
A Negative Point of View

Kirk worked really bad as a gardener. He never learned anything. His miser childhood had only been a nightmare for him. He did not know his talent, he did not know what he could really do well, all he knew was that if he wanted to live, he would have to work hard. He was soon thrown out from the rich house as he was unable to work properly. So he started working as a labourer at a factory but his body was too weak to lift heavy loads. He was scolded and severely punished everyday and after two months, he was again jobless. He did not want to beg again. It was harder than anything! He tried a job of a servant at a rich advocate's house. He worked well there. He could at least wash the dishes and clean the rooms as he had seen earlier at restaurants and sweet shops while staring at the beautiful cakes, roast chicken, etc. He thought he would be given some proper food to eat in this house but he was given tasteless foods twice a day that were either undercooked or overcooked and were really cheap. These barely edible meals were more than enough for Kirk because he had always been a helpless victim of poverty since childhood. He saw the children of his owner, a boy of 16 and another of his age played in the garden, studied so many books, went to different classes and all they had to do for getting their meal was to come and sit at the dining table. He always felt like a left out being. As if he didn't belong their, as if he didn't belong to the group of humans. He was scolded daily for making very little mistakes. Soon, he began growing negative feelings for rich people. He began thinking that he was the enemy of all rich people and they would never ever help him. He was a lonely soul in the midst of strangers whose cries echoed but never got through the egos of the rich people. He always remained depressed and suffered in anxiety. There was absolutely no one to help him for he was born poor and thus, was considered less than the rich beings.