

(You owe me your body) Gracia “please save my mum",I pleaded as tears flowed freely down my cheeks. “we are sorry madam, you have deposit the money before we start the treatment",the doctor replied and left. I paced around, knowing fully well there is nothing else to sell, I sold the house, some clothes, and many more for her first treatment, and now she is down with the sane illness. I sat on the floor helplessly, my mum is in there, struggling for her life. “need help",a voice asked, I looked up and a handsome, insanely cute guy stood in front of me. His cologne filled my nostrils. I sniffed loudly... I don't know him, yet I can't be silent, opportunity they say comes but once. “well yes, my mum is sick, but I don't have the money to pay for her treatment",I replied. “i will pay, but I have a condition attached",he replied. It won't be more than working for him or something like that. “yes yes, I will do anything",I replied eagerly. “don't be in a rash, hear my condition first",he replied “am all ears. Pls be quick about it",I replied. He squatted. “are you......a virgin?",he asked. “What kind of question is that?",I asked. He stood up and made an attempt to leave. “yes",I replied. He squatted again. “now you are talking",he replied. “l need your body",he added. “What???",I asked. “you doing it or not?",he asked impatiently. My mum is important right now...I'll face the rest later. “i...will",I replied. “now pls save my mum',I replied. “okay",he replied and left. Some minutes later, the doctor came out. “doctor how is my mum?",I asked. “oh she has three months to live",the doctor replied. “why?",I asked. “well you see, she has cancer, and it took you too long to realise,the treatment started late",he replied, as tears flowed down my cheeks. Ughhh! I sat down at the chair close by...and the handsome dude walked up to me. “well, here is my card, come tomorrow for finalisation",he replied and left. Damn fool! I tossed the card into my bag and went mum home. The next day...I got to the place he instructed...and rang the bell......men this place is huge. Am damn scared though. I walked in .....and something scanned me, then showed green...then the door opened. “welcome",a voice said behind me and I freaked out. ”what was that for?",I asked, placing my hands on my chest “i do whatever I please",he said, trailing his fingers in my hair, sniffing them... I moved away..and he brought out a file and a fountain pen. “sign them",he said in form of an order. I took the papers and read some parts that seemed necessary. I can't back out no matter what!!! I signed the documents! A deal is a deal! I threw it at him and walked away. Two weeks later, my mum died.......Geez! I have a feeling that guy is aware, also that doctor...no wonder he wanted to make it official. I was sent out of my house because I couldn't pay the rent.. That idiot showed up! “you have to stay with me",he said, grinning. “why?",I asked. “cause you signed it, you are like my asset, I use you whenever I want. Didn't you read through?",he asked, as I gasp. He handed the papers to me, and it dawned on me that its true. I reluctantly followed him... We got to the same mansion, and we walked in ”go freshen up, and wear what you see on the bed",he said and pointed the room. I did as he said and laid on my bed....anxiety filled me....am I going to loose my virginity like that? Something I saved for years? Wanna find out more? Read the rest of the story!

Cessa_bliss · Movies
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26 Chs

New lives


I know that's the right thing to do!

I sat on the lounge in my room, when cherry catwalked in.

"i knew you won't make the wrong choice. Hunnie, I love you!",she said and rested her head on my shoulders.

Just then, Bryan walked in with anger and fury written all over his face.

"excuse us!",he said.

"i want to spend time with.....".

"i SAID EXCUSE US!",he yelled and she ran out.

He slammed the door, and locked it.

He also activated sound proof.

"what?",I asked.

"ohhh, ya asking what? Well, you just made the biggest mistake of your life. You must be happy now right, well it might interest you to know that gracia is packing her bags as we speak!",he said, and I paid more attention.

"why?",I asked.

"figure it out yourself!",he replied and left.

I walked into Gracia's room and she was done packing, already the dragging the bags.

"what do you want?",she asked.

"there is really no need for you to leave!",I said.

"there is no need for me to stay!",she replied.


"save your saliva, my mind is made up!",she replied and dragged her bags out, our shoulders touched.

Geez! Aren't I doing the right thing?


I am so disappointed in jimmy right now!

Gracia was outside flagging down a cab.

"gracia, wait for me!",I called out, and she turned.

"hnm...won't you stay with your friend?",she asked.

"he seized to be my friend from today",I blurted, as we saw jimmy.

"you're leaving too?",he asked me.

"enjoy your new life!",I sighed, and asked the driver to go.

We got to the airport. .....and bought tickets to go to england.



We booked a hotel. We are starting our new lives too....


Finally, those pests are gone, now I have jimmy all to my self.

I am so happy...


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