
C19 Equivalent exchange

"Noah knows well how to use his assets effectively. But wait! I am no asset of his! Why am I also getting through this? I still want to live for so long!" She twiddled the tips of her fingers.

Skipping across the hall, she entered the king's quarters without suspicion under the name of the duke. She explained that she was personally sent here for personal reason. Now that she safely got off the hook, she proceeded near the chamber. The king was fast asleep, nestling his head on the soft pillow. Raeliana was praying for his safety. She might be staying here, but there's no guarantee that she will prevent the king's foreseen disaster.

"Please dear king, don't fall for now. Noah's everything depends on you. Please be safe." Out of her nervousness, she unconsciously muttered her concern towards Noah. He was the male lead, but she was worrying for him although their places were quite far apart each other. No matter how many challenges appeared, Noah will surely finished it without breaking a sweat. He was the male lead nevertheless.

The creak sound of door has hinted her that someone has passed the guards. Raeliana was familiar to the face of the murderer, and that's very helpful for now. The killer was a woman, wearing a disguise, has a very warm demeanor that would probably resulted everyone to think of her as a soft and harmless woman. Nonetheless, all were proven to be false.

Raeliana was tightly pressing her lips, paused her breathing and listened to the footsteps. It was closing the distance between them. She heard a metal that was unsheathed. Her body shuddered in extreme. She could barely hear the footsteps because of the rapid beating of her heart. Since she let the anxiety took over her, she forgot that she will intentionally nudge the vase for cue to Noah and fetch the killer. The killer has already passed her current position, and now she was no left to do but to witness how she failed to see save Noah's brother. She was on the brink of breaking down when a thought has struck her.

"It may resulted my end but it was my fault. Sorry mother if I happened to succeed."

The killer slowly raised her arms, gripping a dagger on her hands. Seconds before it fell on the king's chest, she was quick to save the king. Instead of throwing away the weapon, she used herself as a human meatshield. Blood was slowly dripping on the floor. The king was alerted, gleaning his sword that was hidden in the headboard. His eyes fell on Raeliana, who was twitching in pain. The dagger was buried on her left back, and has a chance that her heart got pierced. He tugged her in his arms, and threw his hands on the vase that alerted the royal guards.

"Your Majesty!"

Noah has entered the room and saw Raeliana leaning towards his brother, drenched in blood. His eyes leered and sent death glares to the killer. He drew his sword and swiftly pierced her heart. She fell on the ground but has still strength to utter words.

"The dagger was poisoned. It will be impossible to treat her. She will die with me!"

Noah has completely surrendered to his anger. He swung his sword and beheaded the woman at the spot. He ordered the guards to clean up the mess after. At the very moment, he was focused on how he can treat Raeliana's wounds. It was unusual for the duke to be concerned of someone, but Raeliana was special for him. He even teared, along with blood rolling down from her back.

"Don't you dare to die at me!" He scowled.