

"So, Kizu," Yoh began after a while, "you seem to know this place pretty well. What's there to do around here for fun?"

Kizu thought for a moment, swallowing his last bite. "Depends on what you're into. There's an arcade down the street, a bowling alley not too far, and there's also the riverbank where a lot of folks like to hang out."

Yoh looked intrigued. "Sweet, riverbank sounds ideal. You lead, I'll follow."

They finished their sandwiches and drinks and strolled leisurely towards the riverbank.

Whoa, Yoh thought, this place is pulsing! He couldn't help but soak it all in as they walked.

Every detail, from the chirping birds to the laughter of children, felt amplified.

As they approached the river's edge, Yoh breathed in the crisp, earthy air.

The sparkling waters murmured gently, while a sweet breeze wound through the swaying willows along the bank.

Fellow wanderers were nestled amongst the shady groves and grassy knolls, angling for fish or finding respite in a good book.

Yoh closed his eyes, letting the sounds of nature wash over him.

Tranquility blanketed the riverside. For a moment, Yoh forgot everything beyond this serene oasis.

Kizu pointed to a secluded spot under a large willow tree. "That's my spot. Best view in the entire place."

Yoh and Kizu made their way to the secluded willow tree, its long, hanging branches creating a private nook.

They settled on the soft grass and lit cigarettes, chatting aimlessly as plumes of smoke circled lazily around them.

After a few minutes, Yoh noticed the trio from the gas station emerging along the riverbank, immersed in conversation.

The one with the dragon tattoo held a phone to his ear.

Without warning, the peaceful ambiance shattered as a black 14 passenger van came screeching down the lane, barreling directly towards the trio.

Yoh watched as they each deftly leapt clear of the vehicle's path just in time, not missing a single beat.

Tires squealed as the black van swerved in front of the trio, kicking up dust from the riverbank.

Fourteen masked men built like linebackers poured out, gripping an arsenal of weapons - aluminum bats, heavy flashlights, switchblades glinting in the sun.

Emblazoned on their vests was "TBR."

Though clearly strong, their physiques lacked the honed precision of the trio.

The fourteen TBR members fanned out, encircling the unperturbed trio in a ring of glinting steel.

The dragon tattooed one held his phone aside, voice low but clear.

"Riverbank View. Bring the boys."

He ended the call and slipped the phone away, eyes fixed on the TBR leader.

Yoh focused his senses, activating his innate observation skill.

Information appeared in his mind's eye as he scanned the figures below:

[Takumi Hayashi, Age 15, Hakuka High Freshman Faction Leader]

textured french crop teen stood tall, exuding confidence.

He met their stares head on, his glance like steel

[Hiroshi Nakamura, Age 15, Left-hand Man]

Hiroshi, with his cropped blonde hair, stood with an air of readiness.

He radiated tightly coiled danger, like a viper ready to strike.

[Daisuke Tanaka, Age 15, Right-hand]

Daisuke was the dragon tattooed one. He stared straight ahead, perfectly still, a well of lethal intent.

Yoh's gaze moved to the masked leader confronting them:

[Ryuunosuke Sato, Age 17, TBR Lieutenant]

Ryuunosuke took a long drag from his cigarette, eyes cold beneath his mask.

His muscular frame was clad in a leather jacket and ripped jeans.

He twirled his bat casually, but his posture was aggressive, looking for an excuse to unleash violence.

As Yoh took another drag from his cigarette, his thoughts whirred, both bemused and contemplative. "Damn, The Basement Rats real world counterparts don't play games."

"Seriously, trying to run them over? That's one way to make a point".

His eyebrows knitted together slightly in thought. "What could the trio have possibly done to get on TBR's bad side this much?"

Yoh took a deep drag from his cigarette, the tendrils of smoke blurring his view momentarily. "Kizu," he began, exhaling the smoke to the side, "do you know what's the deal between that trio and TBR? Why the bad blood?"

Kizu glanced at the ongoing standoff, a distant look in his eyes. "The trio leads the freshmen faction in Hakuka High," he began, taking a moment before he continued. "A few weeks ago, TBR members brutally extorted a freshman from Hakuka. Left him bloodied in some back alley."

Yoh blew out a ring of smoke, looking mildly intrigued. "Huh, drama."

Kizu continued, his tone somber. "It sparked a retaliation from the freshmen. They didn't just go after the TBR members, they went all out. Word is they hospitalized a bunch of them. Beatings so severe, some are still in intensive care."

Yoh smirked slightly. "Sounds like they bit off more than they could chew."

Kizu nodded. "It's turned into an all out war now. Over thirty people have been hospitalized from both sides."

"Sheesh, aren't high schoolers supposed to be studying and staying out of trouble?" Yoh chuckled. "Guess the peace and quiet is out the window with these factions feuding."

Ryuunosuke, twirling his bat with an arrogant swagger, stepped forward. "Hayashi, your little crew's making quite the name for themselves. Picking fights with us? Ballsy, I'll give you that."

Takumi's eyes locked onto Ryuunosuke's.

"Your boys shouldn't have crossed that line, Sato. We don't let people mess with what's ours without paying the price."

Takumi's voice was cold and steady. "Anyone who comes at us is gonna regret it. That's a promise."

Daisuke eyed the bat in Ryuunosuke's hand with disdain. "This isn't about picking fights for no reason. Your boys messed with what's ours, so now we're sending a message back."

He met Ryuunosuke's gaze steadily. "Cross us again, and that message will be even louder and clearer next time."

Hiroshi, his voice dripping with sarcasm, added, "And if the message wasn't clear, let us know. We can always... reiterate."

Ryuunosuke let out a mocking laugh. "You seriously think roughing up a few of our guys is gonna scare us off? We've been through way worse crap than this." He twirled his bat casually.

Takumi stepped in closer, his voice firm. "You mistake our intention. It's not fear we're after. It's respect. And if that's not given, it'll be taken."

Ryuunosuke smirked, leaning in, "And what if we don't want to give it?"

Hiroshi, cracking his knuckles, said, "Then we take it. Simple as that."

Daisuke gave a casual shrug. "Hey, way it goes you push, we push back. We're just real good at the push back part."

Ryuunosuke exhaled slowly, the mocking smirk never leaving his face.

"TBR respect you? Don't make me laugh, Hayashi." He shook his head derisively. "You're living in a damn fantasy if you think that's ever gonna happen."

Takumi took a step forward, his voice icy cold.

"I'm done with the chit chat, Sato. You clearly came here looking for something, so if you really want this, let's stop wasting time and throw down already."

Ryuunosuke gestured at his gang with a mocking bow. "After you."

The TBR gang lunged forward. Two TBR guys swung bats at Hiroshi. He dodged the first swing, then ripped the bat from the other guy's grip.

In one smooth motion Hiroshi pivoted, smashing the bat against the thug's jaw. Teeth cracked audibly as the guy crumpled to the ground with a garbled yell.

But another TBR member slammed a heavy flashlight into Hiroshi's ribs, making him stumble back with a pained grunt.

Daisuke found himself surrounded by three TBR members.

He slipped a switchblade from his pocket and ducked under their strikes, slicing one's arm open in a spray of red.

Takumi darted around the blows thrown at him with lightning reflexes.

In a flash he had locked one thug in a ruthless chokehold, squeezing his bulging arm around the guy

Takumi's eyes were cold and pitiless as he clenched the chokehold, crushing the man's windpipe without hesitation.

Blood ran from cuts on Takumi's face, but he showed no signs of pain or fatigue.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

LowkeySpider44creators' thoughts
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