
Villain or Hero? Who i am?

Doctor Eggman was tired of seeing all his plans go down the drain because of Sonic and his friends. The scientist then had an idea, and inspired by his grandfather, Doctor Eggman resolved to create his own secret project that would be aimed at defeating Sonic and anyone who stood in his way. However, his new creation begins to wonder why and why he exists and whether or not he wanted to be a villain like his creator and father. Determined to find out who he is, he sets out on new adventures trying to find out who he should be. Will Sonic and his gang get another ally? Or will the villain team have a powerful new member?

VileTheMandalorian · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Beginning of the Mission and Combat in the City.

(A/N): English is not my language, so if you find a grammatical error let me know.

A few more days have passed since then.

Aaron continued with his training with Metal who didn't go easy on the Hedgehog Echidna. Fortunately, thanks to that, Aaron's combat skills improved a lot and he already had some control of his super strength and super speed, but his Chaos powers and the ones he would receive from Shadow's DNA remained dormant.

Due to training, Aaron never left the base again for fear that his creator would discover him. But good things had happened.

Doctor Eggman presented Aaron with new shoes, Air Shoes to be exact, which gave the Hedgehog Echidna the ability to glide above the surface just like Shadow did, but at Aaron's request the shoes had the same scheme as his old ones thus keeping their brown color. .

However, learning to use these new shoes gave Aaron several falls and collisions, which made him prefer to use the jets only when it was really necessary.

Doctor Eggman followed through with his plans for Aaron, and at the time he was seen in his personal laboratory mulling over whether it was time to move on to the next phase of his evil plan.

Doctor Eggman: (Thoughts) Aaron has been progressing with his abilities, but he has yet to show any signs of having awakened the powers of Shadow or the Emeralds... that may take some time. However, if I want my plan to go off as it should, it has to infiltrate us Freedom Fighters as soon as possible...

The scientist twirls his mustache while sighing.

Doctor Eggman: (Thoughts) He still has to learn to have full control of his abilities, luckily there's not much left to do and what better way than for him to learn from Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow?

He then gets up from his chair before hitting a button on one of the controls on his desk.

Doctor Eggman: Aaron, please come to the command room.

The mustache's voice echoed through the base's communicators until reaching Aaron who was seen in his room cleaning his shoes.

Hearing his creator's voice he quickly got up before pulling on his shoes and running to answer the call while thinking about why.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Did I do something wrong?

He then blinks in fear.

Aaron: (Thoughts) What if the Doctor found out I left the base?!

Soon he stops in front of the door to the command room before taking a deep breath and adopting a serious expression.

The doors open and he walks through them before seeing Dr. Eggman along with Metal Sonic, Cubot and Orbot. Aaron was surprised that everyone was there before walking up to them and asking.

Aaron: I'm here Dr. Eggman. Did I do something wrong sir?

Eggman just shook his head.

Doctor Eggman: No, that's not why I called you here.

Aaron was relieved by that before asking in confusion.

Aaron: Didn't it? Then why?

The Metal Hedgehog then replied.

Metal Sonic: You will be sent on your mission.

Aaron: Mission?

The mustachioed scientist nodded.

Doctor Eggman: Exactly, it's time to move on to the next phase of my Evil Plan! Aaron, you will infiltrate the Freedom Fighters.

The Hedgehog Echidna blinked at this.

Aaron: I what?

Eggman then walks over to one of the computers before messing with the controls.

Doctor Eggman: Your mission will be to infiltrate the Freedom Fighters. You must gain their trust. You will be our spy and give us information about them.

Aaron: Okay, but how do I do this exactly?

Doctor Eggman: It's pretty simple. I planned an attack on the city today, you will face my robots and save the city in order to gain their trust. But for everything to be perfect, my robots won't hesitate if they have to attack you.

The Hedgehog Echidna nodded in response.

Aaron: Yes sir.

Doctor Eggman: I heard from my sources that they're after the Chaos Emeralds, so you're going to pass on every bit of information to us so we have it before they do.

He then turns around holding a tiny communicator in his hand before hiding the tiny device in Aaron's glove.

Doctor Eggman: This is a mini-communicator, it will allow you to talk to us and pass on precious data and information to them.

Aaron watched the communicator in his glove for a while before speaking.

Aaron: Okay, let's say that happens and I make it onto their team, what do I say when they ask about me?

Doctor Eggman: Just tell them the basics, not too many details that they can give you away.

Aaron: Okay, what if I'm asked who or what I am?

Doctor Eggman: You'll tell them that you woke up a few months ago with no memories of your past. It won't be a lie after all you woke up a little while ago.

Aaron: What about my claws? What if they think I look like Sonic, Shadow or Knuckles?

Doctor Eggman: You'll say your claws have been like that for as long as you can remember. There will be no problem with their appearance, as there are many others similar to the three of them. Now go and do your duty and don't you dare let me down!

Aaron nodded at this before turning his back on his maker. He stopped for a moment to look at Metal who just nodded at him while keeping his expression steely cold.

Aaron waved goodbye to his metallic brother before running out of the room.

Soon he reached the exit of the base before walking to the invisible barrier before turning around to see his house one last time.

Aaron: Bye home...

He then made his way through the forest as he watched the communicator in his hands before putting it away with a sigh.

Aaron: Well, now to fulfill your goal Aaron...

He then walks calmly through the quiet forest. The sun had not yet risen and a cold breeze was passing through the Hedgehog Echidna, but he didn't care and just went on his way.

His thoughts were a little troubled about how he would fare in his mission, but he wasn't going to let his creator down. Aaron shook his head to dispel those thoughts before using his super speed and running through the woods in some direction that he hoped would lead him to some town.

A while later...

Aaron: Why didn't I ask where the city was.

The Hedgehog Echidna was now seen walking lost through the forest aimlessly. He sighed tiredly before hearing rustling in the trees. He eyed it cautiously and walked slowly towards the noise already bracing himself for whatever was there. He then slowly peeked through some bushes before seeing someone once more.

The badger who had arrested him days ago.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Sticks!

He earned an excited look at the sight of her before realizing that she was already setting another trap. Aaron noticed that she seemed to be pretty good with traps, even though she looked a little crazy, but he didn't care about that.

Aaron soon emerged from the bushes before walking up to her and greeting her.

Aaron: Hi Sticks!

Sticks jumped in surprise upon hearing it, but soon gained a disinterested expression upon seeing the Echidna Hedgehog.

Sticks: Oh. Hi... Airon, huh?

Aaron: It's "Aaron". But what are you doing?

Sticks: Traps. I can not see?

Aaron: Sure, just wanted to ask. But do you always do this?

Sticks: Well, the world isn't very safe. That's why I have to be ready for the coming apocalypse.

Aaron tried to hold back a laugh at the paranoia of the girl in front of him before speaking with a smile.

Aaron: Well, you're going to need more than a trap for that.

Sticks: That's why I built twenty earlier.

Aaron scratched the back of his head at this.

Aaron: Aren't you afraid that you or someone else might step on them, like I didn't the other day?

The badger placed her hand on her chin as she seemed to think about what he had said.

Sticks: Hmmm... No.

Aaron looked at her curiously thinking this girl was the most confused person he had ever met.

Aaron: Hm... Sticks?

Sticks: What?

Aaron: Hasn't it crossed your mind that you might be a little...

He soon stopped in the middle of his sentence thinking about the words he would use, after all he didn't want to hurt the girl, so he decided to ask in a gentle way.

Aaron: ...that maybe you're being... a little paranoid...?

Sticks snorted at this and looked down before sighing in annoyance.

Sticks: That's what everyone says.

The Echidna Hedgehog watched as a frown formed on the Badger's face.

Aaron: D-Don't get me wrong! That's not what I meant! I just-

He didn't have time to finish his sentence when she interrupted him.

Sticks: No. You're right. I've always been paranoid. Everyone just looks at me like I'm some kind of...wild animal.

She then turned around before starting to walk away.

Aaron: Hold on!

He spoke taking a step forward only to activate a trap that lassoed her foot and left him hanging upside down.

Aaron: Oh! Speaks seriously!

Sticks then turned around only to see the Echidna Hedgehog rocking back and forth with a bored expression.

Aaron: Are you having a feeling of deja vu too?

Sticks tried to hold back his laughter, but was unable to as he burst out laughing. Aaron just looked bored at her before rolling his eyes and giving her a small smile.

Aaron: Okay, it's funny, but can you let me go?

She then stops laughing before cutting the rope holding him as he lands on his feet on the ground.

Aaron: Thank you.

Sticks: You're welcome.

She then starts walking away before Aaron stops her by holding her hand.

Aaron: Please wait!

Sticks stopped walking in surprise at the boy's sudden action before he spoke.

Aaron: Before I go, can you help me? I'm kind of lost, which direction is the nearest town?

Sticks then points in a direction before Aaron nods before letting go of the girl's hand and starting to walk away. He then waves his hand and walks away.

Aaron: Thanks Sticks. Until later.

Sticks watched him leave, she then looked down at her own hand as she thought of the feeling she felt when Aaron held it before shaking her head and going her own way.

A while later...

The sun rises when we see the beach while the ocean is moving in and out of the shores while the ocean gently moves as we move along the shores until we see the Hedgehog Echidna sitting watching the sea with wonder in his eyes.

Aaron: The sea is beautiful.

The water then walks towards him before he gets up and cautiously walks away.

Aaron: But wet and very deep, no going in the sea.

He then has a chill when he remembers the times Metal tried to train him in water combat, but due to the weight of his skeleton, Aaron always ended up sinking quickly which made him somewhat afraid of water.

Aaron touches his head trying to think of what to do next but no luck. Then he saw something glittering in the distance on the beach sand.

Curious, he approached the object on the edge of the bank before pulling it out of the sand and cleaning it. He then gained a shocked look upon seeing the object he was holding.

In Aaron's hand was the green Chaos Emerald reflecting the glare of the sun that hit it.

Aaron: A Chaos Emerald?!

The Hedgehog Echidna then jumps for joy at this.

Aaron: Dude, what are the chances? Haha! Today must be my lucky day!

He holds the Emeralds in both hands as he watches her happily.

Aaron: It's really pretty. But what do I do with it?

He scratches the back of his head for a moment before shrugging.

Aaron: I'll find out sooner or later. But Dr. Eggman is going to be pissed off when he finds out I found one of the Emeralds *laughs*. But for now let's go to the city.

Aaron looks right and knows he can't wait here any longer, so he starts walking somewhere. He walks along the sandy beaches in hopes of finding civilization so he can continue his infiltration mission.

During the walk Aaron looks at the green Emerald and can feel the power emanating from the jewel.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Must be the energy I've been told about. I think I can feel it because I have the same energy...

Then he spots a road and Aaron runs towards it and sees a dirt road that leads somewhere, possibly civilization so he walks along the dirt road and after a while running fast he stops on a hill and sees a city in the distance with the people there.

Aaron: Perfect.

Aaron runs into the city and after a while he arrives in the city when he sees many people walking and some doing some work. Aaron walks around town and looks for a place where he can stay or possibly someone who can tell him a way to join the Freedom Fighters.

As he walked through the room Aaron threw the Emerald up and down before picking it up and repeating the movement.

His action did not go unnoticed by an old mobius turtle lord who was surprised to see the Hedgehog Echidna with the jewel in hand.

The old turtle doesn't take long to run after the boy while calling for him.

Old Turtle: Hey you! Boy, hold on!

Aaron soon stopped walking when he heard the voice before turning to see the old man trying to catch up with him, but his advanced age prevented him from moving faster as he leaned on his knees while breathing tiredly.

Old Turtle: Wait a minute... green boy... I need to talk... to you...

Aaron raised an eyebrow in confusion at this before walking over to the old man and asking nicely.

Aaron: Are you okay?

The old turtle took a little breath before speaking.

Old Turtle: Yes I am... thanks son... it's just old age, that's all.

The Hedgehog Echidna waves while waiting for the man to catch his breath.

Aaron: But do you want me?

Old Turtle: I needed to talk to you.

Aaron: About what?

Old Turtle: About that.

The old man then points to the jewel in the boy's hand, which gains a confused expression.

Aaron: That?

Aaron shows him the Emerald and the old man's face widens in shock to see that his suspicions have been confirmed as Aaron continues to say.

Aaron: The Emerald? Is that why you came after me?

Old Turtle: Yes, that's why.

Aaron: Is Emerald so special to make you run after me?

Old Turtle: No, sorry, but I believe it's just a regular Emerald like any other.

Aaron raised an eyebrow and narrowed his gaze at it suspiciously.

Old Turtle: Tell me, where did you find this Emerald?

Aaron: I found it on the shore of the beach. Is she yours?

Old Turtle: No, but it might be. Would you be interested in selling to me?

Aaron: I appreciate the offer, but no. I already have plans for this thing.

Old Turtle: I see, well keep her safe, you heard me.

The Hedgehog Echidna just gave the old man an awkward look.

Aaron: Okay?

Aaron turns to leave but cannot notice the old man looking at him very strangely and after he is out of sight of the turtle, the old man picks up the phone and calls someone about it.

??? (Phone): Hello. Team Chaotix, how can we help?

Old Turtle: Hello, I'd like to report that a Chaos Emerald has been found.

About that...

We see Aaron sitting on a bench in the park as he looks at the green Emerald as it glows while Aaron wonders why that old man in the store is acting strange.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Regular emerald? Humph. Okay, and I'm the Incredible Hulk.

He looks up to see many children playing. By joking I mean running around a lot and saying "Gotta go fast" for some reason when Aaron thought to himself.

Aaron: (Thoughts) It seems every kid likes to run and run. They must love that Sonic.

Then he notices two catchildren, a boy and a girl standing around a tree and he sees them looking kind of sad so he gets up and walks over to them and once there he asks one of them.

Aaron: What's wrong kids?

Little Boy: Our ball got stuck in the tree.

Aaron looks up to see the trapped ball and looks at them and says.

Aaron: Don't worry, I'll get it for you.

Aaron walks over to the tree and he grabs the tree and starts climbing it as the two kids below look on.

Aaron was where the ball is and he reaches out to try to knock it down. He stretched out his arm as he held the tree until he managed to knock it over and it fell to the ground as the two children cheered.

Aaron smiles a little but then he starts to slip and he tries to catch himself but he loses his grip and falls.

Aaron: Get off the ground!

The two moved as Aaron lands hard on his back on the ground with a loud thud, he soon sits up while rubbing his head as the two children run towards him.

Little Girl: Are you okay?

Aaron: I'm great, my brother hits me harder than that in practice, but now you have your ball back.

Little boy: *smiles* Yes, thank you Mr.

Aaron: *smiles* No problem.

The two smiled and ran off to play as Aaron got up and dusted his fur and leaves and twigs and then left the park.

He walks through the gate and turns to leave, but then someone calls after him.

???: Hey you.

Aaron turns to see three people, one was a big green crocodile, the other was a small bee and the other was a purple chameleon with a horn on its nose.

???: You have something we want.

Aaron: Hm, do I have it?

??? 2: Yes, it's that Chaos Emerald you have, hand it over!

Aaron: (Thoughts) Great, here comes trouble. (Out of Thoughts) And why should I give it to you? I don't know them.

Vector: You want to play hard to get, right? Well, you should know that I'm Vector, the leader of this team and the greatest detective in the world.

Espio: And I'm there collecting information and master of stealth, I'm Espio.

Charmy: *smiles* And I'm Charmy, a cheerful member of this team.

Vector: And together we are the Chaotix!

Aaron: Never heard of it.

The Chaotix dramatically fall to the ground upon hearing this.

Vector: No more bullshit! Now, pass me that Emerald.

Aaron: What if I don't want to?

Espio: Then we'll take it by force.

Aaron thought for a while, he wasn't afraid to fight these guys but getting into a fight would be bad, he then looks at Emerald and them and thinks of a way to escape them before pointing in a direction.

Aaron: What is that?!

Vector: What?!

Vector and the rest turn to see nothing but a bird in the sky.

Vector: Are you blind or something, that's just a little bird. Seriously, how do you not know what a bird is-

When they come back, Aaron is gone as they realized he had tricked them.

Charmy: Wow, he's smart.

Vector: He won't get away with this! Let's get it!

Charmy: Yeah!

Vector: Wait, where's Espio?

They look around to see that he has disappeared.


Aaron had been running around for a while and hid in an alley and looks at Chaos Emerald.

Aaron: Perfect, I knew they were going to come after this thing sooner or later.

Espio: You can fool them, but not me.

Aaron quickly turns around to see Espio stepping out of the shadows, which surprises Aaron at how quickly he got here.

Aaron: Listen Chameleon, you don't want to get in trouble with me, go away and leave me alone.

Espio: Listen, we just want that Chaos Emerald and be on our way.

Aaron: Why should I give it to you? I don't think you're anything but a little thief deserving of a slap on the ass.

Espio: It's not what you think. This Emerald has power within her and cannot fall into the wrong hands.

Aaron: Power is it? So that's why you want her?

Espio: Listen, give me Emerald and we'll leave you alone.

Espio slowly approaches Aaron as Aaron slowly steps back and sees a trash can next to him, so he puts it aside to block Espio and runs out of the alley and into the streets.

Espio chases after him and Aaron walks into a crowd of people so he can lose Espio and the Chameleon stops to see a lot of people, then he jumps on the roof and looks for Aaron. He then saw him and took out ninja stars and threw them at him.

Aaron turns to see the ninja stars coming towards him and sees a basket and grabs it and holds it in front of him and the ninja stars stabs the basket.

Aaron lets go of her and runs out of the crowd and turns to see Espio gone and breathes a sigh of relief.

Charmy: *distant* Coming!!!!!!

Aaron looks up to see Charmy going to hit him, so Aaron dodges him and Charmy slams into a pile of trash. Aaron sighs once more and suddenly Vector approaches and gives Aaron a strong shoulder that sends him to the ground.

Espio and Charmy walk over to Vector while Vector sniffs Charmy before making a queasy face.

Vector: Blergh! Charmy, what a stink, remember to shower when we get back.

Charmy: It's not my fault he's a cheater.

Espio: You went straight for him.

Vector: Never mind, now we've got him.

Aaron slowly sat up and turned to see them walking towards him as Vector cracked his knuckles.

Vector: Now. Give us Emerald.

Aaron: I won't give you anything but a spanking!

Aaron looks at them before he sees something behind them and points to it as he says.

Aaron: What is that?!

Vector: *laughs* Oh! You may have fooled us once, but that trick won't work again, friend.

Charmy: That's it.

Espio turns and sees something Aaron is seeing.

Espio: Hm guys, he's not kidding this time.

Vector: Oh that Espio, what do you want us to-

Vector and Charmy turn around, they see including everyone in the city a large ship is above them and the robots descend and land in the city and begin their attack.

Everyone runs to safety as Aaron gets up and hears someone say "Eggman is attacking the city" while Aaron wonders if he was doing that to attract the Freedom Fighters' attention. Seeing them distracted, he fled as Vector turns to see him fleeing through the crowd.

Vector: Hey, come back here little green!

Espio: Forget about him. We need to stop Eggman's robots.

Vector: But our reward?!

Espio: We caught him someday, but now we have to fight to protect this city.

Vector: All right, let's go Charmy.

Charmy: Oh, and there goes our payment.

Team Chaotix goes into action and mobius soldiers come out with firearms and open fire on the robots, followed by Team Chaotix who start to fight the robots.

About that...

We see Aaron running through the city as he hears an explosion of fire and people screaming. It was like a nightmare for him as he raced through the city until he stopped in his run to see four robots turn to see him and open fire on him.

Aaron dodges the shots and jumps into the alley and runs as the shots fly past him. Then he sees a wooden fence ahead of him so he jumps on top of a box and leaps over the fence before curling up into a ball and rolling on the ground and looks back to see he lost them.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Dr. Eggman must have sent them to get the attention of the Freedom Fighters so that it would be easier for me to gain their trust. And to maintain the cover he must have programmed the robots to attack me as well.

Then he hears a scream, so he runs down the alley and out to see the same two kids clinging to their parents as they were surrounded by two bots.

Aaron: (Thoughts) Oh no, the kids! Should I help? But villains don't save others, right?

The robots get closer and closer and Aaron shakes his head before bumping his fists.

Aaron: (Thoughts) No time to think about that! (Out of Thoughts) I'm gonna rock!

Aaron then dashes towards the robots before jumping and doing a Spin Dash in the air hitting one of the robots in the chest through the metal armor and exiting the other side of the machine.

The other robot turns towards Aaron in an attempt to attack him only to be met with a right hook that takes off the robot's head before it topples backwards.

Aaron lands on the ground before turning to the children and their parents.

Aaron: Come with me, hurry before more arrive!

They wave and run over to Aaron. The kid was last as an explosion hit them and they were launched into the air and once the dust was cleared Aaron looks back and sees the kid's leg was badly injured and then two more bots swooped down and surrounded the kid.

Mother: No!

The mother tries to rescue her son, but her husband stops her as she screams for her son. Aaron sees this and runs to the boy and hits one of the robots with a Spin Dash in the head knocking him out, that's when the other robot pointed the gun at him.

Aaron: Oh no.

The bot turns to Aaron and sees the Chaos Emerald he had and walks towards him. Aaron then jumps towards the robot to try to punch him.

But just as he was about to hit him, the bot grabs Aaron's fist before swinging it over his head and throwing him to the ground. The Hedgehog Echidna lets out a groan as the bot approaches Aaron and speaks.


Aaron looks at Emerald and back at the robot and then a bot points its gun at Aaron's face and says one more time.


The bot started the countdown and before he said three something hit the bot with a pipe and it was the kid when the bot turned to the kid and said


The bot points the gun at the boy while the boy's mother yells "No!". Aaron sees this and stands in front of the boy as the bot charges his blaster and Aaron speaks with a serious look on his face.

Aaron: Do you want that emerald? THEN TAKE IT!

The chaos emerald glows, followed by sparks of electricity as he punches the bot with the emerald and the electricity hits the bot as its systems were being damaged and the bot fell backwards to the ground and its chest exploded.

A bird came out of the bot and flies away. Aaron was shocked when he looked at the Chaos Emerald and could feel its power. Aaron turns to the boy to see him safe and sound, but with a surprised look too, the Hedgehog Echidna nods and the boy runs back to his mother and she hugs him, grateful her son is safe.

Aaron smiles but hears more of the machines coming and turns to see more of them coming. He thought for a moment what he should do before looking at the Chaos Emerald in his hand before gripping it tightly and lifting it towards the sky.

Aaron: Okay Emerald, I have no idea what you're capable of or what I am, but I need a little help right now, so do something! This time I have to be a hero, so help me save these people! Show some courage and give me the strength to protect this place!

The Emerald began to glow before floating in front of the Hedgehog Echidna before entering its chest.

Aaron felt a sudden surge of power course through her body before he earned a serious look and spoke.

Aaron: It's time to be a hero!

He then teleports from where he was before running around the city destroying several robots with punches and using Spin Dash while saving people.

Team Chaotix hear noises coming from the sky and look up to see more robots exiting the ship, but then a green figure teleports into the sky before attacking the bots with punches and kicks and they are destroyed as they begin to fall apart from the sky. sky followed by explosions when they hit the ground and are destroyed, which shocked everyone, the soldiers and Team Chaotix.

Back to Aaron. He keeps teleporting from one robot to another, tearing apart the machines until there are no robots left in the sky.

The Hedgehog Echidna then glides back to the ground as the Chaos Emerald pops out of its chest before falling towards the ground, but Aaron quickly catches it in his hand. He looks back at the boy and his family and flashes a smile and waves at them before closing his eyes and dropping to the ground.

The Chaos Emerald fell from his hand and rolled across the earth until three feet stopped it and Vector caught it and looked at it while Charmy and Espio were with him.

Vector: Well, looks like we're getting paid, fellas.

Charmy: *laughs* Yes, not only did we defeat Eggman's forces, but we also got the Emerald.

Vector: That's it, let's give this to Sally and the Freedom Fighters and get paid.

Charmy and Vector start to walk away while Espio looks at the Hedgehog Echidna, knowing that he was the one who saved everyone here and his powers were similar to those he has seen in other of his friends.

Espio: Wait.

Vector and Charmy stop and turn around as Espio tries in vain to lift the heavy unconscious Echidna Hedgehog and Vector asks.

Vector: What are you doing? This little guy caused us a lot of trouble because of the Chaos Emerald.

Espio: But you saw that he took down an entire fleet of Eggman's robots single-handedly, didn't you? This can't have been a fluke. Whoever he is, he has Chaos powers.

Charmy: Seriously, I thought only Sonic, Shadow, and Silver had any connection to Chaos energy?

Espio: Yes, but he's different from the rest. We must take him to the Freedom Fighters' base so they can ask questions.

Vector: Wait, Espio, are we really going to take you to them? What if he's Eggman's robot?

Espio: We have no choice, even if he isn't, Eggman will kidnap him for his power. We won't be responsible for that now, will we?

Vector realizes that Espio was right and he sighs and says.

Vector: Fine, we'll take him, but if he's a bot, you're going to clean up the mess.

Espio: Understood.

Charmy: You mean he's going to join Sonic and the rest?

Vector: I don't know, maybe, but come on.

Espio: Anyway, help me carry him. He's a lot heavier than he looks.

Vector: Seriously, you can't handle carrying a runt like that?

Vector then tries to hold Aaron down before realizing how heavy he was.

Vector: Damn, he weighs more than Big! What is it?! Does he have stone for bones?!

Espio: Almost there. Look.

The three of them then look at Aaron's hands before noticing the two iron claws protruding from them.

Vector: This guy is bizarre!

Charmy: His hands remind me of Knuckles' hands.

Espio: Now that you mention it, it's really true.

Vector: So he's an Echidna? He looks more like a Hedgehog to me.

Charmy: I thought Knuckles was the last Echidna.

Espio: Me too, but anyway, let's take him soon.

They leave town with the unconscious Aaron with them as they take him to the Freedom Fighters base so they can ask Aaron some questions about his Chaos powers, who he was and where he came from.