
Violent Delinquent World

Confusion washed over me as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. The last thing I remembered was dying in the alley. Disclaimer: I don’t own Crow x Worst or any other delinquent mangas that may appear later down the road. I don’t own the image.

LowkeySpider44 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Yoh strolled through the park, the tall trees on either side providing plenty of cool shade. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves overhead.

Despite the chaotic thoughts swirling in his mind after waking up in this strange new world, the peaceful surroundings created a temporary sense of serenity.

Families were picnicking, and kids ran around playing tag.

As Yoh wandered through the park, he figured it'd be a nice quiet place to get his head straight and try to understand this weird new world he found himself in.

However, as Yoh ventured deeper into the park, the pressure in his bladder reminded him of a rather pressing need.

He quickly located a public restroom nestled between some trees and made a beeline for it.

The restroom's interior was dimly lit, and Yoh was instantly hit by the musty smell of old tiles and stale urine.

From within a restroom stall, a frustrated sigh echoed. "Just my luck, out of TP at the worst time," the boy grumbled.

Chuckling, Yoh responded, "Happens to the best of us. Need some help?"

A hand appeared below the stall door. "That would help me out a lot, thanks dude."

Yoh handed over the roll, and when the stall door opened, a boy around Yoh's age stepped out, wearing a casual t-shirt and jeans, paired with regular sneakers.

Yoh noticed the boy had sharp, attentive eyes that stood out against his neatly combed hair.

He strode out with the easy confidence of someone who knows their own strength.

Yoh activated his observation ability, and the details about the boy flashed before him.

[Kizu Kyosuke, Age 12, Affiliation: None]

They washed their hands side by side.

"Thanks for the save. Kizu Kyosuke," he said, offering his hand.

"Yoh. Yoh Edogawa," Yoh replied, shaking Kizu's hand.

Exiting the restroom together, Kizu pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering one to Yoh with a smirk. "Want one? Helps take the edge off."

Yoh accepted the cigarette without hesitation, thinking to himself, *It's not weed, but...* "Why not?"

Lighting up in tandem, the two leaned against the outer wall of the restroom.

Their puffs forming rings in the cool air.

Kizu exhaled a cloud of smoke, giving Yoh an appraising look. "I gotta admit man, I can't quite get a read on you yet. Most guys our age would balk at sharing a smoke, but you didn't even blink."

He nudged Yoh with his elbow. "You're a cool customer, I'll give you that. Not exactly an open book either though."

Yoh chuckled, taking a long drag. "Hang around a while and you'll get me figured out eventually."

As they stepped onto the sunlit path leading out of the park, Yoh's stomach growled audibly, making him chuckle. "Man, all that talking made me hungry."

Kizu, taking a drag from his cigarette, blew out a stream of smoke and grinned. "You're in luck. There's a gas station not far from here. Shoreline 24/7 Gas & Go. Believe it or not, they actually make some pretty damn good sandwiches there."

Yoh raised an eyebrow, "Gas station sandwiches? I dunno man, that doesn't sound too appealing."

Kizu nodded confidently, "know it sounds crazy, but those sandwiches slap hard for coming from a pit stop."

Yoh and Kizu made their way toward the "Shoreline 24/7 Gas & Go", its neon open sign blinking brightly to welcome customers.

Once inside, Kizu made a beeline for the refrigerated section.

"Dude, you gotta try this roast beef sandwich," he said, pointing one out to me.

the door chimed and three guys walked in.

I quickly assessed them:

The first guy swaggered in, his textured french crop fade bouncing slightly.

He had a carefree confidence about him.

His Gucci jacket was left open, revealing a pristine white tee that contrasted with his dark Saint Laurent jeans and shiny McQueen boots.

The second guy sported cropped blonde hair, a Burberry jacket, sweatpants, sneakers, and earrings.

He gave off a self assured vibe, yet also seemed like the type who wouldn't abandon his buddies.

The third guy had long black hair, a puffer jacket, ripped Bape joggers, a dragon tattoo, and white sneakers.

As the trio made their way past the snack aisle, Yoh couldn't help but admire their fashion.

"Nice drip," he muttered under his breath, his eyes skimming over each detail of their attire.

It was evident they had a taste for luxury brands, and each of them wore it with a distinct flair.

The guy with the textured french crop turned his head slightly, having caught the comment. "Appreciate it," he said, smirking confidently, while giving Yoh a once over.

The trio of guys strolled down the aisles, grabbing drinks and snacks while chatting casually.

"Man, I'm starving," said Guy 2, the blonde with the cropped hair. "We should hit up Umisora District after this, get some ramen."

Guy 1, the one with the french crop fade, chuckled. "You're always hungry, Hiroshi." He glanced around the store coolly. "But ramen does sound good."

Guy 3 remained silent, his sharp eyes scanning the surroundings as he listened to their banter.

"Come on Daisuke, you gotta be hungry too, right?" Guy 2, apparently named Hiroshi, said to Guy 3.

Daisuke simply nodded, arms crossed over his puffer jacket.

Hiroshi suddenly got a devious look on his face. "I dare you to go chat up that cutie working the counter, Takumi. You totally don't have the balls to actually do it."

Takumi, the leader with the fade cut, scoffed. "And what do I get if I do?"

"I'll buy your ramen," Hiroshi said.

"Easy bet." Takumi smirked and sauntered up to the counter to chat up the flustered clerk.

Daisuke rolled his eyes as Hiroshi laughed.

After chatting up the clerk and collecting his winnings from Hiroshi, Takumi led his chuckling friends out of the store.

Once the trio left, we grabbed our snacks and headed to the counter to pay. The clerk was still blushing.

Having found a quiet spot against the outer wall of the gas station, Yoh unwrapped his sandwich and took a sizeable bite.

After chewing for a moment, he gave a nod of approval. "Not bad, Kizu. Definitely better than I expected."

Kizu smirked, taking a drag from his cigarette. "I know it seems like just another gas station, but their food is honestly amazing. You'd think gas station grub would be nasty, but those sandwiches were lowkey fire. Seriously, it was a total shock that a rundown place like that had such tasty grub."

I noticed the trio loitering in the parking lot, seeming to debate where to go next.

Kizu noticed Yoh's gaze. "Know them?"

Yoh shook his head, "Nah, just admiring their... style, I guess."

Kizu chuckled, "They're known around here. Big shots in Hakuka All Boys High and apparently they are the top of the freshman's."

Yoh realized it felt good to have someone around, especially in this unfamiliar world.

While his memories from Yoh Edogawa's past life lingered, the memories from his own life still dominated.

As we ate, a loud revving of engines broke the quiet.

A group of guys roared by on motorcycles, sporting white Tokko Fuku uniforms.

The bold "Hedoro" labels on their backs stood out.

"Hedoro? Hakuka High? Kizu Kyousuke?" He frowned, clutching his head as a dull ache started to form. "Why do they all sound familiar... but I can't quite place it," he thought to himself, trying to shake off the unsettling feeling.

More bikers zoomed past, raucous laughter and revving engines filling the air.

Yoh's eyes fixed on those bold white uniforms labeled "Hedoro."

And then it clicked.

Yoh's eyes widened, pulse quickening. No way...could it be?

Frantically, he tried to recall the details of a manga no a universe he had obsessively pored over in his past life.

The streets of Toarushi...Suzuran All-Boys...the live action movies...it was all rushing back now.

This was the world of Crows x Worst! How had he not realized sooner? Yoh almost couldn't believe it.

Yoh realized he was in "The Shore," a city in southern prefecture Japan, located right next to Toarushi, the city that serves as the main location of the CrowsxWorst series.

As the reality of his situation began to sink in, memories of the manga flooded back.

Even though Kizu Kyousuke didn't appear much in the series, he was legendary.

His reputation was eerily similar to that of Bouya Harumichi, the main protagonist of "Crow." Just like Bouya, Kizu was believed to be the strongest man in his town.

He stood above his friends not because of hierarchy, but due to his unmatched strength and status.

Yoh's heart raced, his confident and cunning nature wrestling with the surreal nature of his situation.

Yoh knew it was best to stay quiet for the moment.

He would keep his knowledge hidden until he better understood where he was.

Suddenly, a notification appeared in front of Yoh's eyes:

[Congratulations for discovering one of the many worlds that make up this verse]

A startled expression flashed across Yoh's face when the message popped up.

The system was giving him a reward just for realizing he was in the Crows x Worst world?

A new notification popped up:

[Open Rewards Box?]

"Whoa," Yoh muttered. Intrigued, he mentally selected 'Open.'

[Reward Unlocked: Music Production Talent]

The scope of Yoh's new talents hit him - rapping, singing, producing beats - he could do it all! Making it to the top overwhelmed Yoh's imagination, plans taking shape faster than he could grasp them.

Ambition ignited within Yoh.

People would pay big money to see a talented musician perform.

This was his shot to blow up, if he could just harness these raw talents.

He could ride these skills straight to the top, if he played his cards right.

He just needed the right venue to showcase his talents and make it rain cash and clout.

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