
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter two - New Life

"So this is death. No Hell, no Heaven, just plain emptiness.

"That's where you're wrong, young man," said a voice in my head.

"Who said that?" - I asked the question into the void.

"You people call me different things. Demon, Satan, Devil. So it's up to you to choose what suits you best."

"And what do you want from me. And why am I wrong?"

"Because both Hell and Heaven exist. I'm the one who sent your soul here."

"And why?" I asked, puzzled. "Or did you like me? I warn you, I'm into girls," I said, jokingly.

"Ha-ha-ha, don't get your hopes up, I just got bored. How should I say, the one you call God and I have an agreement, neither he nor I have the right to interfere in your world anymore. And watching the same thing for 1000 years bored me. So I decided to find myself some entertainment", said the Devil in one breath.

Thoughts of the Devil

"Amusement? how, did he really think I was some idiot to tell him all my plans?"

"Can I be more specific?"

"No, you can't. Get to the point. I've made arrangements with the Shinigami of the other world. I'll send you to the Naruto anime world."


"Don't interrupt. I'll tell you everything. I'll give you seventy years to find a way to get back to this world and make a mess here. Of course I'll give you the System, what without it"-Hilariously, and in my opinion with a smile, said the Devil.

"And if I don't agree?" I asked, already guessing the answer.

"Did I ask you? I don't think so. Well, let's not put it off. See you later."

The Devil's Thoughts

"I hope with his help I can finally learn how to fully control this power, these crumbs of control I possess are nothing compared to that creature.

Beep... Beep... System initialization... Successful. Welcome.

What a headache. So, where am I? I started remembering recent events by racking my brain. So, I'm in the naruto world in the time of Kakashi, Shisui, Maito Gai and the others' childhoods. I am an orphan, clanless, Kyokkei Genkai is not either. Status!

Character sheet.

Name: Unspecified(Yakushi Nono was given a choice but all offers were rejected

Gender: Male

Age: 2 years





Chakra: Not Revealed



Passive abilities:



Return Home

Find a way to return to your world. Time 70 years.

Reward- No(You receive 2 life, this counts as a reward)

Punishment- Death. Staying on the 9th Circle.

Note: You are an ordinary child. Orphan of World War II Shinobi.

Note: (Strength and Dexterity of an adult male without chakra is 10-20, about the same as an average Genin (Anime and manga protagonists don't count, they're all monsters).

Yeah. Things are worse than ever. No cheats for you from the start. Not even an ability. Let's do the easy part. Let's decide on a name. I don't want my old name. The Devil gave me this life. I'll name myself after him. Akuma. Hmm, Yakushi Akuma, that sounds good. It's settled. I'll use that name. Walking up to Yakushi Nono, I said:

-Nono-sempai, I came up with a name for myself.

-And what should I call you? -She asked affectionately.

-Akuma, Yakushi Akuma.

-Are you sure about that name?

-Yes, Nono-sempai.

-Okay, from now on you're Yakushi Akuma.

Okay. That's it. What do we do next? I don't want to live in konoha until Naruto is born, plus the possibility of dying in the war isn't ruled out. Okay, for now we should try to start training. I can start getting to know the main characters at the academy.

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