
villainess : Antagonist story

HORRIBLE GRAMMAR READ IT AT YOUR OWN RISK! *Warning* (This book will have some mature content, if you are uncomfortable reading mature content then please don't read it.) Everyone wants to know the story of the protagonist. But what about the antagonist? Two girls, both became the antagonists of their own lives without knowing why. Destiny causes their paths to cross as they meet in club as strangers and leave it as potential friends for life. Tulip Anderson, the daughter of a wealthy family. Yet, ironically, most don’t know about her existence, the limelight having been stolen away by her twin sister. All she wanted was her parents’ love but they were too occupied with her twin to care about her. All her life, the story was about her sister and Tulip’s role was the villainous twin. Lily Lawrence, wife of Zachary Lawrence, CEO of Lawrence Enterprises. Entangled in a loveless marriage, her husband hates her and the reason? He wasn't ready for marriage. She was forced upon him by his grandfather. Everyday Lily saw a different girl leaving his room and slowly became a shallow, scheming woman. Just to get back at those adulterers. She only wanted her husband to respect her, since he couldn’t love her. But in the end, he only saw her as the woman who forced him into a commitment he didn’t want. Two girls with two different stories, this is about how they become the greatest of friends and journey to change their destinies. ------------------------------------- The picture is taken from Pinterest. To discuss anything you could contact me on my discord id mehu#7456

mehu · Urban
Not enough ratings
78 Chs

sweet love

[Warning: heavily explicit]

Lily angrily huff at her husband. It's not that she hates kids but she doesn't know if she is ready for one after all she is only 22.

Leonard find it's amusing seeing Lily angry face, for him look like an angry bunny with those puffed up Cheeks "Who told you to be so irresistible" he lazily said looking at her with a slight smirk on his face.

Lily frown and look at him accusingly "You are saying it's my fault!"

'Tsk Tsk this bunny has claws' he thought amusingly "Of course!" he said, there is a humour in his tone.

Lily glare deepen "You!" but couldn't able to refute him.

He lazily lay down on the bed then turn his eyes towards Lily who is desperately trying to cover her body with blanket. Desire burn in his eyes seeing the love bites all over her body, a sense of satisfaction spread inside him. Moreover knowing he is the only man who has touched her a wave of possessiveness and obsession flash in him.

Lily shiver seeing his lustful eyes on her, flashback of what happened between them appears in her eyes. Just thinking about it her nipple harden, desire build in her. Leonard eyes darken seeing her hard nipples through the thin blanket. Before Lily could react the blanket is ripped away from her body and a warm mouth latch on her nipple sucking it, nibbling it, giving a light bite "Mmmmm" Lily moan.

Leonard move his fingers in between her folds. He groan "You are so wet Lily", he softly rub the clit.

" Ahhhh Leonard " Lily moan, desire keep building inside her "Please Leo..." she seductively said.

"Please what Lily ? word?" Leonard huskily said, his eyes is burning with desire.

"Please!!!!" Lily repeated, she is too shy to voice out those shameless words.

Leonard stop rubbing when Lily reached to her climax. She release a frustration sigh, Leonard smirk seeing her frustration "Words my sweet Lily... demand what you want".

" I want you to be inside me .... Now!" Lily said in frustrated voice.

Leonard grin "Oh yeah! baby I love it when you get bossy" without warning he plunge inside her. Lily moan feeling the fullness inside her, she hold his shoulder and her nails dig in his skin. Leonard keep slowly thrusting in and out, Lily groan "faster Leonard!" hearing her he fasten his phase and thrust inside her harder and faster.

"Ahhhhh...yes" Lily scream loudly 'Tsk ...Tsk who is the slutty bitch now' her inner voice smirk.

'Seriously! at this time!' Lily groan inwardly at her inner voice.

Seeing Lily distracted a little Leonard narrow his eyes and without warning he change their position. Lily shriek with sudden movement and soon she is on top of him. Seeing the position she blush.

"Ride me wife" Leonard huskily said.

"I don't know how?" Lily look at him doesn't know what she suppose to do.

Looking at her innocently sitting on him Leonard heart groan, it couldn't help but unleash his inner beast who wants to conquer her "don't worry wife I will teach you everything... we are gonna make sweet love at every corner of our house" Lily heart leaps in excitement and get warm at the same time hearing 'our house'.

"Now move your hips up and down" Leonard put his hands on her waist and teaching her exactly how to. Lily slowly move her hips up and down feeling his dick fully inside her, she moan softly.

"Yes baby just like this! ride me" Leonard moan feeling her tightness around his cock.

Hearing his moan Lily felt encourage and she fasten her phase "Ahhhhh...." Lily moan. Leonard grab her breast squeezing it softly "Yes Lily! keep going I'm gonna cum soon" he moan.

Lily thrust harder up and down and soon both of reach their climax "Ahhhhhh. ..." both of them release their cum simultaneously. Lily lay down beside Leonard. He wrap his arm around her waist "You are awesome baby!" he huskily said.

Lily suddenly blush after remembering how bold she was and hide her face inside his chest.

Leonard chuckle softly seeing her shyness "No need to shy Lily we are husband wife and what happened between us is normal. A husband suppose to make sweet love with his wife."

Lily look at him an unknown emotion stir inside her. She softly move her fingers on his cheek to his jaw, Leonard keep looking at her letting her explore " My previous marriage wasn't like this Leonard. I ... I ...don't know for what reason but I foolishly fallen in love with him inspite of knowing he never gonna return those feelings " Lily pause.

"Keep going" Leonard said wrapping his arm tightly around her waist and rubbing her back in encouragement.

"Soon I was tired of those unrequited feelings. Not returning my feelings was one thing but not respecting was another" Lily said looking at his eyes.

Leonard intensely look at her and move his face close to her taking her lips softly in a soft and passionate kiss. Even though he didn't said anything but she could feel his love in his kiss. They don't know for how long they were kissing but they keep exploring each other mouth. And slowly he break the kiss "Sleep lily"

Lily nodded and release a yawn. Soon she falls into a blissful sleep.

That night Leonard couldn't sleep he keep watching her sleep blissfully in his arms. He didn't understand how her previous husband able to resist her, she is so innocent from inside and outside 'must be blind' he snicker inwardly. He never kisses any girl, with those it's only physical needs but the first time he watched her look at him irritated he couldn't help but claim her lips to see other emotions on her face. She is the only untainted soul in his tainted life and he wants to keep her far away from his tainted life.

At first it's all curiosity but soon he don't know when she became his obsession.

Another update coming by tomorrow.

If someone like to be editor of my future chapters then join me on discord mehu#7546.

Please let me know if there is any error in this chapter.

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