
Villains, heroes, And vigilantes

Elie, a loved vigilante, taro, a wanted villain. . can Taro keep Elie safe or will the fail? can elie find her true family?

MysticJamie · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 7

Salenes POV

SH**, i just let myself be taken by random scientist! Ugh, this is like the 3rd time this year! They really are getting more and more desperate aren't they? I sit up, taking a look around. They put me in a f***ing tank.. Like a fish.. I A SIREN, NOT A FISH!!!

After that, i quint my eyes to look outside the tank. I see nothing. Did they just leave me in a room full of water and badly placed rocks? I eventually get annoyed enough and move the giant rock to somewhere more fitting, i also move everything else.

Carbon POV

I walk through the empty halls back to the tank. I need to get some pictures of the siren and the room around her. I walk towards the tank spotting her. I freeze and she freezes as well.

"AHHHHH!" I cover my ears.

"Jeez chill!" I pull out my phone taking the pictures i need then i leave to find the way into the room. Once there i walk into the room seeing her again. I walk around taking pictures and looking at some files.

"Dang." i hear walking down the hall so i grab some papers and book it out of the room and once at my room i call boss.