
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Mothers' Heart

Zaiden looked down at Claw.

" You're no fun." Zaiden sighed handing him a white choker with a blue gem

Claw smirked" Can you help me find my daughter?"

He handed him a paper and Zaiden nodded telling him to follow him. The twins were waiting and drove them back to Blood Lily Headquarters. Zaiden took Claw to the a building.

" Father?"

Claw turned around to a teenage girl with a boy whom she barely reached the chest of behind her.

" Father-in-law?" The boy gasped bring an awkward silence

Zaiden walked out sending a message for all the pillars to return to HQ.

" Twins, get everything ready." Zaiden smiled

Dominic entered into Ivan's room. It seemed he was walking out of the shower and Dominic noticed the tattoo on his back of a rising shark as a center.

" Will you stare forever?" Ivan laughed " Go into the next room, I got to get ready."

In the room was a calm looking man scratching his medium blonde hair on a video call on a laptop. He looked up revealing his green eyes.

" What is it, Vic?" the person he was talking to went

Vic smiled, " It seems the little fox Ivan has roped in has entered."

" Can I meet him or her."

Dominic came into closer seeing a woman with black-blue hair and pink eyes.

" Hello, I'm Ivanna Black, Ivan's mother." She smiled

Vic grinned," Ivan was sent an urgent call to HQ then will need to led an attack. I believe this fox will get lonely."

" I see. How about leaving the laptop I'll keep him company." Ivanna beamed

Ivan interrupted, " Great. It's decided, Vic will be late and Kitsune....these are for you. We can't get them out but you can meet them."

" Bye dear." Ivanna smiled

" Love you Ma." Ivan went closing the laptop and giving it to Dominic " Don't get caught, Kitsune."

Ivan and Vic went. He barely managed to be on time for the meeting of Pillars.

" So the Heroes Executives will be at a super secret auction of human beings." Zaiden began

Waniya, the Teacher Villain winced at the thought.

" I know...dreadful." Zaiden went with zero empathy " Moving on. I want you to infiltrate the auction and get the files with one big shot Executives."

" Sounds easy enough. Let's go." Becca smiled

Zaiden had a gorgeous smile which sent a shiver down their spines. Axel and Aiden entered and put chains on their waists, ankles and neck.

" What's going on here?" Urvi wondered

" Didn't I tell you? You'll be infiltrating.....as the the items." Zaiden smirked snapping his fingers

The men turned into women and women into men. Axel and Aiden pulled them out the door.


" This isn't some slice of life, get with the genre. Either way isn't that the best disguise I could give them." Zaiden smiled

Dominic received a call from Ivanna. He was still shocked by the celebrity looking woman and the resemblance to Ivan.

" I look like Ivan, right. People say that a lot but look at this." Ivanna smiled bring up a picture " We all look like each other."

It was a picture with Ivanna and Ivan with another boy and girl around Ivan's age.

" Ivan is the middle of the triplets. His sister, Ivy is older by forty-five seconds and his brother, Ivor. This little sharks are my shiver." Ivanna smiled

" Shiver?" Dominic exclaimed

" A group of sharks are a shiver." Ivanna teased " Well whatever. Ivan told me of your situation so I was interested...a bit."

" Ivan doesn't take anything from you except your looks." Dominic blurted

Ivanna had a bitter smile," I know...Ivan has OCD and PTSD. It really surprises me sometimes how far we came."

Dominic was silent picturing the person who relentlessly clawed at him. It was a different light to the Psycho Ivan 'Ajkula' Black.

" I know Ivan has taken an...intense liking to you..as an object of entertainment." Ivanna laughed " I will give some advice. In your situation you better cling to his coat tails, he may play around in a host club but he is more than he seems."

" Why are you telling?" Dominic mumbled

Ivanna sighed," Good question. Our family has good eyes and I have a good feeling about you Dominic. Thus I'll tell you my story It will help you and Ivan knows too."

" Why would that shark want to help me?" He went

" He doesn't I can assure you as his mother. Although I have free time to meddle in my first son's affairs." Ivanna smiled

WARNING: Ivanna story has sensitive contents. Remember everything is fiction and the character are not real.

Ivanna began with her story:

" I fell in love and it was blissful. Soon I married and had triplets. I felt on cloud nine and was lavished in love..*soft laugh*...if I must I was blinded by love.

My babies had turned six. They started blossoming in areas and so did I. My little pups were geniuses and as parents we were reminded that by his friends. Somehow it lead him to have an inferiority complex to his own children. I never knew it was when the horror of my pups would begin.

They became introverted and I didn't know why. Ivan was the worst of them and my husband was my shoulder of support always there when I needed him like an angel sent to me. Soon by magical they seem alright.-"

" You must love your husband." Dominic interrupted

" Don't interrupt me kid-

My dear pups turned seven, Ivy and Ivor begged me to move with Ivan but I refused. My husband said they were bullied at school so I confronted his teacher.

She exclaimed that the triplets came that way from school and had already spoken to their father regarding it. Soon it resolved itself and I was quite uneasy. At that time I was swarmed in work and my husband.

So I went home earlier than I have in our married life. I think my world fell apart and I learn how naïve I was. It was plain child abuse, I grabbed my children and went to a friend's house.

My husband and I's married was beyond repair because of inferiority. He asked me a question and I chose my babies who were only just turned seven and were scarred by the man I loved. So we divorced.

I bet like you. You blame yourself: If only I were there maybe the heroes wouldn't kidnap them, If only I were aware maybe the heroes wouldn't deceive me. If your mother is what I think she'll know, you were a kid. You must have beat yourself up to find them Dominic, you worked hard my dear...don't hold those emotions in your heart else they'll break you.

I was on the brink of tears. All of them had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Ivy had Paranoid personality disorder (PPD), on top, since as I was ignorant she had to protect her brothers. She was thinking my husband would return or I'd go back to be drunk in love. She has Cognitive Behavioral Therapy three and a half times a week and six mother-daughter sessions in the afternoon. Ivor had Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) too. Kinda just happened ask the doctor how. He has two psychotherapy sessions a week and mother-son time six times a day in the mornings. Ivan got Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and an obsession to red and entertainment like a adrenaline junkie to thrill. Three Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions and five mother-son time six times a week in the evenings.

And let's not talk about the problem with being shark species alone. Those dentist bills...I diverted again. Dominic it seems hard, I wanted to stab my husband but I figured out. There's no one to blame move forward and hold onto Ivan like dear life son. He gets rid of things that lose his interest."

" Mrs. Black can we talk more." Dominic asked" Just talking even about your problems."

" I became a psychiatrist so...pay up dear." She grinned " Payment for methods to increase your life."

" Just wondering who is your husband?"

The auction started at that time. Female Ivan was on the stadium with eyes all around him but he noticed distinct red ones of Zaiden J. in a disguise. He pushed the announcer and brought out his leg and held the mic.

" His father is the second richest man in the neighboring country, Walker Rhys Turner." Ivanna smiled " Would you look at that."

" Hello boys...." Ivan smiled

" Oh snap. That's crazy"

" My kids are crazy and....filthy rich." Ivanna laughed

" Would you look at that." Ivan laughed