
Villainess and Butler, we only have each other.(dropped)

You lost everything when you were young, problem is your soul is of an old one, you understand what happened. And by luck you came across the Villainess and helped her, but the problem was you both are the same. Lonely and vulnerable, constantly putting walls so you can't be hurt. You only have each other to rely on. You, a man who've been finding the meaning to survive and her who is a tool of politics. Inside of an otome game. === Tue, Wed, and Thursday is de schedule~

Thebird_istheword · Fantasy
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41 Chs

I'll continue...!

Later on I heard news about THAT woman dying. It seems what I did worked. She deserved it. I have no hard feelings.

But after all that I completely stopped eating.

[Samuel please!]

"... What"

[You have to eat, at least a bite!]

I ignored the voices in my head. I didn't look at the mirror either. I have nothing anymore. Not a single one to live for.


[Samuel! What would your mother think of this?!]

My body jerked a bit, thinking that mom would probably get angry when I don't eat, especially when I'm not in her sight. She even fed me herself when she got the chance.

"... Okay"

[Okay, good. Samuel go and get yourself something to eat]

These voices in my head are full of emotions, has my sanity gone far? Well it doesn't matter as it won't make me lonely, that's the only thing that matters.

Walking at the nearest bread shop I started rummaging the dump. It was fast scavenging as I found a half piece of bread, although moldy, it was enough. I could go to the forest to forage but the most common thing to find there are poisonous mushrooms.

I started eating, removing the moldy parts so as not to fully upset my stomach.

[Samuel are you full?]

"not really…"

{Sammy! Sammy! Why won't you try traps?}

[Oh! What a wonderful idea! I can help you with that!]

The Fatherly voice in my head suggests so, I have this feeling of reliance and nodded as I looked at the mirror.

[Okay, okay. Samuel, listen, rest up for a bit and go to the forest okay?]

I nodded and sat on a wall. I waited till the food I ate was digested then went to the Forest with my flimsy foot as my three-year-old body could muster.

[Okay, Samuel, you see those hems over there?]

I directed my gaze at a hem plant with three stalks near a source of water.

[Go ahead and break down the long leaves and twist them, twist them too with the other leaves you've twisted]

His instruction is quite bad but I can hear the genuine feeling of caring in his voice, so I followed. Though with trial and error I finally made a simple rope.

"What now?"

I think I felt a bit of motivation here, so I asked.

[oh! Uh… make a knot by…]

It was a while but I think I had fun having to trial and error myself making a trap. I learned that the voices in my head had names, the fatherly voice is named Markus while the feminine one is Luna.

Markus kept teaching me how to make traps, as my body is just that of a toddler there's not much I could do.

But of course in the end of the day I managed to make a crude trap by digging a hole and making a pitfall contraption.

[Good job Samuel!]

{such a good boy!}

Luna and Markus praised me, it felt warm, I'm really reversing the age of my body. My mind, that is.

[Okay Samuel, put some worms in the trap you'll get your harvest soon]

"like this?"

There are a lot of puddles in this place so all I have to do is go there and find a worm and luckily for me I found some so I just placed it on the contraption I made.

"Okay… Done!"

[Ah, Samuel, just in case make a spear]


[Yeah, go ahead and wash yourself first, your whole body is dirty]

I yawned, I did too much work for my little body, I did what he said and laid down in a little opening under a giant tree.

[Good night Samuel]

{Good night}

"good… nigh…t"

I laid silently and with my eyes closed I slept comfortably, but it cannot compare than being with my mother.



Whipping sounds could be heard across the room, muffled sniffing could be heard and a whine every whip.

"That's not how the child of a Marquis should act!"

"The dignity of the house is portrayed by its descendants!"

The one who was yelling and whipping was the one who was dressed like a strict teacher and the one who was being whipped on their ankles was none other than a three year old child.

"The young lady of the house should be full of perfection! Or else you're a disgrace!"

The child only muffled her cries because if she showed her cries she would get hit more, but fortunately for her the whipping was short lived since a man came barging in the room they're in.

"Emergency! The Madam has been kidnapped!"

The child being punished has her crying demeanor changed drastically that is similar to dread and sorrow.

"Get out, I'll relay the news to the child"

The man yelled at the news. There's no way the child wouldn't hear that. After forcefully closing the door, the strict teacher looked at the child whose head was drooping low.

A cynical smile appeared at the teacher's face and she moved closer to the ear of the child.

"The madam is gone… our lesson would finally continue"

She retracted her head slowly as the young child looked at her with terror.

"She's finally gone" the woman whispered

The child could only tear more as she looked at the teacher, with absolute dread, her skin felt cold and it felt tight, she felt suffocated as she is with this woman with every second.

But she couldn't do anything as her little body shook, as if looking at a devil.

"That woman is finally gone…! I could finally replace her…"

She could only do nothing but stay still as a whip came to her. She could only silently mutter.

"Save me…"



"Do you think you could get away with this?!"

"Pfft what is this woman saying?"

They all laughed as the woman who was leaking animosity on her eyes as she glared daggers at the men who imprisoned her.

"Do you not know who I am?!"

"You're the Marquis wife aren't you?"

"if you knew—!"

"Ya bloody idiot, do you think we're just going to let you go? Well have a pretty sum for a noble, from a Marquis wife no less!"

They all laughed as they left her, not even letting her retort at their mocking attitudes.

"You'll pay for this…!"

Before she could even grit her teeth she heard shallow breathing behind her. She looked around to look at the faint voice just to discover a woman who had blood on her crotch, the worst part is that her womb is laying on the cold floor.

"oh my god…!"

Instead of being scared like any other noble at the sight of such horrific Gore laid before her, she rushed to the woman for her aid.

"Do you feel pain??"

She started casting a spell and the dirtied woman weakly looked at her.

"My baby… they took my baby…"

The woman who's casting a spell grit her teeth and activate her spell the dirtied woman spoke more clearly.

"They sold my baby"

The dirtied woman spoke as her tears flowed down her bony cheek.

"Those bastards!" The noble woman could only silently yell.

"My boy… "

The noble woman looked at the dirtied woman and asked.

"your boy?"

"He hasn't seen his little sister yet… "

Anger and rage flowed to the noble woman's veins as she heard everything, but right now she's powerless like any other maiden.

"Don't worry ill—!"

The noble woman looked at the Dirtied woman once again, she had no more light in her eyes. She was gone, the noble woman could only now clench her fists till it bled.

The spell worked, but she… the dirtied woman— she lost it all.