
Viltrumite In My Wife Is A Beautiful CEO

Let's See What A Viltrumite Will Do In A World Full Of Excitement And Danger.

KingSeyer · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

The Hassashin Order

[Sattar's Pov]

Moving as fast as I can, i headed to the direction of the young master as I heard sounds of explosion.


"I hope the young master is all right"

Feeling anxious, I increased my speed and arrived at a place surrounded by destroyed dunes with craters all around.

"What the hell happened here" I thought as I looked around, only to see the young master flying with speed to make the air explode.

"Thiss...this can't be possible" I stammered as i watched him fly up into the clouds with a smile on his face with the air below him exploding, sending sand and dust everywhere.

"Is the young master a god? This can be true since I heard from Alfa that he came from sky.

This means my intuition was right"

"Who is there?"

A childish voice broke me out of my thoughts. I checked the direction only to see him floating above the ground looking around vigilantly.

' So he sensed me again. His instincts are better than I imagined' I thought as I came of the shadows with the distance between us no more than 10 meters.

"I am Sattar, Head Assassin Of Hassashin"




[Arslan's Pov]

Looking at the man, I realized he was in black garments from head to toe with a calm expression laced with slight fear in his eyes.

"Who sent you, and what are you doing here"

I asked, ready to kill him at the slightest mishap.

" I was sent by your father to monitor your status and I showed myself because I think you are the one"

" What do me mean by me that"

I asked, confused by the whole situation since I already guessed that it was father who sent him .

"It means that you are worthy of being the Leader of Hassashin"

"But arent you a direct subordinate of my father" I asked, since logically only my father can command such a group.

"I am, but he only has my and the everyone's service due to an artifact he has which makes members of the Hassashin obey his commands"

"If you are under his service then why does your tone suggest otherwise"

"I may be under his service but he doesn't have my and others loyalty.

All I am trying to say is that you have a chance to gain control of Hassahin"

" Ok, so what do I have to do" I asked, interested in getting my own squad of superpowered assasins.

"You have to defeat the strongest assasins to get their loyalty because other than the artifact Hassashin only obeys the strong and mighty"

"You keep excluding yourself when you speak of the group, do you have other plans in mind"

I asked him since during our talks he doesn't include himself which can mean anything.

"I have already decided to pledge my loyalty to you when I witnessed your might and power"

He said as he went on his knees and removed the covering from his face.

Looking at him I saw that he is an old man probably in his sixties with a typical arabian look with sharp eyes.

He then took a black ornamental knife from his waist and cut his palm with it making a lot of blood spill and started chanting some incoherent words and after he was done he came closer with slight fear and knelt before me with the knife lying horizontally on both palms.

" To finish the contract, you need to spill drop of blood on the knife" he said with a tone of reverence.


I decided to go with the flow, so I bit my palm with enough force to make to make blood spill and made it drop on the knife.When it fell on the knife, it glowed bright red for a few seconds then stopped.

"We are now bonded by blood" Sattar said with a smile as he showed me his wrist with my name tattooed on it.

"I am now and will forever be under your command"

I wasn't afraid of him doing anything to me because I am immune to any form of spiritual attack which made me confident to resist any attack if what he said was all bull.

After the ritual, l have a feeling that if he ever has a thought of betraying me he will die before he has the chance to.

"So what now?" I asked not knowing what to do at the moment.

"My lord I suggest you finish your mission and go back to the camp so that I can give you all the information you need to prepare"

"My lord,I will be waiting for you at the city when you are done because I am supposed to be monitoring you and I will try to convince the rest to follow you"

"Ok, we will meet at the destroyed building tomorrow morning"

I started moving into the sky after I said that and flew away with enough speed to blow the sand away.

Not stopping until I couldnt see him i slowed down and started thinking.

'I never thought my father had something like this backing him. Nevertheless, I never expected to gain the loyalty of the head of this order without putting in effort and judging by his behaviour he doesn't underestimate me due to my age.'

'My father doesn't even know that one of his trump cards is being taken away from him under his nose and the day he realizes this, that will be his end'

With a smirk forming on my face as I thought of this as I increased my speed, heading east as I recalled the terrorist base being in that direction.

"Its time to finish this"


I broke the sound barrier with the sand beneath me parting like the red sea as I moved in that direction, wanting to reach there early for my plans.





Hey guys it's me again, major massacre incoming. Stay tuned to find out more.

KingSeyercreators' thoughts