
Villainous Me: Help! The heroines are yanderes!

[Under thorough editing] A young man woke up to a world of magic and endless possibilities. He was transmigrated. Great! Only that he now had three huge problems. One, he had no memories of his past. Two, he was a villain destined to die no matter the outcome. And three, the heroines were all kinda... should he say, obsessed? Yeah, he was fucked. [Note] No Yuri. Conflicting emotions of MC due to loss of memory for the first part. Huge plot twist, so don't fall for whatever you see. NTR? Not. But probably netori. Beta MC? Big No. Harem? Yes! Don't ask me how but I'll make it possible. ..... More golden tickets for faster updates!

Secretly_A_Villian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

A New Beginning{Edited}



The creaking carriage jolted through concrete tiled street, its iron wheels running smoothly.


It stopped, and the abrupt halt ripped Leo from his not-so-comfortable sleep, his eyes snapping open with a gasp.

He lurched upright, his heart pounding in his chest. Across him, Lyla sat eerily still, her gaze fixed on him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

They were mere inches apart, an uncomfortably close proximity that made Leo acutely aware of the simmering tension in the air.

The breath practically synchronized

"What the heck?!" he blurted, his voice hoarse from sleep and shock.

Lyla's lips curved into a cold smile, devoid of warmth.

"Don't even think about it," she said coolly, regaining her composure.

"The sudden stop threw me forward."

Leo eyed her skeptically, his mind whirling with suspicion.