
Villain System: Into Chaos

Shall we see the world from the eyes of the big bad villain? Sweet words are whispered to them and being pulled by unknown force. The whisperer creeps into the night to bring discord and mayhem as it stirs up emotions of every kind. The world will never by the same as we move on its chessboard like pawns to a greater means to an end. Behind their mask could it be a real villain or a demon? Though you can't resist its amazing offers and cheats

R_Twilight · Fantasy
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137 Chs

Ivan the Psycho?

" I don't understand. From what you said he's not exactly a psychopath ignoring the red obsession. Yet he does what he does?" Dominic asked

Ivanna smiled," My pup isn't a antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) or suffering distinct neurodevelopmental brain disorder. He has an IQ is over 159 so Ivan behaves that way.....because he wants to."

Ivan spun around the mic stand as the bids went higher.

" 12 Billion...." and the room was silent.

Ivan was taken to a VIP and a man pulled him towards him on the couch. He better she didn't look amused and plunged his hand into his chest and burst his heart.

" Red really is the best color...." He beamed

His Game Guide went," Focus...Ivan...Focus..."

Ivan double-checked the documents and smirked," It's what we're looking for. This heroes sure have good ideas."

She put them in a case and walked out the room. Down the hallway were armed guards and she was in a blood-stained dress with a smile. Ivan went to the community: Got the goods....do whatever the hell you want. I'm taking the car to the front.

" Hey! Hands in the air." a guard ordered

Ivan raised his hands as he held the case. The ground shook slightly and a grin grew on her face," Little ones...shall we dye it red?"

Sharks sprung up from the ground and went wild as Ivan escaped to the parking lot. He materialize keys for the car and could sense Jaxon's anger over him.

* Revving*

- Inside the auction-

The others went amok. Guards were in hot pursuit as Ivan waited in front checking his followers and posts on Instagram. The gang hoped on and Ivan rushed into the traffic.

" Wanna switch?" Ivan asked seeing cars in chasing after them

Jaxon smiled," Sure."

Ivan took a sharp turn, unbuckled his seat beat and smashed the wind screen. He grinned and he got on the hood with his claws in the metal.

" DRIVER!!!!" The passengers yelled looking at the incoming building

Jaxon quickly took the wheel as he transferred seats. Ivan raised his right hand, took out a gun from his inventory and shot a driver of and incoming pursuing car.

" Hang On!" Ivan warned

Two trucks came on both sides with intention to smash them. Navaeh stuck her head out the left wing," Cover your ears."

She sent a sonic vocal blast and sent the truck flying into a donut store. Caesar used a shadow to make hands to pull the car to the left road.

" We have helicopters tailing us. 5 o' clock." Ivan told

Yasmin cast a spell and set the helicopters on fire. Ivan climbed from the hood to the roof and gaped seeing the guards point guns at them.

" GUNS!!!!SAVE ME!!!!" Ivan went digging into the metal as Jaxon took a sharp curve.

Xayn popped a laser out the right window, Skyler held a machine gun out the left on and Jaxon pressed a button to throw spikes on the road.


There was a road block ahead and Jaxon drifted into a skating park. Ivan accidentally released grenades from his inventory instead on his reloaded gun," Oops"


Jaxon barely maneuvered back onto a road from holes and people.


" Sorry. I mean it." Ivan went " I have no idea what happened. It was just so fast."


Ivan answered his phone in the intense wind ," HELLO?!". He noticed a red dot on his chest and widened his eyes as the spots increased.

" Ivan. It's your father, let's meet tomorrow with your siblings-" he went before cutting

Eight missiles were coming and he was told to do something. Ivan jumped onto the nearest missile and pulled it so it hits into the other missiles. A shadow cushion inflated on the road, he used it to jump up and spun mid-air and shot. The bullet hit a driver was deflected ninety degrees flung into a window killing the driver and passenger exiting the window and ending in the hard skull of a driver in the beside. The three cars went out of control and exploded as Ivan landed on the roof.

" Damn." Kali scoffed " They are determined."

They looked in Kali direction finding motorcycles coming.

" Give me a break!" Becca cried

Ivan popped his head through the window," Who wouldn't? That case contained the codes of all the hero facilities in the country as well a their blue print with all the hidden rooms. You'll find the hidden locations of all the hot shots of the Association being used and can be used. No to mention the plans the have made and thought of to fight us to name a few things in the case."

They looked at the small case and suddenly heard ticking. Dylan took the case and opened it, dismantled the top and now the looked at a bomb.

" They decided to give up on the info?" Jaxon wondered seeing the vehicles backing up

Dylan saw the blue and red wire. He suggested they take a vote since he doesn't know how to disarm a bomb.

" Bring it here." Ivan grinned

Ivan broke the case in half. The half with the bomb and the on without and tossed it to the back," FIRE IN THE HOLE"

Jaxon increased the speed and Ivan's hand came from the windscreen. They pulled on the stirring wheel and the car headed into a wall.


Suddenly the car vanished. The town was left in chaos as a mask speakers hovered frantically above" TIME FOR DEMOLITION!!!"

The announcement was being broadcasted via mask speaker throughout the country.


Lucian tried to call Zaiden who was basking on a warship. After all Zaiden was staying in the SSS-Jumbo hero Turf.


The heroes were silent. The demolition crew was tackled more than 700 000 kilometer square of land. The hero Jumbo was seated with Multi Mask have tea.

" Is it true...." Jumbo asked

Multi mask tilted his head," What do I gain from lying? Should we make a bet?"

The sky was lit up with four jets over Jumbo's turf.

" Demolition Crew...let's do this."