peacefully put to rest, realizing he may have underestimated the seriousness of the situation.

Dr. Sarah then looks at their captain with unease. "Don't worry , she sighed, he will wake up soon and be just fine. " Dr. Sarah

"What about my men? "And my ship?" the captain worriedly questioned as he made his way to the inflatable boat that Dr. Sarah had used to get to their ship.

Dr. Sarah turned to the captain and assessed the state of the ship. "Your ship can still sail, barely," she replied. "We freed one of your men; hopefully he will free the others and do the necessary repairs to keep the ship afloat. As for you, captain, we need to have some tests done to ensure there are no bio-hazards present before we board you onto our vessel. We cannot risk any contamination or spread of disease."

"Oh, wonderful," the captain responded with a hint of sarcasm. "I was hoping to be stuck here with no crew and a dying ship while undergoing some invasive medical tests. Thank you for your concern, Doctor."

The captain was then suddenly surprised by the acceleration of the boat he was sitting on, stumbled, and almost fell. He quickly regained his balance and looked around, surprised at how fast the boat was moving . It was faster than any rowboat he had ever been on. Despite the captain's suspicion, he couldn't sense any spells or magic on the boat or feel any strange energies around him. The doctor smiled. "Don't worry, captain. This boat may not look like much, but it's built to outrun any pursuing beasts. You'll be on our ship in no time." The captain watched as the boat picked up even more speed, cutting through the water like a knife. Despite his initial skepticism, he couldn't help but feel a sense that these people truly were from another world. He wondered what other marvels they had in store for him as he embarked on this unexpected journey.

As the boat continued to sail towards the Flying Dutchman.

The captain saw the huge ship in the distance, and he could make out the hazmat-suited figures on its deck. He knew that he had to be careful and follow their instructions if he wanted to survive this encounter. As they approached the ship, the captain took a deep breath and prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. He stepped onto the well-deck and was immediately greeted by the hazmat guys, who led him inside. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he followed them deeper into the ship, wondering what kind of situation he was getting himself into.

Meanwhile, Commander Decken was looking through the ship's deck with his binoculars, observing the pirate ship's movements, when one of his crewmen approached him and said, "Sir."

"What is it?" he asked

One of our UAV's radars picked up a land mass, sir, the crewman reported. "also reported strange energy and radiation readings, and it seems to be moving. This caught Commander Decken's attention. He immediately ordered the crew to investigate and gather more data on this unusual occurrence. As they sailed closer to the land mass, the readings became even stronger, confirming that there was indeed something significant happening in that area. The commander couldn't help but wonder what secrets this mysterious island held and what dangers they might face as they approached it.