
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

The Meeting


Hearing the sound of the rooster I woke up from the deep sleep I had due to all the fatigue I got from the training.

Standing up, I did a warm up exercise making my body active. When I looked outside through the window I saw that the sun has just risen which means it's probably 6 o'clock.

Which means I have one hour before I go into the desert for my flight training.

I kept myself busy by watching some movies using my laptop which I had pre-downloaded before the mission in case i felt bored.

After thirty minutes of watching movies I realized something was off and my instincts were warning me of something.

"Who is there?"I asked looking around the abandoned room, not seeing anything in particular but my instincts thought otherwise.

"If you want to play that game with me then you are out of luck"

I said as I made a fist and punched the floor.


The floor collapsed, sending cracks through the whole building which made a shadow move towards the window trying to escape.

"Not so fast!" I yelled dashing towards it as it crashed and went through the window.

But unfortunately I wasn't fast enough so when i went through the window chasing after it all i saw was me falling towards the ground with a two storey building collapsing behind me.

Reaching the ground I levitated and landed safely and then turned just in time to see the building fall, sending dust and stones everywhere.

"Fuck it got away, but who or what the hell was that, and most importantly who sent it to spy me?" I contemplated, as I saw armed men making their way towards the my location.

"I have out of here, I dont want to alert my targets when I am not ready and whatever it was I hope it took the hint and stopped following me" I thought, as i moved with inhuman speeds leaving the crime scene and heading towards the desert forgetting about my laptop.


Meanwhile , ten minutes after Arslan left the scene,five people emerged from the shadows in black clothing in an alley behind the collapsed building.

" Leader what was that!?" One of them yelled as the whole situation shocked them to their core.

" Who would have imagined that the young master was hiding such strength, being able to level a building with one punch" Said Sattar as he was thinking of something.

" So what do we do, should we inform?"

"No, I think the Young leader is the one"

"Are you serious!?" exclaimed the group looked at the leader with wide eyes.

"Yes I am going to talk to him alone and see if he is fit so you guys should be around the area and wait till I come back"

" Ok leader" the four Bowed and disappeared into the shadows leaving the leader as he stared as he stared at the direction of Arslan.


While all this was going on, Arslan had already made of the city and into the desert and after making sure he couldn't see the city, his feet left the ground as he started moving upwards and after he was ten meters off the ground he flew straight ahead with his maximum speed which made the sand below him part like the red sea .

"Wooho!!! Wow flying is soo amazing, I think I am starting to get addicted to this feeling, it's time to get serious" Arslan said as he started increasing his speed.

And after flying for 10 minutes, with his speed increasing every minute he finally broke the sound barrier.

"Yay I broke .... OH SHIT!!!!!!" Arslan yelled as he fell face first on to the ground sending sending sand all over the place. Standing up he realized he was deep In the desert with sand as far as the eyes can see with Hill like sand dunes around him.

"Fuck that was painful, but still I broke through the SOUND BARRIER!! and even though I can't control myself when I do it it's still an achievement."

"Well they do say practice makes man perfect and I have the whole day to make sure I am perfect"

After that he started practicing for hours, with craters being formed all around the area which showed how much effort he was putting into this. After five more hours he finally mastered it .

" I have finally done it!!!" Arslan screamed as he broke the sound barrier and went straight into the clouds.

"Wow this scene is soo beautiful, it almost makes me forget all the things I went through and did.

Reaching the height that made him see sea of clouds below him with the sun on the horizon about to set.

"I wish I could stay here forever, but sadly I have some work to do"

He realized it was getting late so he flew fast enough to break the sound barrier and arrived at the ground in an minute.

He then remembered he had lost his backpack and laptop which contained the location of the base and all his movies.

"Well what's done is done, I can always get a knew one, but getting the location of the base will be troublesome but this has made the mission more exciting"

" I can always improvis.... Who is there, show yourself!!!" He said looking around vigilantly, as he felt something was wrong.

Then out of nowhere, someone came from the shadows.

"Who are you?" Arslan asked with a frown on his face as he detected no killing intent from him.

" I am Sattar, The Head Assassin Of Hassashin" He replied with a bow.







Hey guys it's me, please share this story and keep up with the support.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts