
Villain Supreme

In the aftermath of the catastrophic Day of Destruction, a resilient world emerges. Enter Tiraz Meishin, a determined youth starting his journey at the prestigious Reus Academy. As he steps into Class E, a realm of underprivileged students, fate unveils its plans. Little do they know, their unassuming teacher, Mr. Arkram, harbors a dark secret. He is none other than Aiden Arkram, the legendary Villain Supreme. In a world where heroism and villainy blur, "Villain Supreme" weaves mystery, action, and humor. Join Tiraz and his classmates as they unravel their teacher's enigmatic past, and discover the true meaning of heroism. Get ready for a thrilling saga of redemption and courage, where second chances shape destinies. Uncover hidden potentials and secrets in this epic tale that challenges beliefs and pushes the limits of heroism. Are you prepared to witness their legend? .... Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional and the plot is not to be associated with actual records. All characters and designs in this book are totally fictional. There is no intentional disrespect shown to any community. Please be aware of the plot and read it as fiction. This story is purely created for the readers’ entertainment purposes and shall not bear any responsibility for hurting sentiments. .... Your support is genuinely appreciated. Follow me on my social Instagram - @sidddwrites

Sinadin · Fantasy
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89 Chs

11 PM

The Academy bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes.

The students dispersed, some chatting animatedly about their classes and the teachings, whereas others talked about awakened abilities and their future plans.

Tiraz said his goodbyes to Luna, Aria, Marx, and Kael, a sense of determination shining in his eyes as he made his way towards his bicycle.

Tristan and his group had already left from view. Mr. Arkram always used to stay behind the classroom whenever the day ended.

As he walked, Tiraz couldn't help but replay the events of the battle in his mind. He flexed his hand, still amazed at how it had been miraculously healed.

"I thought it was broken," he muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But then Mr. Arkram... he changed everything with just a snap of his fingers."

Tiraz's thoughts wandered as he continued his solitary walk.

He remembered the moment he had regained consciousness in his class after being knocked out during the battle.

The pain that had coursed through his body was now replaced by a strange energy, a newfound strength that seemed to emanate from deep within.

"I didn't think awakening would be like this," Tiraz mused aloud, glancing at his hand again, as if searching for answers.

"There's so much more to it than just physical strength. It's a transformation, a realization of our own potential."

The wind rustled through the trees, carrying his words away, but Tiraz didn't mind.

He found solace in his self dialogues, using them as a way to process his thoughts and feelings.

"Tristan and his friends may be arrogant, but they've shown me something important," Tiraz thought, a determined spark in his eyes.

"They've awakened to their true potential, and now it's my turn. I won't let their arrogance discourage me. I'll use their presence as motivation to push myself further."

Arriving at his bicycle, Tiraz leaned against it, taking a moment to reflect.

He remembered the encouraging smiles from Luna, Aria, Marx, and Kael. Their unwavering support fueled his determination even more.

"I'm not alone in this journey," Tiraz whispered to himself, a newfound resolve strengthening his voice.

"We'll face these challenges together, learn from each other, and awaken our true potential."

With a determined smile, Tiraz hopped onto his bicycle and pedaled away, the wind blowing through his hair.

The road ahead was filled with uncertainties, but he embraced them with open arms.

"I may stumble along the way, but I'll always find my footing," Tiraz thought, his determination echoing in his mind.

"And when the time comes, Tristan and his friends will see just how far we've come."

With that resolute thought, Tiraz rode off, leaving the Academy behind and venturing into a world where his awakening journey awaited, ready to shape him into the awakened individual he was destined to become.


As Tiraz rode through the streets, his mind drifted back to Mr. Arkram's lecture earlier in the day.

He recalled the passion in his teacher's voice as he spoke about the unique approach of Class E.

"We're not like the other classes," Mr. Arkram had declared, his eyes shining with determination.

"While they focus on learning solely from books, we believe in learning through firsthand experience. It's through these experiences that you will truly awaken your potential and become the awakened individuals you're meant to be."

Tiraz couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought.

He had always been a hands-on learner, someone who thrived in real-life situations rather than confined to the pages of textbooks.

Mr. Arkram's words resonated deeply within him, and he realized that their battles with Tristan and his gang were not merely challenges to overcome.

They were opportunities for growth, chances to tap into their hidden potential.

"He wants us to learn from our encounters," Tiraz mused, a grin forming on his face.

"He wants us to face real opponents, to push ourselves to the limit, so that we can truly awaken our abilities."

The city park suddenly loomed into view, and Tiraz slowed down, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He remembered Mr. Arkram's final words before they had left the classroom.

"Tonight, at 11 PM, I want all ten of you from Class E to gather at the city park," Mr. Arkram had said, his gaze sweeping over each student.

"We have a special training session planned, one that will challenge you like never before. Be ready to face your fears and embrace your awakened potential."

The thought of what awaited them tonight filled Tiraz with a mix of nervousness and excitement.

He wondered what kind of training Mr. Arkram had prepared for them, what obstacles they would have to overcome, and how it would shape their awakening journey.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the city, Tiraz's determination grew stronger.

He knew that this was just the beginning, the first step on a path that would lead them to greatness.

With the anticipation of the training session still lingering in his mind, Tiraz knew he had to prepare himself both physically and mentally.

But before that, he had a part time delivery job to attend to.

Without wasting any more time, Tiraz hopped back onto his bicycle and pedaled away from the city park.

The wind brushed against his face, carrying a sense of purpose and determination. As he rode through the streets, the familiar sights and sounds of the city surrounded him.

Tiraz reached his destination, a local restaurant where he worked part time as a delivery boy. He parked his bicycle outside, securing it with a lock, and stepped inside.

The aroma of freshly cooked food greeted him as he made his way to the counter, ready to pick up his orders.

The restaurant buzzed with activity, and Tiraz quickly put on his delivery uniform, a cap atop his head to shield him from the dirt and dust of the city.

He grabbed the stack of delivery orders and secured them in a bag strapped across his chest.

As he hopped back onto his bicycle, Tiraz couldn't help but feel a sense of purpose in his actions.

This part time job was not just a means of earning money; it was an opportunity to connect with people, to understand their stories, and to contribute to the community.

With each delivery he made, Tiraz engaged in small conversations, exchanging smiles and pleasantries.

He took pride in his work, ensuring the orders were delivered promptly and with care.

As he navigated the streets, Tiraz's thoughts drifted back to the upcoming training session.

He knew that every experience, whether it be battling against Tristan and his friends or delivering food to people's doorsteps, held valuable lessons for his growth.

The sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the city.

Time seemed to pass swiftly as Tiraz fulfilled his delivery duties. With each delivery made, he felt a growing sense of fulfillment and purpose.

As the clock ticked closer to 9 PM, Tiraz completed his final delivery and bid farewell to his coworkers.

He knew it was time to prepare for the training session Mr. Arkram had planned.

With a renewed sense of determination, Tiraz rode back to his small makeshift house.

He carefully parked his bicycle, knowing he would need it for his journey to the city park later that night.
