

Liam could not believe what he was seeing ,several cars were on the road with doors opened wide and some had crashed each other releasing a black smoke ,the other ones were already in flames and the rest they crashed onto trees on the other side of the road, bodies were left lifeless on the ground creating a pool of blood .Liam's eyes widened was this what my brother had been trying to warn me about or is it just a coincidence.my feet felt numb and i could not keep my balance ,i sat down trying to catch my breath ,my hearth felt heavy and i did not realize by now how my body was trembling ,i never felt this scared in my whole ,no i was never this scared "hey Liam are you okay? you are shaking a lot can i get you some water" even Hendry's word did not make me to gain any strength to speak ,my tongue was heavy

a cold atmosphere filled the entire room, everyone was scared and horrified of the scene they witnessed

"what are we gonna do"

"they might still be some survivors,i...im sure of it"

"maybe a drunkard doze of and created such a scene right ,that is the only logical explanation"

"that does not explain why they are bodies lying around"

passengers were all frightened that they kept mumbling to themselves

"calm down everyone there is nothing to be afraid of we will be going to see if there is any survivors out there its pretty dangerous to wander around the street at night ,while i go and check it out why don't you call for help ,i am pretty sure we are the first people to witness"

the driver tried to reassure the passengers and calm down the situation, even for him he was shocked to see such an accident for the first time he became a driver, in between the seat and the door he inserted his hands and took out a rifle, it was pretty common to carry weapons like this as the roads are full of wild animals, he got out of the bus with the conductor holding a flashlight. he took careful step a as he approached the scene in case they is a wild animal on the loose ,he managed to arrive but what he saw tormented him, these people had huge holes in their stomach ,their inside splashed all over and deep wounds ,the light flickered ,the conductors hand was trembling ,he could not calm down, although the driver was also scared he controlled himself and passed through them ,he went to examine the cars on the side of the they had claw marks and the wind shield was shattered and filled with blood

"d..d..do y..you think a lion is behind all this"

"but why would they attack a moving car ,wild animals are quiet sensitive to noise"

"what do you think might have done this"

"something more savage than a wild animal"

(i can not get through to the police)

(what is going on none of my family members are not picking up)

Liam's heart was pounding even faster like his chest could burst open anytime ,did my brother predict the future ,no his not some supernatural human being

"Liam are you sure you are ok you are giving me a creepy feeling"

his stomach felt like it was being tired up and his head being heavy ,what was the bitter taste in his tongue ,was he nauseous ,he pushed Hendry to the side as he sprinted to the door, he gagged everything out and Hendry hurriedly rubbed his back in circular motion, "is he that sick 'Hendry thought as he continued to rub Liam "hey!" Hendry looks at the entrance and saw Daphne holding water bottle in her left hand "is he ok" "yeah he is just ate something weird that is all" Daphne threw a water bottle at my direction and caught "make sure he is alright before he enters " "thank you".i forced Liam to drink some few sips gosh we have to get in the bus even the fresh breeze is contaminated with the scent of blood

Daphne looked at the crowd it was nothing but fear in their eyes ,what are they even calculating on their minds ,what are they poisoning their minds with that they look this defeated ,i took a long heavy breath

"guys what do you think you are even doing there is nothing to be afraid "

(what do you mean by that have you seen that accident)

"nothing happened to us right'

(what if something happens to us as we drive a little further)

(it might had been the ancestors ,they might be angry and they are giving us a sign)

(yes sister you are right we have angered the ancestors we are going to die)

"ok ok something like this tends to happen and i do not think the ancestors will do any of this"

(what do you know you are just a city girl and knows nothing about the ancestors)

"ok just listen be a city girl or not ,did you take a good look at the younger ones we should be the one to calm them down and not be this useless can you not see people out there died and what do you think about their families they are expecting their arrival and we should do something for those who died ,so stop acting like babies and get your act together"

Daphne sat down on the dashboard ,she knew it was useless to talk to these people they are so self centered like my lunatic husband

"very well said madam"

from beneath the crowd a guy stood in the middle ,he was a giant ,his muscles were imprinted on his clothes and oh his right arm there was a tattoo ,he look like someone you would not want to mess up with especially with a cold like expression

"what miss uh?"

"its Daphne sir"

"yes what miss Daphne said is accurate what is the use of mopping around as if your the one dead, the driver and the conductor are trying their best to find for survivors and they are not doing this for their job but their humanity as people and we should be doing the same here as part of humanity"

that mans words were powerful ,the whole room became silent as they started to mumble to each other ,they took out their cellphones

(i will try to call the police one more time)

(my son is fire fighter maybe he will help)

it actually worked people did listen to that mans advice. Daphne faced towards the man

"thank you "

"no problem kiddo"

Daphne faced through the wind shield "mother nature is this your doing? "she whispered

"she is amazing" Liam was left amazed at how Daphne was handling the situation unlike him who was busy gagging ,he felt a sense of pride escaping ,a girl managed to do well better than me and here i thought i would be a cop.the smell of blood was really faint but it was quite disturbing ,as i was about to get in the bus i heard a growling sound ,i quickly looked around

"hey Liam you sure you are ok"

"did you not here that?"


was i getting crazy but i am positive i heard some weird noises or maybe was it a a wild animal roar