
Villain: Surviving the Yandere Academy with a Gun

[Tl;dr- World ruled by women, MC that sleeps around and refuses to bow down to anyone, OP but with a twist, smut with backstory Also, this is NOT a genderbender novel, please read the story carefully before deciding] Boredom pushing him to jump to the afterlife, Ana is transmigrated to his cherished freedom. (Which just so happens to be the popular dating game he has no idea about) "That's right. My name is Ana. Don't ask why." Now, notwithstanding the fact that he is excessively manipulative and cold hearted, he faces a slight problem of having to survive in a world where magic is the mainstream form of earning since there are dungeons with monsters popping up everywhere. "Weird, dude. I thought a gal would be coming so I got no strong male body for ya." And also a slight problem of not having the means to carry on with his afterlife in peace. "Plus dude, ya do know that you're just a side character in this game, right?" "..." A side character in the dating game he was too lazy to ever pay attention to. It was exactly how Ana imagined his afterlife would be. "Well, atleast the women here seem nice." "Yeah about that..." Follow Ana as he makes his way into forbidden territory by swooning women who carry more than just knives. ------------------------------------------- Additional Tags: No Yuri, No Netorare, ONLY PURE NETORI (plus vanilla ofcourse), Battles using men as pets --------------------------------------------- Refer to the FAQs given in my review if you have any doubts or just ask them in the comment section. ---------------------------------------------- Read my other works if you're interested in the verse: Delusion: Ray's Deception Villain: Girlfriend Thief ---------------------------- None of my works are dropped, and I'll update all of them. But! Like a particular series and want me to update it more than the others? Just let me know in the comments!

Ani_On_Fire · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Am I Cute or Beautiful?


"Watch your tongue!"

The two guys who were approaching Ana readied themselves to pounce on him for his oversmart attitude.

"Stop." But Klara ordered them to stand down.

As soon as she relayed her order, both of them backed away from him.

"Hahaha, he actually asked who you are instead of answering you." Olga laughed as she held her slim shaped belly with her hand.

"He's cute!" And Vera complimented Ana for being feisty.

"You rascal! How dare you point your finger at my Mad-" Klein, on the other hand, after Klara had taken her foot off him, had raised his head from the ground, to curse Ana but his owner kicked his face down again.

The atmosphere in the gymnasium started to turn hostile as all the hunter slaves glared contemptuously at Ana, each of them thinking that it was going to be a sorrowful end for this young freshman who had tried to overstep his boundaries by acting so defiantly, with a few even wishing that Ana could hopefully realize the folly of his actions and mend his fault quickly before one of their Madams had him stripped naked, and then have him forced to dig a hole in the ground next, on which he would be made to pound his member and have that pitiful scene recorded by them for their amusement.

"You still haven't answered." Ana put one of his hands in his pocket and with the other, he tapped his temporal bone. "Are you stupid or is there something wrong with your ears?"

Klein upon hearing Ana's words growled and fumed like a beast, his mouth frothing up and his teeth clattering due to his rage but he didn't dare to defy his master by raising his head against Klara's foot.

"Hahaha!" Olga laughed even louder.

"Oh my…" While Vera put her tiny hand on her mouth, covering up her small smile.

"That's enough!"

"You need to know who you are standing infront of!"

The guys who had stepped back earlier again started to charge towards Ana but even this time, Klara interrupted them.

"Stop right there!" Klara's face became stoic and unreadable as she started to slowly trudge towards Ana and his assailants.

On reaching the place where they were, Klara kicked one of them in the groin and punched the other in the face, her attacks effective and brutal, causing them to falter and collapse on the floor that was smeared with ash stains that had appeared from their days of smoking here.

"Hey! They are my dogs!" Vera protested.

"Control them better then." Klara brushed her hand through her hair as she shot down Vera's possessiveness. "Your training sucks."

"But your one is also quite rebellious though…" Vera sulked like a child and pointed out that Klein was also quite disobedient.

"It's not my fault he became insane." Klara rolled her eyes at Vera.

And indeed true to Klara's words, Klein who had been contracted to Klara at a young age, had been unable to keep up with her growth spurt and in effect, somewhat lost his mind a little.

Klara, disregarding her delinquency, is actually a fairly talented young matriarch candidate and since Klein didn't know this when he was young, his only reason for forming a contract with her being his ever longing desire and love for Klara who he had known since he was a mere child; he had become a victim of the twisted spiritual contract that made the weaker party- an obsessed animal, completely senseless except having the instinct to serve their master with all their power.

Klara, however, did try to prevent Klein from becoming insane and helped him by doing all she could to strengthen him, the effect- Klein becoming a D-rank; but in the end, it was too late, Klein had already lost quite a chunk of his personality in the process.

One would wonder whether Klara blames herself for Klein's demise and in effect, that powers her reason to go down the path of anarchy; a fear of the world of Matriarchs slowly brewing in the back of her mind, empowering her terror of repeating the same mistake again.

But that doesn't change the fact that Klara had noticed Ana's presence, a grey haired muscular and handsome thorn who didn't even have the word cowardice in his dictionary.

"I like the look in your eyes." Klara stood infront of Ana and stared at his courageousness.

Whether that courage was backed by intellect or mere stupidity, that was what she wanted to find out right now.

Flexing her head down to look up at Ana like a lost maiden, and shrilling her voice alongwith mixing her body language with a subtle hint of anticipation, Klara asked him. "What about you? Am I cute or beautiful for you?"

It was a trick question commonly used by Matriarchs to assess the quality of their future slaves and the answer one gave usually helped determine whether a hunter was capable or not, atleast in the department of sophisticated emotional intelligence and analytical usability.

But that was for the fair and honest matriarchs, and it did not apply to shrewd and talented girls like Klara, who could use their power to artificially hide a contract in their words.

"..!" No sooner did Toti hear Klara ask the question which she had also asked him before than he looked towards Ana, wanting to warn him to avoid giving a straight answer which could in turn seal the deal, but the hand on his neck only held him down stronger, preventing him from speaking up.

"Tell me, please… I want to know…what you think about me…" Klara revealed a little bit of her cleavage by lightly pulling down the hem of her top and disguising her actions as nervousness. "Am I cute...or...beautiful?"

Klara's seduction skills skyrocketed when she set her eyes on something, even though this was her second time using this overpowered skill of hers, but why she had chosen to seduce Ana, that only she knew.

Olga and Vera slightly giggled from the back, internally wishing that they could have also had the chance to trick Ana but they didn't have Klara's ability so they were content with only watching from a distance.

The hostility in the air soon turned to anticipation as everybody in the gymnasium was waiting for Ana's answer when suddenly he said something atrocious.

"You're garbage." Ana's unimpressed eyes didn't seem to flicker at all to Klara's seduction.

"...What..?" Even Klara was surprised as she never would have expected to hear what Ana said, her face becoming a stone statue in retaliation.

"You're an insecure garbage." Ana coldly said to her but only he knew that his words were directed not at Klara but at his ex, who too, in the past, had asked him the same question.

"Hahaha." Olga burst out laughing at Ana's answer, however…

"And you." Ana pointed at Olga next. "You're cute garbage."

"What?!" Olga's face blushed at Ana's sudden statement over which one could have a debate to decide whether it was a compliment or an insult.

Then Ana pointed towards Vera, who was waiting to hear something from him too.

"Am I also cute-" Vera wanted to please herself with Ana's compliment.

"No. You're beautiful garbage." But Ana showed her his judgemental thumb.

Olga became thunderstruck and her mouth froze in the shape of an 'O' after receiving Ana's brutality.

Ana already knew the exact intricacies and interpretations of the question he had been asked, based on the multiple fights he had with his ex, so this test was an easy point for him and he answered just like his ex-girlfriend had taught him, and that was, to say the opposite of what was the norm that the girl asking the question, was used to hearing.

All three of them, Klara, Olga and Vera had been hit right at the deepest portions of their hearts and none of them spoke anything for a while, only silently pondering over Ana's confident verbal cupid arrows, completely impressed by his accuracy.

And why wouldn't they be impressed? 

No one in the gymnasium knew that all the three girls were dateable heroines or the fact that Ana had been secretly trained by an experienced Pure Pure Lover Player.

[The Female Protagonist has noticed your presence]

And also the fact that a girl was secretly hiding herself with a knife and staring at Ana from a distance.

It's coming folks, it's coming. Just have patience ;)

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