
Villain in the world of Naruto

Akuma, standing under the red light of the moon that mimicked the pattern of his eyes, stared at the destruction of the world. Cries, cries of despair, pleas for mercy were heard, but he only smirked and said: "Devil, it's your time!"

_DilLen · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Chapter 30 Obito's Birthday Present

Chapter 30 Obito's Birthday Present

Walking down Konoha's shopping street, Akuma was talking to Yui about a gift for Obito. "Master, how about giving him a handmade kunai with some kind of inscription on it? I think you have enough money to order one from a blacksmith." - Yui suggested a great idea. I have enough money after doing my quests and monthly payments from Danzo, so it shouldn't be a problem to pay for it. In just a few days he'll be ready. Deciding what kind of gift he would give, Akuma asked around the locals for a good blacksmith, after finding out the location of his store, he went to him.

-Excuse me, is anyone there? - Akuma asked in the empty room.

-I'll be right there! - answered a gruff male voice from behind the door. "Sorry for the wait, been busy with work," said the man. "What would you like?" For ease of communication, Akuma used the transformation technique to become a normal guy in his twenties.

-It's my friend's birthday, I'd like to order a handmade kunai with an inscription, is that possible? I can pay extra for speed - said Akuma to the blacksmith.

-Sure, of course it's possible. I can offer you... - The blacksmith began to talk about the materials to be used in the kunai, and the inscription itself. Akuma asked to write "Brothers, though not covered". After agreeing on a deadline and payment, Akuma left the blacksmith 20 minutes later.

"Master, what will you do now? There's plenty of time until tonight, will you go practice your chakra control as usual?" - Yui asked. "Yes, training can never be put off," Akuma replied, going to the range. After spending all day at the range, I finally exhaled in relief when I saw the system message.


Congratulations, Master, thanks to your diligent training Chakra Control + 1%.

"Now for sure my control will be enough to perform the Chakra Scalpel technique, finally I'll have the first attack technique in my hands" I thought, on my way to Orochimaru's lab. On the way, I stopped for a bite to eat at Ichiraku.

In Orochimaru's lab.

There were two people in the dark room, one of whom was passionately explaining to the other how to use the equipment. "Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog," Orochimaru spoke, slowly folding the hand seals. "This isn't our first training session, your control has grown enough, so hopefully you can execute the technique without any problems," Orochimaru said, waiting for me to execute the technique. I quickly pulled myself together and began to put together the hand seals required for the technique.

"Tiger → Horse → Rabbit → Rat → Dog" I mentally said as I completed the last seal, my hands quickly beginning to be covered in a layer of chakra. "Yeah, it worked," I said aloud, feeling my chakra reserves sink in. Looking at my hands, I saw a dark red chakra covering them. "Looks like a secondary effect of the Evil Chakra skill," I thought as I continued to look at my hands.


Congratulations, Master, on learning the "Chakra Scalpel" technique.

"Chakra Scalpel" - the cost of using 400 chakra. Irienjutsu technique for making precise internal incisions, without creating an open wound. This technique can also be used as an attack. But it requires greater precision. As the level increases, the amount of chakra required decreases.

"Congratulations, Akuma," Orochimaru said. "Thank you, Orochimaru-sensei, without your training it wouldn't have been possible." - Akuma replied modestly.

-Using a technique is one thing, but applying it in combat is another. Also, the chakra scalpel was originally a surgical jutsu, so you'll need a lot of training to be able to safely use this technique in combat. Let's not put it off. Attack! - Orochimaru said, applying the same technique. After 30 minutes of sparring with Orochimaru, my chakra reserves ran out completely, causing my training to be over for the day. "Practice using this technique on trees. This technique has the properties of space, albeit very small. It allows it to cut through obstacles... Be careful on your way home, Akuma," Orochimaru said as he disappeared with Shunshin's help. After restoring my chakra supply in the lab, I headed home. My small apartment was at the very edge of the village, so it took a long time to get there.

-Is that him? - asked one unknown guy to another.

-It's definitely him. He fits his description perfectly. Come on, we have a job to do for the village. - The second man said. On their heads was an armband with the emblem of the sand village.

A few minutes later

-Did you find the right man? - the third guy asked. "Yes, we did," replied the other two together. "Good, we'll keep surveillance until he stays in a completely deserted place and organize an attack." - The chief of the three genii commanded. After waiting for the right time, when Akuma was alone the three men quickly descended and surrounded him. "An attack? But by whom? Danzo was dealt with by Hiruzen, my teacher is Orochimaru, one of the three Sannin of Konoha, a disciple of Hiruzen. Who has the guts to attack me? Another village? Found out about my talent and decided to take out the target before it got too strong. There's nowhere to run.""Eye of Truth!" - Akuma used his new ability




Age: 7

Power: 17





Chakra Control:12%




Age: 7 years

Power: 15





Chakra Control:10%




Age: 8 years

Strength: 20





Chakra Control:15%


Created quest "Survive the Attack".

Reward: +5 to Dexterity, +50 to Chakra.

Loser: Death.

"Two of them are weaker than me, but the third is a strong threat, one on one I could still handle him, but when I'm attacked by three at once... Okay, let's try to fight, I hope they don't know any techniques other than academic." Akuma threw the three shurikens hidden in his sleeve, making a flip leap. Two of the attackers dodged, but the weakest of them could not, and the shuriken hit him in the shoulder. He quickly pulled it out, clenching his jaw with intense pain. The other two made clones and went to attack Akuma with kunai in their hands. Akuma created two clones to deal with the clones of these two, while he himself applied the Thread of Sin to the wounded man. The one felt intense anger and hatred and, ignoring the wound and his comrades, went into attacks on Akuma without even creating clones. "What are you doing, Sanke?" the other two shouted. Akuma, taking advantage of the situation, applied the illusion of paralysis on the strongest one, immobilizing him for a while. In that short period of time, Akuma gave several deep jabs to the vital organs of the guy who was mindlessly attacking him. "He'll die of blood loss himself," Akuma thought, switching to the other attacker. At that moment, the strongest of them broke free from the genjutsu. Two began to attack Akuma together, while the third stopped showing signs of life. Akuma, because of his extensive combat experience, was able to dodge many of the blows, but the cuts were increasingly appearing on his body. "Fuck... At this rate I'm going to die" thought Akuma, parrying the enemy's kunai with his own. Jumping back far enough, he threw the remaining senbons at the enemies, they quickly dodged, but the distance between them increased, then Akuma used the Chakra Scalpel and quickly ran at the enemy closest to him, creating two more clones to distract the strongest one. The enemy tried to fight off Akuma's blows with his kunai, but when the chakra-covered hand went across his face horizontally, the attacker abruptly lost his sight. Chakra's scalpel cut the eye nerves, robbing the latter of his sight. Taking advantage of the situation, Akuma quickly attacked the user's body, hoping that one of the attacks would hit internal organs rather than muscles, seeing that the enemy vomited blood, he realized that internal organs were affected. "One last one left," thought an already badly tired Akuma. By this point two of his clones had been dispersed and the enemy went on the attack, creating clones and using a swapping technique to switch places with one of the clones. At one point the attacker moved away from Akuma and a mud clone appeared next to him. "Mud clone," thought Akuma, who now had to fight two enemies. Creating his own clones to fight him. When one dispersed, he created the other, lucky enough to have enough chakra. Akuma traded blows with his attacker, each began to feel intense pain. Akuma began to lose a lot of blood from the cuts. And the attacker had a lot of muscles cut, causing one arm to stop functioning. After the enemy had one working arm left, Akuma exhaled because he would no longer be able to use techniques. Gathering the last of his strength, and trying not to lose consciousness due to blood loss, Akuma grabbed the latter by the throat, quickly slashing it with his other hand.At the same moment, the mud clone scattered. Seeing that the danger was neutralized, Akuma lost consciousness...

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