
Villain By Circumstances

Villainy is gained through two ways, it is either passed down through genetics or by the circumstances a person is in. I am the example of the latter. Circumstances compelled me to be evil, to sustain myself, to sustain others I love. Luckily I had the variant powers of darkness to make me stronger. Read the story to see how Ende Artim rises to the peak to live a happy live and to succeed in his revenge. discord: https://discord.gg/jaTsyhdk7C

Negative_Artim · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The beginning

~~Five years before the hero summoning~~

In the castle of the duke.


Sounds of thunder rang all around as it rained aggressively. Many explosions were going off in the area but they were still drowned out by the sound created by the rain and thunder.

Young man: "It was really difficult to orchestrate the plan of the downfall of the Artim duke house but after so much hard work and perseverance we were finally able to accomplish it."

The young man said as he walked towards a severely injured handsome black haired middle aged man who was lying on the floor with a big sword wound on the chest. The middle aged man was breathing heavily as he was tired and wounded but the determination in his eyes hadn't diminished one bit as he had something he wanted to protect dear to him at all cost, it didn't matter to him if he were to die today all he wanted to do was to save his son and daughter from the hands of the snakes who have eyed his wealth and power.

Young man: "I am almost done here take the rest of the soldiers and search for every important thing you can find in the castle, leave no stones unturned and don't forget to capture the direct descendants of the Artim duke house heard his daughter is a real beauty."

The young man shouted towards his loyal servant. The moment his family was mentioned the eyes of the middle aged man became fierce and many negative thoughts went through his mind. He felt helpless and frustrated because of his weakness.

Middle aged man: "I won't let you succeed in your endeavors!"

The middle aged man said and leaped towards the young man with his sword. The young man thought this was the middle aged mans final attempt at doing some damage to his so he deflected the attack with all he got only to realize that there was not put into the sword strike and before he could react the middle aged man put his left hand on the throat of the young man and squeezing it with all the force he could muster. The young man regained his composure in a few seconds and started applying pressure to the hand grabbing his throat. After sometime the surrounding started getting hot and the qi in the surroundings started to get chaotic.

For the first time there was another expression in the eyes of the young man other than ridicule, lust and pride; it was fear. He felt this fear because he caught onto what the middle aged man was trying to do.

Young man: "Are you crazy, do you really want to blow everything in our surroundings up?! This will not only blow us but also everyone in the castle with us! Do you really want blow your son and daughter!!!"

Middle aged man: "My direct family members are mostly dead as they were assassinated just before your attack or have died in the current battle. The only ones alive are, are my son and daughter who unfortunately for you are not in this castle. I know I will die in this fight so I'm going to take your army and you to hell with me! GUHAHAHA!!!"

Young man: "Old man you must've gone ma-"

Before the young man could even finish his words the explosion initiated and took with it everything in the radius of 5 km.

~~After 1 hour all the dust from the explosion calmed down

It may have been the residual energy manifesting for some time due to strong intent or the soul manifestation just before going into river of reincarnation just after death but the illusion of the middle aged man got created on the spot where he died. He looked towards the north where capital of the Zeclyd kingdom(the kingdom where his dukedom is present in) was located.

Middle aged man: "Son I leave the responsibility of taking care of my daughter and your sister to you. I hope you use treasure left behind by our ancestors to get strong to protect yourself and your sister. Don't get yourself into the unreturnable road that is revenge and forget about everything you currently have and love. I wish you luck in your future journey. Oh I so wish I could've seen your and your sisters growth"

As he said his last words the illusion of the middle aged man smiled, closed his eyes and faded away never to be seen again.